Science at the Shine Dome is the premier annual event for The Australian Academy of Science. It is a celebration of scientific excellence where outstanding achievements are honoured. It is a gathering of the most influential people in the sector where issues of importance are put on the agenda. It is also an inclusive event featuring memorable science engagement opportunities, available to all. Delivered by the Academy in collaboration with event partners, it is a valuable opportunity for Academy Fellows, early- and mid-career researchers (EMCRs), government representatives, media, organisations, and the science interested public. In 2019, Science at the Shine Dome communications generated 30.4 million social media impressions, 112,000 Academy website hits and 51 video resources to highlight Academy Fellows and Awardees.
The Academy is delivering a dynamic new format in 2021 to accommodate COVID-19 restrictions while engaging new audiences online. Drawing on the Academy’s Fellowship, 2.4 million social media followers along with its networks within the sector and mainstream media, exposure and reach associated with Science at the Shine Dome for event partners is anticipated to be greater than ever before. Science at the Shine Dome 2021 includes online presentations by award recipients, a hybrid high-level science symposium—Science and the Public Good, a prestigious ceremony celebrating the admission of new Fellows to the Academy, and special online opportunities to engage with the Academy Fellowship. The Academy thanks our event partners for making this online series possible.
This is your opportunity to be seen, engage with Australian STEM and support science.
Partnering with the Academy in support of STEM Women demonstrates a major commitment to gender diversity in STEM.
The Academy’s unique science videos, articles and images reach millions across the globe.
© 2025 Australian Academy of Science