This annual report covers the period from 1 April to 31 December 2015. The Academy will report on a calendar-year basis in the future.
Strategic plan
Consistent with our new Strategic Plan for 2015-2020, the activities of the Academy this year have been focused on five strategic themes, underpinned by a commitment to operational excellence.
Excellence in science—championing, celebrating and supporting excellence in Australian science
International engagement—promoting Australia's international scientific engagement
Scientific literacy—building public awareness and understanding of science
Influential voice—providing independent, authoritative and influential scientific advice
Operational excellence—being an effective and efficient organisation that supports and values its staff
The Academy is a Fellowship of the nation’s most distinguished scientists, elected by their peers for outstanding research that has pushed back the frontiers of knowledge. Fellows are eminent by reason of their attainments in natural science. Normally 20 Fellows are elected to the Academy each year, one specially elected (for conspicuous service to science) and up to two Corresponding Members (international Fellows).
New Fellows
21 new Fellows, including one by special election, from a wide range of disciplines were elected to the Academy.
Martin Asplund FAAAstronomy
Martin Asplund’s work in solar and stellar physics has changed the way in which we approach atomic and nuclear physics and a wide range of astrophysics, from planetary science and stellar physics through to Galactic archaeology and cosmology.
Peter Bartlett FAAStatistics
Peter Bartlett is a pioneer at the interface of computer science and statistics, with a focus on the science behind large, complex statistical decision problems. He has created the theoretical foundations for many key advances in statistical machine learning.
Christine Beveridge FAAPlant biology
Christine Beveridge is a world leader on the hormonal control of plant development, discovering a new hormone and demonstrating how shoot architecture, which underpins the yield, productivity and value of crops, trees and shrubs, is controlled.
Jenefer Blackwell FAAGenetic epidemiology
Jenefer Blackwell is distinguished for her scientific achievements in the study of neglected tropical diseases, in particular her work on visceral leishmaniasis, which is leading to innovative new vaccines.
Christine Charles FAAPlasma physics
Christine Charles’ research on ion acceleration in expanding magnetised plasmas has led to a new generation of space engines and created two new sub-fields of physics.
Susan Clark FAACancer epigenetics
Susan Clark is a leading epigenetic cancer researcher whose DNA methylation and histone modification sequencing technologies have revolutionised the field of epigenetics and led to better outcomes for cancer patients.
Maria Forsyth FAAPhysical chemistry
Maria Forsyth is a world leader in developing advanced materials for new energy and infrastructure technologies, including fuel cells, battery designs and new ways to prevent corrosion.
Julian Gale FAAComputational chemistry
Julian Gale is a theoretical chemist whose work in the kinetics and mechanisms of crystallisation processes in materials science, mineralogy, and geochemistry has become the basis for one of the most widely used commercial packages in his field.
Edward Holmes FAAEvolutionary epidemiology
Eddie Holmes is a world-leading authority on viral evolution who has transformed how we assess what types of viruses, and from which animal species, are most likely to emerge in human populations, and how they will evolve in response to our attempts to control them.
Wendy Hoy AO FAAClinical epidemiology
Wendy Hoy is recognised internationally for her research into kidney disease, which has transformed Aboriginal health services, saved lives, reduced the need for dialysis and supported the development of early intervention programs globally.
William Laurance FAAEnvironmental biology
Bill Laurance is a world-leading conservation ecologist of tropical forests and their biodiversity, who has made a remarkable array of important scientific findings on the effects of habitat fragmentation, logging, fires, climate change and exotic pathogens on tropical ecosystems.
Geoffrey McLachlan FAAStatistics
Geoff McLachlan’s pioneering work in mixture models has been especially influential, from inference and clustering and error-rate estimation for classifiers, to new techniques in analysing gene expression data.
Michael McLaughlin FAA FTSEAgricultural science
Mike McLaughlin is a leader in developing and evaluating fertiliser technologies and developing biosolid re-use, whose approach to assessing contamination risk has been adopted around the world.
Helene Marsh FAA FTSEMarine biology
Helene Marsh is the world’s premier authority on the ecology and conservation biology of dugongs, and she has been instrumental in advancing scientific understanding of marine megafauna and management of coastal marine mammals.
Linda Richards FAANeuroscience
Linda Richards is a leading developmental neurobiologist whose discoveries have defined the fundamental mechanisms regulating the wiring of neuronal connections between the two hemispheres of the brain.
Malcolm Sambridge FAASeismology
Malcolm Sambridge’s new mathematical approaches to analysing complex geophysical data have fundamentally altered the way in which we understand the Earth and it’s internal processes.
