Make a dedication
    • × Professor
      Gordon Ada

      "Professor Gordon Ada AO FAA (1922 – 2012) Eminent biochemist, virologist, and immunologist. With personal thanks for providing a great research environment in the Department of Microbiology at the John Curtin School of Medical Research in the years 1972-5 that enabled the discovery leading to the 1996 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. Elected FAA 1964."

      Section - Row 5 - Tile 10

      Dedicated by: Mrs Penny Doherty

    • × Professor
      Gordon Ada

      "Professor Gordon Ada AO FAA (1922 – 2012) Eminent biochemist, virologist, and immunologist. With personal thanks for providing a great research environment in the Department of Microbiology at the John Curtin School of Medical Research in the years 1972-5 that enabled the discovery leading to the 1996 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. Elected FAA 1964."

      Section - Row 5 - Tile 10

      Dedicated by: Professor Peter Doherty

    • × Ms
      Frances Elizabeth (Betty) Allan

      "Dedicated to Frances Elizabeth (Betty) Allan for services to Science in statistics and mathematics and as a founding member of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section vii - Row 5 - Tile 27

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

      Biology Mathematics
    • × Dr
      Ian Allison

      "Dr Ian Allison AO AAM FAA. Glaciologist with an abiding interest in Antarctic sea ice, the ice sheet and ice shelves, and their interaction with climate. Elected to the Academy in 2016."

      Section ii - Row 3 - Tile 6

      Dedicated by: Dr Ian Allison

      Climate Science Earth Sciences Glaciology
    • × Professor
      Jan Anderson

      "Dr Jan Anderson FAA FRS (1932 - 2015). Pigment proteins of photosynthesis. Elected to the Academy in 1987. Dedicated by Professors John R Evans FAA, Susanne von Caemmerer FAA FRS Mitg Leopoldina, Barry Pogson FAA, C Barry Osmond FAA FRS Mitg Leopoldina, Dr Hal Hatch AM FAA FRS and Dr N Keith Boardman AO FAA FTSE FRS."

      Section xi - Row 3 - Tile 43

      Dedicated by: Professor Barry Osmond

    • × Professor
      Jan Anderson

      "Dr Jan Anderson FAA FRS (1932 - 2015). Pigment proteins of photosynthesis. Elected to the Academy in 1987. Dedicated by Professors John R Evans FAA, Susanne von Caemmerer FAA FRS Mitg Leopoldina, Barry Pogson FAA, C Barry Osmond FAA FRS Mitg Leopoldina, Dr Hal Hatch AM FAA FRS and Dr N Keith Boardman AO FAA FTSE FRS."

      Section xi - Row 3 - Tile 43

      Dedicated by: Professor Susanne von Caemmerer

    • × Professor
      Jan Anderson

      "Dr Jan Anderson FAA FRS (1932 - 2015). Pigment proteins of photosynthesis. Elected to the Academy in 1987. Dedicated by Professors John R Evans FAA, Susanne von Caemmerer FAA FRS Mitg Leopoldina, Barry Pogson FAA, C Barry Osmond FAA FRS Mitg Leopoldina, Dr Hal Hatch AM FAA FRS and Dr N Keith Boardman AO FAA FTSE FRS."

      Section xi - Row 3 - Tile 43

      Dedicated by: Professor Barry Pogson

    • × Professor
      Marilyn Anderson

      "Professor Marilyn Anderson AO FAA FAICD FTSE. Plant defence related proteins. Elected to the Academy in 2011. Council Member biological sciences (2018 - 2021); Treasurer (2021 - 2025)."

      Section iii - Row 2 - Tile 11

      Dedicated by: Professor Marilyn Anderson

      Biology Pathogens Plant Biology Plant Defence Molecules
    • × Professor
      Brian Anderson

      "Professor Brian D O Anderson AC FAA FTSE FRS. Emeritus Professor, Australian National University. Electrical Engineer. Elected to the Academy in 1974. President (1998 - 2002)."

