The Academy brings together world-leading Australian experts from universities, research institutes and government research agencies to consider and advise the nation on scientific issues. It provides authoritative information and advice on current science and technology and emerging research to inform discussion and assist evidence-based policy development and decision-making.
All advice provided by the Academy is dispassionate, disinterested, apolitical and founded in expertise. It sets standards of excellence, quality, independence and transparency.
Read the Academy's principles of science policy advice (PDF 142kb)
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Input made by the Academy or its related groups in the development or analysis of policy.
Read our submissions to government
Briefs synthesising scientific evidence on the impact of bushfires and other environmental issues.
Statements made to clarify the Academy's position on current issues.
Feature articles discussing the benefits of science to Australians.
The Academy publishes reports and strategies to build the information base about the whole science sector, specific disciplines, or that are about the importance of science to all Australians.
The Australian Academy of Science is developing a 10-year plan that will position science to support our national ambitions. ‘Australian Science, Australia’s Future: Science 2035’ will examine the capability of Australia’s science system, its ability to compete and collaborate globally, and its contribution to the nation’s economy, security, health and quality of life.
In this section, browse and download completed reports and publications that have emerged from projects across a broad scope of sectors and stakeholder groups.
Developed by the Academy’s National Committees for Science, decadal plans are 10-year strategic plans for scientific disciplines.
© 2025 Australian Academy of Science