Ian Small FAAPlant biology
Ian Small has discovered a new mechanism that controls the production of proteins in plant organelles, which shows great promise in modifying specific RNA sequences and specific genes in all living species.
San Thang FAA FTSEPolymer chemistry
San Thang is a research innovator in polymer and materials science and a leading expert in the field of radical chemistry, with several key innovations to his name, including the hugely successful RAFT process.
Carola Vinuesa FAAImmunology
Carola Vinuesa has revealed how our immune system produces high quality, long lasting antibody responses, which is leading to new approaches to treating diseases such as lupus and type-1 diabetes.
Michael Waters FAADevelopmental biology
Michael Waters uncovered a new paradigm in cytokine receptor signalling, was the first to purify, characterise and clone the growth hormone receptor, and has developed new physiologies of growth hormone action, including its role in activating neural stem cells in response to exercise.
Ziggy Switkowski AO FAA FTSENuclear physics and corporate leadership
Ziggy Switkowski is a trained nuclear physicist and a respected leader in innovation and business, who has advocated at the highest levels for technology, science and academia. Dr Switkowski was specially elected by the Fellowship.
Jillian Banfield is distinguished for her research on natural nanomaterials, including clays, microbiology and biogeochemical cycling in subsurface environments, bioremediation and the human microbiome.
Professor Rao is one of the world leaders in the area of solid state and materials chemistry, including transition metal oxides, superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, multiferroics, and nanocarbons and their analogues.
Six Fellows and one Corresponding Member passed away. Their achievements enhanced the global store of scientific knowledge and understanding, and their participation in the life of the Academy will be greatly missed.
(from left) Professor C. Jagadish, elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (USA) and recipient of awards for nanotechnology and engineering; Professor Michael Goddard, elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society; Professor Suzanne O’Reilly, recipient of a citation award for earth sciences; Professor Carola Vinuesa, recipient of an award for excellence in biomedical research; and Professor Victor Flambaum, recipient of a prize for excellence in mathematics, earth sciences, chemistry and physics.
15 received international science awards
6 elected to international science academies
1 elected to another Australian learned academy
2 received Queen’s Birthday Honours
2 received Prime Minister’s Prizes for science and for innovation
3 received NSW Premier’s Prizes for Science, including 1 NSW Scientist of the Year
3 received Eureka Prizes
7 received Thomas Reuters Citation Awards
2 received science medals
1 received AFR Australian Business Person of the Year
Regional groups
The Academy's regional groups are state-based, with a chair appointed to each group by Council. The groups meet and hold events as desired.
Canberra region Fellows met on 6 May and discussed Academy business, including the future of the Academy’s library and collections in preparation for the AGM in May. It also discussed and the Defence Trade Control Act and its effects on Australian science, the Chief Scientist’s statement on the economic value of science, and the Academy’s call for a national conversation about Australia’s future.
In November the Canberra region held an informal dinner attended by 26 Fellows and partners. Isobel Griffin, the Academy's Manager, Development and Stewardship, gave an address at the dinner.
The Queensland regional group was delighted to welcome eight new Fellows to their ranks in 2015, an unprecedented level of representation for Queensland, reflecting the continued development of science in the state. The year also marked the retirement of Academy Fellow Professor Perry Bartlett from the University of Queensland, who has been a great advocate for Queensland science for all disciplines, and neuroscience in particular.
South Australia
The main activity during 2015 related to an initiative by EMCR Dr Pallave Dasari (University of Adelaide) and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE) to establish ‘Science Meets Parliament SA’. The aim is to raise science awareness with state parliamentarians around areas that are relevant to the state’s economy. Professor Bob Vincent represents the Academy on the stakeholder steering committee, which includes SA universities, the SA Chief Scientist, industry partners, the learned academies and MPs from both sides of politics. A sequence of meetings with parliamentarians has been scheduled, with the first meeting held in October in Old Parliament House with the topic ‘Can STEM save South Australia?’ Information and material on the Academy’s activities in this area including Primary Connections, Science by Doing and Mathematics by Inquiry were presented as part of the proceedings. Feedback from MPs and staffers was very positive about the event.
