Australian Academy of Science joins international education call

June 10, 2011

The Australian Academy of Science has joined 13 other national science academies to call on governments around the world to support and extend science education and formal international research collaborations.

In a joint statement, the 'G8+' science academies of Brazil, Germany, Japan, Senegal, Canada, India, Mexico, South Africa, USA, France, Italy, Russia and UK called on governments to establish the conditions for a true globalisation of knowledge in science and technology.

Australian Academy of Science President Professor Suzanne Cory said the statement echoed the Academy's sentiments about education in Australia and beyond.

"Science is increasingly important to ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals, society and the environment," Professor Cory said.

"The challenges of climate change, water security, food safety, health decisions and energy futures are very much part of the public and political landscape.

"Strong science education at all levels of schooling and in the community is vital to avoid misunderstandings and unfounded fears, and to better inform public discussion on these important areas."

The academies have called on governments to:

  • Support and expand existing successful programs which facilitate interactions between scientists, the general public, the media and decision makers.
  • Encourage and help governments of developing countries to give high priority to
  • acquiring and maintaining infrastructure and resources for science education
  • Support international collaboration to promote open access to scientific literature
  • Create a network of virtual collaborative research centres at the front line of innovations in education

The Academy has also endorsed a statement by the G8+ science academies group calling on governments to improve water management standards at home and internationally.

"Water security and sanitation is an international concern and an international responsibility," Professor Cory said.

"It is one of the most important elements of ensuring health and safety for people in both developed and developing nations."


Joint G8+ science academies’ statement on Education for a Science-Based Global Development
Joint G8+ science academies’ statement on Water & Health

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