      Section i - Row 1 - Tile 2

      Dedicated by: Professor Brian Anderson

      Electrical Engineering Engineering Signal Processing
    • × Professor
      Jan Anderson

      "Dr Jan Anderson FAA FRS (1932 - 2015). Pigment proteins of photosynthesis. Elected to the Academy in 1987. Dedicated by Professors John R Evans FAA, Susanne von Caemmerer FAA FRS Mitg Leopoldina, Barry Pogson FAA, C Barry Osmond FAA FRS Mitg Leopoldina, Dr Hal Hatch AM FAA FRS and Dr N Keith Boardman AO FAA FTSE FRS."

      Section xi - Row 3 - Tile 43

      Dedicated by: Professor Keith Boardman

    • × Professor
      Jan Anderson

      "Dr Jan Anderson FAA FRS (1932 - 2015). Pigment proteins of photosynthesis. Elected to the Academy in 1987. Dedicated by Professors John R Evans FAA, Susanne von Caemmerer FAA FRS Mitg Leopoldina, Barry Pogson FAA, C Barry Osmond FAA FRS Mitg Leopoldina, Dr Hal Hatch AM FAA FRS and Dr N Keith Boardman AO FAA FTSE FRS."

      Section xi - Row 3 - Tile 43

      Dedicated by: John R Evans

    • × Professor
      Brian Anderson

      "Emeritus Professor Anderson AC FAA FTSE FRS is a stellar, internationally reputed researcher in the theory, analysis and design of control systems, which is germane to a number of fields ranging from the aircraft and spacecraft, power stations, signal processing and communication networks, and econometric modelling. He was one of the early researchers who placed Australia on the world map. Anderson has been instrumental in inspiring and mentoring a large number of researchers who have gone on to achieve highly in these fields. Elected to the Academy in 1974. President (1998 - 2002)."

      Section xi - Row 5 - Tile 44

      Dedicated by: Professor Mandyam Srinivsan FAA

      Signal Processing Electrical Engineering Engineering Applied Mathematics
    • × Professor
      James Angus

      "Professor James Angus AO FAA. Cardiovascular pharmacology; analytical bioassay; drug mechanism. Elected to the Academy in 1997."

      Section ii - Row 2 - Tile 4

      Dedicated by: Professor James Angus

      Bioassay Drug Mechanisms Medical Sciences Pharmacology
    • × Dr
      Catherine Anne Money

      "Dedicated to Dr Catherine Anne Money, an Australian Biochemist who advanced the leather industry and oversaw the extension of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section iv - Row 5 - Tile 14

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Professor
      David L Atherton

      "Professor David Atherton for his contributions to physics in particular applied magnetics, superconductivity and translation of research, as well as mentoring generations of students and post-doctoral fellows. Dedicated by Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC FAA FREng FTSE"

      Section x - Row 5 - Tile 38

      Dedicated by: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

    • × Sir
      David Attenborough

      "Sir David Attenborough for his lifelong contributions to science by inspiring generations about the curiosity of the natural world. Dedicated by Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC FAA FREng FTSE"

      Section ix - Row 5 - Tile 34

      Dedicated by: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

    • × Emeritus Professor
      Hans Bachor

      "Emeritus Professor Hans Bachor AM FAA FOSA. Quantum optics; photonics; quantum technology; science communication. ARC Federation Fellow at ANU (2003-2008). Elected to the Academy in 2014."

      Section xiv - Row 2 - Tile 12

      Dedicated by: Professor Hans Bachor

      Laser Physics Optics Physics Quantum Physics
    • × Professor
      Chunli Bai

      "Professor Chunli Bai FAA ForMemRS NAS. Professor of Institute of Chemistry and Former President of Chinese Academy of Sciences.  Dedicated by Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC FAA FTSE."

      Section xii - Row 2 - Tile 45

      Dedicated by: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

    • × Professor
      Michael Barber

      "Professor Michael Newton Barber AO FAA (1947 - ). Applied mathematician and theoretical physicist. Elected to the Academy in 1992."

      Section i - Row 2 - Tile 1

      Dedicated by: Professor Michael Barber

      Computational Methods Mathematics Statistical Mechanics Statistics
    • × Professor
      Newton Barber

      "Professor H Newton Barber FAA FRS (1914-1971). Botanist and geneticist. Dedicated by his son and daughter, Professor Michael N Barber AO FAA and Ms Margaret Butler (nee Barber)."

