Secrets of successful women in science

August 24, 2011

Meet three exceptional women in science, as science broadcaster Robyn Williams explores their lives, work and passions, as part of Australia’s celebrations for the International Year of Chemistry.

The Australian Academy of Science is hosting the free event Women in Chemistry @ Parliament House tomorrow at the Theatre in Parliament House in Canberra.

These three women have succeeded in their chosen fields despite challenging odds and become natural role models for other women who want to pursue the many careers that science can offer:

Professor Carol Robinson is an internationally-renowned chemist who started her career in a pharmaceutical company. Despite taking an eight year break for the birth and early years of her three children, she has gone on to become the first female chemistry professor at the University of Oxford. She is visiting Australia after winning one of the most prestigious medals for chemistry, The Royal Society Davy Medal, for ground-breaking work that opened a new field of enquiry in chemistry. She will speak about her fascinating journey in chemistry.

Professor Margaret Sheil is an accomplished chemist and Chief Executive of the Australian Research Council. Professor Sheil is a member of the Prime Minister’s Science Innovation and Engineering Council and the National Research Infrastructure Council. As well as sharing insights into her own scientific career, Professor Sheil will speak about women in chemistry: personal, historical and future perspectives.

Professor Suzanne Cory is President of the Australian Academy of Science and one of Australia’s most distinguished scientists. She was previously Director of one of Australia’s foremost medical research organisations, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. A researcher with a passion for encouraging women to pursue careers in science, she will share her first-hand experience of the inspiration and advancement in knowledge that can arise from collaborating across scientific disciplines.

Women in Chemistry @ Parliament House
View details of the program and speakers.

When: 2.30 to 4.30 pm, Thursday 25 August 2011
Where: The Theatre, Parliament House, Canberra

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