The annual New Fellows’ and Medalists’ Symposium was held on 9 July at the Brain Centre of the University of Melbourne. The first of this year’s New Fellows, elected by Special Election, was Professor Ziggy Switkowski, Chancellor of RMIT and Chairman of NBNCo, who spoke on the ‘NBN and the Digital Economy’. The next speaker was recently elected Fellow Professor San Thang, a highly distinguished and internationally recognised polymer chemist who is an adjunct Professor at Monash University. Professor Thang spoke on ‘Making Better Polymers’. Unfortunately the next speaker, recently-elected Fellow Professor Marian Forsythe from Deakin University, was unable to attend so her talk on ‘Materials for Advanced Energy Storage’ was presented, using her slides, by the evening’s Chairman, Tony Klein.
There followed talks by a group of distinguished medal winners:
Professor Michael Cowley, winner of the Academy's inaugural Jacques Miller Medal, on ‘How Does Obesity Cause Hypertenion?’. Professor Cowley leads the Obesity and Diabetes Institute at Monash University.
Dr Peter Czabotar, winner of the Academy's 2014 Gottschalk Medal, on ‘The Mechanism of Cell Death’. Dr Czabotar is at the Structural Biology Division of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.
Associate Professor Spencer Williams, winner of the Syme Prize, awarded annually by the Faculty of Science of the University of Melbourne. A/Professor Williams is at the Bio21 Institute of the University of Melbourne.
The symposium was followed by cocktails and dinner at University House.
The very well attended combined Academies’ dinner, organised this year by ATSE, was held in August. The after-dinner speaker was Professor Jeffrey Rosenfeld, Director the Monash Institute of Medical Engineering and Senior Neurosurgeon at Melbourne’s Alfred Hospital, who spoke on ‘The direct machine-mind connection: a new paradigm for human evolution’. The audience included quite a few Fellows of the recently formed Academy of Medical and Health Sciences.
The annual Christmas dinner was held in late November, and included members of the Academy's Executive Committee.
Academy awards
34 talks and lectures conducted by award recipients
382 participants of Academy-supported research conferences
20 scientists given funding to support research, travel and conferences
Through the generosity of Fellows, their families and colleagues, and like-minded individuals and organisations, the Academy presents a range of honorific awards, research grants and travelling fellowships each year. These awards celebrate and raise awareness of the achievements of both the person after whom they are named and the recipients, and contribute towards the advancement of science in many fields of research.
2015 honorific lectures and talks
34 talks and lectures funded by the Academy’s travelling fellowship and honorific lecture awards took place in 6 states at 14 different venues including 12 universities, with a total of 1500+ attendees.
The 2016 awards were announced in November 2015 and most will be presented at the Academy’s annual celebratory event, Science at the Shine Dome, in May 2016.
32 institutions signed up to take part in the Athena Swan pilot
100 people attended the SAGE launch at Parliament House
32 site visits made by SAGE program manager
The Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) pilot of the Athena SWAN Charter was launched on 16 September at Parliament House in Canberra.
This ambitious project is a joint venture of the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering. It aims to achieve a step change in career prospects and career progression for Australian women and minority gender groups in science through a comprehensive accreditation and quality improvement framework called the Athena SWAN Charter, developed over the past 10 years in the UK. More than half of Australia’s universities have signed up to the three-year Australian pilot, as have five Medical Research Institutes, the CSIRO and the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO).
50 scientific societies and organisations represented by members
14 submissions made to 7 consultations
The Academy has 22 National Committees for Science that are widely representative of its disciplines. The broad aims of the committees are to foster a designated branch or theme of natural science in Australia and to serve as links between Australian and overseas scientists in the same field. National Committees advise the Academy’s Council on Australia’s representation for the unions and multidisciplinary bodies of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and other international bodies.