      Section i - Row 2 - Tile 2

      Dedicated by: Professor Michael Barber

    • × Professor
      Newton Barber

      "Professor H Newton Barber FAA FRS (1914-1971). Botanist and geneticist. Dedicated by his son and daughter, Professor Michael N Barber AO FAA and Ms Margaret Butler (nee Barber)."

      Section i - Row 2 - Tile 2

      Dedicated by: Ms Margaret Butler (nee Barber)

    • × Professor
      John Barker

      "Professor John A Barker – (1925 – 1995) - major contributions to our knowledge of solutions and dense vapours by his work on the statistical mechanics of molecular interactions, especially of polar molecules. Elected FAA 1967 Dedicated by Professor Denis Evans AO FAA."

      Section vi - Row 4 - Tile 21

      Dedicated by: Professor Evans Denis

    • × Professor
      Perry Bartlett

      "Emeritus Professor Perry Bartlett AO FAA. Foundation Director of the Queensland Brain Institute, University of Queensland (2002 - 2015). Federation Fellow. Neuroscientist. Neural Stem Cells and Neurogenesis in Brain Function. Elected to the Academy in 2003."

      Section iii - Row 3 - Tile 7

      Dedicated by: Professor Perry Bartlett

      Medical Sciences Neuroscience
    • × Professor
      Tony Basten

      "Professor Tony Basten AO CM FAA FTSE. Elected to the Academy in 1992. Immunologist and one of founding fathers of the new specialty of clinical Immunology/allergy."

      Section iii - Row 3 - Tile 9

      Dedicated by: Professor Tony Basten

      Biochemistry Immunology Medical Sciences
    • × Professor
      Isobel 'Joy' Bear

      "Dedicated to Isobel ‘Joy’ Bear for services to Science in the area of industrial chemistry and for leading research in solid state and mineral chemistry. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section vi - Row 5 - Tile 23

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Professor
      Lyn Beazley

      "Professor Lyn Beazley AO FAA FTSE CIE(Aust) FACE MA (Oxon) PhD (Edin) DSc (Hon Edith Cowan) LLD (Hon Monash) DSc (Hon ANU) DSc (Hon Murdoch). Distinguished neuroscientist and 2015 Western Australian of the Year. First female Chief Scientist (WA) (2006 - 2013). Elected to the Academy in 2019; Council member (2020 - 2023)."

      Section iii - Row 2 - Tile 10

      Dedicated by: Professor Richard Tarala

      Nervous System Neuroscience Biology Marsupials Vision Autism
    • × Professor
      John Henry Bennett

      "John Henry Bennett (1926-2015) Professor of Genetics , University of Adelaide. 'Both Dr Fraser and Professor Bennett were better scientist than I was' - PhD supervisors to Dr Oliver Mayo FAA."

      Section xvi - Row 4 - Tile 64

      Dedicated by: Dr Oliver Mayo

    • × Professor
      Sam Berkovic

      "Professor Samuel Berkovic AC AM MD FAA FRACP FRS FAHMS. Laureate Professor in the Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, and Director of the Epilepsy Research Centre at Austin Health. Elected to the Academy in 2005. "

      Section vii - Row 2 - Tile 24

      Dedicated by: Professor Sam Berkovic

      Clinical Epilepsy Genetics Medical Sciences
    • × Professor
      Linda Blackall

      "Professor Linda Blackall FAA - Elected FAA 2020 - microbiologist who has pioneered and championed procedures that reveal microbes and their functions in natural and engineered systems. Blackall founded collaborations with arts-science experts to disseminate microbial knowledge via children’s books."

