Andrew Holmes

Associate Professor Andrew Holmes was born in Rockhampton in Central Queensland in 1967. He went to the University of Queensland where he studied science and went on to complete a PhD in Microbiology in 1993. He held research positions at the University of Warwick, UK, and Macquarie University before taking his current academic position at the University of Sydney. Andrew is now Associate Professor in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences and Microbiome Project node leader in the Charles Perkins Centre.

Andrew was the recipient of the Fenner Prize from the Australian Society for Microbiology in 2006. He is a senior editor for The ISME Journal and a member of the editorial boards of Applied and Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology. He is currently working on the relationship between nutrition, gut microbiome and health.

Expert review

Gut bacteria: the inside story

Gut bacteria: the inside story
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