Australian Society of Cell and Developmental Biology
Australian Society of Plant Scientists
Society for Reproductive Biology
Stem Cells Australian
Society for Vascular Research
Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association
Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand (SCANZ)
Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society
Australian Institute of Physics
Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA)
Asia-Pacific Microscopy Society
Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering Association (AONSA)
Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR)
Data in Science
Australian National Data Service (ANDS)
Research Data Storage Infrastructure (RDSI)
National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources (NeCTAR)
Earth Sciences
Australian Geoscience Council
Geological Society of Australia
Geoscience Australia
Earth System Science
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Association (AMOS)
Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
Aust Marine Sciences Assoc
Aust Soc Microbiology
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria
Ecological Society of Australia
Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
Academy of Social Sciences in Australia
Australian Geography Teachers Association
Australian Institute of Geographers
Institute of Australian Geographers
Royal Geographical Society of Queensland
Royal Geographical Society of South Australia
History and Philosophy of Science
Australasian Association for the History
Philosophy and Social Studies of Science
Information and Communication Sciences
Computing, Research & Education (CORE)
Australian Computer Society
Australian Telecommunications Society
Engineers Australia
Materials Science and Engineering
Australian Ceramic Society
Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Research Facility
Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society
Australian Nanotechnology Network
Australian National Fabrication Facility
Association of Molecular Modellers of Australasia
Australian Vacuum Society
Australian X-Ray Analytics Association
Materials Australia
National Computational Infrastructure
Pawsey Super Computing Centre
Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand
Mathematical Sciences
Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers
Australian Council of Heads of Mathematical Sciences
Australian Mathematical Society
Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute
Australian Mathematics Trust
Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia Incorporated
Statistical Society of Australia Incorporated
Mechanical and Engineering Sciences
Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society
Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Australian Association of Computational Mechanics
Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics
Group of Eight Engineering Deans
Institution of Engineers Australia
Australian Institute of Physics
Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine
Australian Optical Society
National Committee highlights
Launch of Decadal plan for Australian astronomy 2016-2025
‘Australia in the era of global astronomy: The decadal plan for Australian astronomy 2016–2025’ was launched in July and presents the strategic vision for Australian astronomy for the next decade. The plan follows the success of the astronomy community’s 2006 plan and presents the community’s vision to stakeholders outside the research sector, including the Australian Government and industrial and research partners nationally and internationally.
The Academy and the Australian Geoscience Council jointly launched the inaugural 34th International Geological Congress (IGC) Travel Grant Scheme for Early-Career Australian and New Zealand Geoscientists. The fund was established with the proceeds of the highly successful congress held in Brisbane in 2012, and provides support for Australian and New Zealand early-career geoscientists to travel internationally to further their careers.
The Academy’s National Committee for Earth Sciences co-administers the IGC Travel Grant Scheme together with the Australian Geoscience Council.
The National Committee for Data in Science and the Australian National Data Service held 2 meetings with the President and Executive Director of the International Council for Science’s Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA), in June and October 2015. The meetings considered:
global trends associated with the citation of data in scientific publications
key challenges facing Australia and how to prioritise a way forward.
International Year of Light
2015 was the UNESCO International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies. The Academy celebrated by hosting a public lecture together with Questacon: Lasers can do anything!
Australian activities were coordinated by an organising committee chaired by National Committee for Physics member Professor Ken Baldwin.
International links supported by National Committees
32 number of international organisations the Academy is a member of
The International Council for Science (ICSU) is a non-government organisation with 48 scientific and interdisciplinary bodies with a global membership representing 140 countries. Academy Fellow Professor David Black is ICSU’s current Secretary-General, and the Academy is Australia’s adhering body to ICSU.
The Academy meets its ICSU responsibilities with the help of the National Committees for Science, providing Australia with global science credibility and influence through representation on executive boards of ICSU organisations and in their subcommittees and task groups. In this way Australian scientists contribute to international science policy and strategic planning.
Member of ICSU and 31 international organisations, including 20 scientific unions and 11 interdisciplinary bodies
27 executive positions held in 2015
6 nominations to executive positions of international bodies
Approximately 390 Australians on subcommittees and taskforces
19 Australian voting delegates attended 8 union general assemblies
International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI)
Professor Cheryl Praeger FAA
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
Professor Jean Palutikof
International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS)
Professor John Buckeridge
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
Professor Mitchell Guss
International Union of History and Philosophy of Science / Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS / DLMPS)
Professor Cliff Hooker
Second Vice-President
International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS)
Professor Alan Baxter
Professor Nicholas King
International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB)
Professor Cris G Dos Remedios
Secretary General
International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR)
Dr John Miners
Professor David LeCouteur
Secretary - Division on Clinical Pharmacology
Professor Kathie Knights
Internal Auditor
International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
Professor Bruce McKellar FAA
International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS)
Professor Caroline McMillen
Council Member
International Union of Microbiological Societies
Professor Paul Young
Vice Chair Virology Division
International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
Professor Phil Wilkinson
Past President
World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
Dr Helen Cleugh
Member (2015 – 2018)
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB)
Dr. Janet Macaulay
Chair of the Committee for Education and Training
International Geographical Union (IGU)
Professor Iain Hay
Vice President
Australian voting delegates for international scientific unions
National Committee
International Astronomical Union
3 August – 14 August 2015
Professor Carole Jackson
Emeritus Professor Andrew Hopkins
Professor Stuart Wyithe
Earth Sciences
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
22 June – 2 July 2015
Professor Ian Allison AO AAM
Dr Chris White
Professor Ian Jackson
Professor Chris Rizos
Dr Tom Beer
Emeritus Professor Ray Cas
Professor Iver Cairns
Dr Susan Wijffels
History and Philosophy of Science
International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology – Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology
3 August – 8 August 2015
Helsinki, Finland
Professor Rachel Ankeny
Mechanical and Engineering Sciences
International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science
25 October – 30 October 2015
Taipei, China
Professor Ross McAree
Earth Sciences
International Union for Quaternary Research
26 July – 2 August 2015
Nagoya, Japan
Dr Jessica Reeves
International Union of Biological Science
14 December – 16 December 2015
Berlin, Germany
Professor John Buckeridge
Biomedical Sciences
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
24 August – 28 August 2015
A/ Professor Janet McCaulay
Emeritus Professor Philip Nagley AM
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
7 August – 13 August 2015
Professor Mary Garson
Emeritus Professor Brynn Hibbert
Early- and mid-career researchers
234 EMCRs attended EMCR Forum events
35 EMCRs supported by the Academy to develop their research
180+ EMCRs attended Academy events
The Academy supports early- and mid-career researchers (EMCRs) by holding inter-disciplinary events designed to stimulate innovative thinking about future developments and applications of science, and through the EMCR Forum.
EMCR Forum
The Australian Early- and Mid-Career Researcher forum (the forum) is the national voice of Australia's emerging scientists, representing researchers who are up to 15 years post-PhD (or other research higher degree), irrespective of their professional appointment.
4 EMCR engagement events run by the Forum in Adelaide, Hobart, Sydney and Perth, attended by 234 people, including Science Pathways 2015 on effective science communication for EMCRs
11 Early Career Fellowships for the France–Australia Science Innovation Collaboration (FASIC) program (3 funded by the Rod Rickards Fund) awarded
6 EMCRs attended Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) HOPE meeting
12 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships awarded
4 Australia – United States research collaboration projects selected
1 nomination to the APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE) 2015
1 visit to the National Institutes of Health in the USA by an ECR (Adam J Berry Fund) awarded
Academy events supporting EMCRs:
130 EMCRs attended Theo Murphy High-Flyers Think Tank and Frontiers of Science events, both supported by the Theo Murphy (Australia) Fund, courtesy of the Royal Society of London
106 Australian researchers supported to travel overseas
63 international researchers supported to travel to Australia
14 countries visited by researchers supported by the Academy
The Academy has a long history of working successfully with overseas counterpart organisations to increase collaborations between Australian and overseas researchers. This year, the Academy administered a number of international exchange programs and activities around the world.
Interactive map: Australian and overseas researchers supported by the Academy to travel internationally
Australian researchers supported to travel overseas
Country visited
Number of researchers
Czech Republic
South Korea
International researchers supported to travel to Australia
Country of origin
Number of researchers
Multilateral engagement
Academy President Professor Andrew Holmes represents the Academy on the board of the InterAcademy Council (IAC). Professor Holmes and Academy Foreign Secretary Professor Cheryl Praeger participated in the joint session of the InterAcademy Partnership and the InterAcademy Medical Panel executive committees and the IAC board in New Delhi, India, in September. The meeting provided an opportunity to strengthen links and networks within academies.
The Academy engages with overseas science academies, international scientific organisations and foreign embassies in Canberra, as well as Australian embassies abroad to identify areas of mutual scientific interest and to foster opportunities for collaboration. This year, Academy Foreign Secretary Professor Cheryl Praeger, or her representative, met with embassy officials and international scientists from a range of countries, including:
Ambassador Sem Fabrizi of the European Union
the incoming Australian Ambassador to Mexico Dr David Engel
incoming Australian Ambassador to Brazil Mr John Richardson
Dr Gisella Orjeda, President of the Consultative Commission on Science, Technology and Innovation of Peru and a member of the Peruvian Academy of Science
Professor Sangkot Marzuki, President, Indonesian Academy of Sciences
Ms Sawa Koyama, Deputy Head, Bilateral Cooperation Division, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
Scientific literacy
School programs
Year 6 students exploring science with the Primary Connections’ unit ‘Change Detectives’. Photos: Daniel Hall
The Academy is committed to promoting science and mathematics education as a contribution to informed citizenship and to encourage young people to prepare for the many careers based on science and technology in the future. In close consultation with state and territory education sectors and education experts, the Academy is actively involved in the implementation of the national science and mathematics curricula through the development of inquiry-based resources that stimulate student interest and enhance learning, and through professional learning to improve teacher confidence and quality.