      Section xvi - Row 3 - Tile 64

      Dedicated by: Professor Linda Blackall

      Biology Coral Reefs Bacteria Bacteriology Biofilms Green Algae Insect Bacteria Interactions Environmental Microbiology Marine Ecology Microbiology Symbiosis Microbiome Environmental Engineering Microbial Diversity Microbial Ecology Microbial Evolution
    • × Professor
      Elizabeth Blackburn

      "Professor Elizabeth Blackburn AC FAA FRS DistFRSN NAS Nobel Laureate. From a childhood curiosity of animals to Nobel Laureate (2009). Blackburn discovered the molecular structure of telomeres and co-discovered the enzyme telomerase, essential pieces in the puzzle of cellular division and DNA replication. Elected Corresponding Member in 2007. An inspiration to women in science across the world.  Dedicated by Professor Louise Ryan FAA NAM."

      Section v - Row 1 - Tile 18

      Dedicated by: Professor Louise Ryan

    • × Dr
      Keith Boardman

      "Dr N Keith Boardman AO FAA FTSE FRS. Photosynthesis. Biochemist CSIRO Plant Division (1956 - 1977); CSIRO Member of Executive (1977 - 1985); Chairman/Chief Executive (1985 - 1987); Chief Executive (1987 - 1990). Elected to the Academy in 1972"

      Section ii - Row 4 - Tile 5

      Dedicated by: Professor Keith Boardman

      Biochemistry Biology Molecular Biology Science Policy
    • × Professor
      Alan Bond

      "Professor Alan Maxwell Bond FAA. Electrochemist. Elected to the Academy in 1990. Dedicated to my parents, parents-in-law, wife Tunde; sons Stephen, Andrew; Meg, Amanda; Emily, Ava, Jackson; Luca, Oliver, Harrison."

      Section xii - Row 3 - Tile 44

      Dedicated by: Professor Alan Bond

      Chemistry Electrochemistry Electron Transfer
    • × Professor
      John Booker

      "Professor John Robert Booker AO FAA (1942 - 1998). Applied mathematician and geotechnical engineer. Dedicated by Professor John Carter AM FAA FTSE and Professor Mark Randolph AO FAA FTSE FRS FREng."

      Section xiv - Row 2 - Tile 52

      Dedicated by: Professor Mark Randolph

    • × Professor
      John Booker

      "Professor John Robert Booker AO FAA (1942 - 1998). Applied mathematician and geotechnical engineer. Dedicated by Professor John Carter AM FAA FTSE and Professor Mark Randolph AO FAA FTSE FRS FREng."

      Section xiv - Row 2 - Tile 52

      Dedicated by: Professor John Carter

    • × Professor
      Maria Bryne

      "Professor Maria Byrne FAA. Globally recognised for key discoveries on marine invertebrate evolution and has greatly enriched our understanding of Australia’s marine biodiversity and impacts of climate change. Elected to the Academy in 2019."

      Section xiii - Row 3 - Tile 49

      Dedicated by: Professor Maria Bryne

      Biology Coral Reefs Developmental Biology Echinoderm Biology Echinoderm Evolution Echinoderms Ecosystems Ecotoxicology Environmental Biology Evolutionary Biology Marine Biology Marine Ecology Molecular Biology
    • ×
      A David Buckingham

      "Professor A David Buckingham CBE FAA FRS (1930 - 2021). Chemical Physics. Elected Corresponding Member of the Academy in 2008. Dedicated by Professor Leo Radom AC FAA to a mentor, colleague and friend. "

      Section - Row 3 - Tile 58

      Dedicated by: Professor Leo Radom

    • × Professor
      Geoffrey Burnstock

      "Professor Geoffrey Burnstock AC FAA FRS (1929 – 2020) A major contributor to our knowledge of the pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system in particular the discovery of ATP as a neurotransmitter and the classification and function of purinoceptors in a wide range of diseases. His charm, focus, determination, and support of over 100 postgraduate students were his hallmarks. He was awarded the 2018 Macfarlane Burnet Medal and Lecture in 2018. Elected FAA 1971."

      Section vii - Row 4 - Tile 26

      Dedicated by: Professor James Angus

      Neuroscience Physiology Medical Sciences
    • × Professor
      John Henry Carver

      "Professor John Henry Carver AM FAA FTSE (1926 – 2004). Experimental nuclear physics, photodisintegration, ultraviolet spectroscopy, atmospheric physics, space science. Visionary research leader and administrator, mentor and role model. Passionate supporter of research translation and national and international science. