Academy proudly supports Parliamentary Friends of Science

September 17, 2012

The Australian Academy of Science is proud to support the establishment of the new Parliamentary Friends of Science Group.

The Parliamentary Friends of Science will be launched at Parliament House today by co-Chairs, The Hon Richard Marles MP and Karen Andrews MP, during ‘Science meets Parliament’, an annual event that brings 200 of Australia’s top young scientists to meet with decision-makers in Canberra.

“The Academy welcomes this timely and important initiative of Richard Marles and Karen Andrews. Parliamentary Friends of Science already has 50 inaugural members, demonstrating the broad recognition among members of all parties that science is relevant and underpins policy in many spheres,” said Academy Secretary for Science Policy Professor Bob Williamson.

“The big challenges Australia faces now and in the future, require constructive debate founded on a common understanding of the best available science.

“The Parliamentary Friends of Science is non-partisan. It will be a forum that allows dialogue and engagement between scientific leaders and parliamentarians, and offers a way for parliamentarians to seek expertise from eminent scientists in relevant disciplines.

“The coming century will be increasingly science driven. Australia must assess the costs and benefits of responding to changes in health care, climate, agriculture and energy. Informed decisions can only come from the evidence provided by high quality research, much of which is taking place right here.

“It is vital that Australia’s political institutions have ready access to scientific knowledge and that our policies are supported by the best available science,” concluded Professor Williamson.

At the launch, Australia’s most recent Nobel Laureate and Academy Council member, Professor Brian Schmidt will engage parliamentarians in a master class in astronomy, taking them through observations of the universe from telescopes on the roof of Parliament House in Canberra.

“It is really essential for our politicians to have close engagement with the scientific community: this forum provides ready access to Australian scientists,” said Professor Schmidt.

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