The Academy’s school education programs have been made possible through Australian Government funding. Primary Connections also enjoys the generous support of donors and sponsors.
Primary Connections
54 workshops conducted for teachers and teachers-in-training
24 teachers who received bursaries to attend workshops
6 interactive teaching resources
The Academy’s Primary Connections program pairs curriculum resources with professional learning for the teaching of science in primary schools, supported by Australian Government funding of $14.7 million since 2006. The program boosts the confidence of primary school teachers, encourages young students’ natural interest in science, and develops students’ mathematical and communication skills. This year, with support from government, sponsors and donors, Primary Connections has significantly expanded its reach into rural and remote Australia, and has increased the focus on training university undergraduates who are studying to become primary school teachers.
The Primary Connections resource, ‘Feathers, fur or leaves’ won best Interactive Teaching Resource in both the Primary Teaching Resource and Outstanding Digital Resource categories of the 2015 Educational Publishing Awards.
The Academy was also invited to showcase Primary Connections to the international school STEM education community at a science teaching conference hosted by the Mexican Academy of Science in November.
40% Australian high school teachers registered with Science by Doing
8 professional learning workshops conducted for teachers across Australia
2 million hits per month on the Science by Doing website
Science by Doing is an innovative online science program developed by the Academy and supported by $10.3 million in funding since 2010 from the Australian Government. It consists of digital curriculum units for students in Years 7 to 10, designed to engage and excite them in their science learning.
The Science by Doing professional learning approach supports teams of teachers working together in schools to improve student learning. It is underpinned by four important components: professional learning resources, curriculum resources, leadership, and general support.
10,000 teachers were registered with Science by Doing by end December, representing 40% of all Australian high school science teachers
30,000 teachers, students and parents registered with Sciency by Doing during the reporting period, nearly doubling the previous number
The Science by Doing website averaged 2million hits* per month
4 new curriculum units, including one on how to use Science by Doing resources
8 professional learning workshops for teachers in Tasmania, South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia
4 presentations at national conferences
*Hits measure total interaction with a website and are recorded for each file that is accessed during a visit. They cannot be compared to visit numbers.
The four new curriculum units are:
Introduction to Science by Doing
Year 8: Rock your world
Year 9: Chemical reactions—Big systems
Year 10: Chemical patterns—Evolution and heredity; Motion and energy transfer
There is now a complete set of all the curriculum units needed for years 7 to 10 freely available for Australian teachers and students.
In October, the Academy was awarded $6.4 million over three years by the Australian Government in a successful competitive tender process to develop a school mathematics program. Known as reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry, this bold new national program is designed to increase the engagement and achievement of Australian primary and secondary students through innovative approaches to teaching.
Overseen by a committee led by internationally-recognised mathematician and Academy Council member Professor Cheryl Praeger AM FAA, reSolve is managed by the Academy in collaboration with the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers.
Science outreach
Media and social media
Academy mentions in the media: 2,559
Media releases distributed: 26
News articles on website: 54
Case study
In May, the Academy and the Australian Medical Association jointly launched a report from the 2014 Theo Murphy Think Tank warning about the risks that climate change poses to human health. This resulted in 266 media stories by outlets including the ABC, Fairfax and NewsCorp (41 broadcast, 225 print/online).
Some of the media outlets that featured the Academy or its activities
Growth in social media
Nova: science for curious minds
43 science topics published on the redeveloped outreach website, Nova
The original Nova—one of the first science explainer websites in the world—was established in the 1990s as an online public education program of the Australian Academy of Science. Thanks to a gift from Telstra in 2014, the website underwent a major redevelopment and was launched as Nova: science for curious minds on 30 June 2015. In the six months after launch, Nova built a solid reputation based on strong science and accessible communication.
65 of Australia’s best scientists, including 24 Academy Fellows, reviewed topics—which is a major point of difference to other science websites.
Designed by Melbourne company Webplace, Nova was shortlisted for a 2015 Australian Graphic Design Association Award. 3 animated YouTube science videos produced by German company Kurzgesagt in collaboration with the Academy received nearly 3 million views and sparked international interest in Nova.
Scientists come in all shapes and sizes and the Academy’s Brain Box videos introduce the brains behind the science. This year the Academy published 6 Brain Box videos.
Brain Box interview with astrophysicist Professor Tamara Davis
Academy website
The Academy website received a makeover with a fresher, more modern look and improved navigation. It’s not all cosmetic; behind-the-scenes work made the site perform better on both desktop and mobile devices.
Number of visits: 292,000
3 most popular pages
Climate change
Science by Doing
2,282 people who attended public Academy events
$64k revenue from the hire of the Shine Dome
53 speakers at Academy events
During the year, the Academy held events for scientists and the public in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart and Canberra, on science as diverse as data, stem cells, forensics, climate change, pain, new materials, epigenetics, quantum computing, astrophysics and artificial intelligence.
Academy events
Number of people who attended public events: 2282
Number of public events: 11
Number of speakers: 53
Number of YouTube views of public events: 26,000
Number of people who attended all events at the Shine Dome: 10,407
Revenue from facilities, events and sponsorships
The Shine Dome was hired for a total of 64.5 days, with 76% external and 24% Academy.
2015 public speaker series sponsors:
Series Wine Sponsor—Jirra Wines at Jeir Station
May Travel Sponsor—CAASTRO
August Entertainment Sponsor—CUDOS
October Co-Sponsor—CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship
Historical Records of Australian Science
The Historical Records of Australian Science (HRAS) is a journal published bi-anually by CSIRO Publishing on behalf of the Academy. This year, for the first time, HRAS was published fully online, widening its accessibility and reducing production costs. Fellows have free access to the online version via the Fellow’s section of the Academy website, and hard copies can be ordered from CSIRO Publishing for $110 per year (both editions).
institutional subscribers: 83
downloads: 11,631
historical articles: 8
biographical memoirs: 4
reviews: 21
Australian journals of scientific research
The Academy and CSIRO jointly publish 13 Australian journals of scientific research. The journals:
cover a wide range of chemistry, biology, soil, wildlife and agricultural production research
have subscribers in 90 countries
are free for scientists in more than 100 developing nations through the UN Research4Life programme.
During 2015, more than 1.1 million articles from the 13 journals were downloaded. The journals published 113 issues comprising 13,743 pages.
The Academy’s Council closed the Basser Library and Fenner Archives for one year from 1 July 2015 to enable consideration of how best to manage the holdings into the future. Access was maintained for biographers writing for Historical Records of Australian Science, and for recipients of the Moran Award for history of science research. The Council established a taskforce, made up of Fellows and experts in archives and the history of science, to conduct a comprehensive assessment and provide recommendations to Council by mid-2016.
Influential voice
100 sector representatives and parliamentarians in attendance at the SAGE pilot launch
11 submissions and responses made to government
2 events hosted by Parliamentary Friends of Science
Drawing on the expertise of Fellows and the National Committees for Science, the Academy made 11submissions and responses to government consultations, reviews and inquiries, including on the role of ICT in infrastructure, the regulation of autologous stem cell therapies, Australia’s Antarctic program, greenhouse gas emissions targets, international education, and research policy and funding.
The Academy also published 3position statements on science priorities for Australian innovation, freedom and responsible practice of science, and the long-term sustainability plan for the Great Barrier Reef.
A number of the Academy’s submissions and statements have had a positive impact. Submissions to inquiries into the Gene Technology Amendment Bill 2015 and the capability of the Defence Department’s physical science and engineering workforce were both extensively referenced in the final reports. The Academy’s contributions on setting a post-2020 target for greenhouse gas emissions and the draft Reef 2050 plan led to invitations to participate in Ministerial roundtables to provide further expert advice.
Parliamentary Friends of Science
The Australian Academy of Science held two events for Parliamentary Friends of Science. Sponsored by co-chairs the Hon Karen Andrews MP, Assistant Minister for Science, and the Hon Richard Marles MP, Shadow Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, this bipartisan group engages interested members of federal parliament in discussions about science.
The Academy’s National Committee for Astronomy launched its new decadal plan for 2016–25 at a Parliamentary Friends of Science event organised by Science and Technology Australia. There was a panel discussion on the new search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (SETI) program, with 10 members of parliament attending.
Parliamentary Friends of Science, together with the Parliamentary Friends of Women in Science, Mathematics and Engineering, jointly hosted the launch of the SAGE pilot of the Athena SWAN program, attracting a capacity crowd of almost 100 representatives and parliamentarians.
The Hon Karen Andrews MP and the Hon Richard Marles MP
National Innovation and Research Alliance
Members of the National Innovation and Research Alliance (formerly the National Research Alliance), co-convened by the Academy and Science & Technology Australia, met twice during the year: once in March to agree on a series of actions urging the government to provide certainty of funding for the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme (NCRIS); and a second time in December when ‘innovation’ was added to the alliance name to provide for a more inclusive membership and scope.
Australian Council of Learned Academies
The Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA) comprises the Presidents of Australia’s four Learned Academies: the Australian Academy of Science, the Australian Academy of the Humanities, the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering. The ACOLA Secretariat Pty Ltd, established concurrently with the Council, is made up of the Chief Executive equivalents of the Learned Academies, and conducts projects and activities on behalf of the Council.
The ACOLA Council met in April, July and November and the Secretariat Board met in July, October and November (AGM).
Securing Australia’s Future
In 2012 the Australian Government announced the allocation of $10 million over three years for the Securing Australia’s Future (SAF) program to provide interdisciplinary research-based evidence for policy development by expert working groups involving Fellows of each of the four Learned Academies.
SAF Project 5: New technologies and their role in our security, cultural, democratic, social and economic systems was developed over three years by an expert working group co-chaired by Academy Fellows Professor Bob Williamson FAA and Professor Rob Evans FAA FTSE. The comprehensive report was launched by the Chief Scientist, Professor Ian Chubb AC FTSE in September. Its analysis of the history of technology development and the key trends, drivers, opportunities and implications for Australia’s future economic and social wellbeing was well received by media and stakeholder groups.
In mid-2015, then Minister for Education the Hon Christopher Pyne MP asked ACOLA to undertake SAF Project 13: Review of Australia’s higher degree research training system to identify how research students from all backgrounds could be better prepared for a range of academic and non-academic careers. The Academy is working closely with the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering to provide project management support for the review’s expert working group to deliver the report by March 2016.
ACOLA funded the Academy to lead a project to develop a comprehensive engagement strategy for Australia’s participation in the global Future Earth initiative.
The Future Earth Australia (FEA) Expert Working Group conducted consultations through an online survey, ‘co-design’ workshops with research and industry stakeholders that were held in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane (with additional plans for Canberra, Adelaide and Perth), and one-on-one interviews with influential stakeholders.
Working group members who attended the Paris Climate Change Meeting in December 2015 took with them an initial draft of a strategic plan representing FEA’s potential contributions in the context of the global Future Earth initiative, and its relationship to other sustainability initiatives in Australia.
Operational excellence
Astrophysicist Ray Jayawardhana, 2015 Selby Fellowship recipient. Picture courtesy Professor Jayawardhana via Twitter
This year, the generous support of donors and sponsors has enabled the Academy to celebrate and nurture excellence in science, and to bring outstanding science education to more Australians of all ages. Donations have:
supported primary teachers in regional, rural and remote locations to deliver outstanding science
supported the improvement of systemic gender equity in science
funded new research by Australia’s best and brightest scientists
enabled the redevelopment of the Nova website for all Australians
allowed the Academy to double its science policy capacity
helped Australian scientists to collaborate with their peers internationally
$645,493 in private donations (including corporate)
$98,881 in sponsorships and corporate partnerships
$32,277 in foundation grants
Total: $744,373
Donors to the Academy supported bursaries for 24 school teachers to attend science literacy workshops; enabled the SAGE pilot to extend its reach to include 25 universities, 5 medical research institutes and 2 publicly funded research agencies; supported 7 fellowships for scientists, enabled the website Nova: science for curious minds to be redeveloped and publish 43 topics
First issue of new twice-yearly donor report, Shine on, published
Academy visited Fellows, supporters and stakeholders in 5 states
The Australian Academy of Science is managed by a Council of 17 Fellows, which met twice during the reporting period. To ensure Academy business was managed effectively between Council meetings, the Executive Committee (EXCOM) met 5 times, and the Finance Committee met twice.
The Finance Committee comprised the Executive Committee, Council representative Professor Ian Hume FAA, Fellows’ representative Professor Michael Barber FAA FTSE and external members Mr Mark Waldron and Mr David Holmesby (Audit Committee Chair).
The Shine Dome. Photo by Mark Graham.
The Academy owns two unique and historic buildings in Canberra. The national heritage listed Shine Dome, especially, is a city landmark. However, they do take some upkeep. This year the Academy:
upgraded the lights in the Shine Dome’s Ian Wark Theatre to LEDs
replaced the telephone system
replaced the Ian Potter House heating boilers.
The state of the art LEDs will last many years meaning the Dome will no longer have to close once a year for two full days to change the light globes. Now replacements are as simple as lowering the fixture to the floor with a remote control rather than bringing in a cherry picker to reach up to them.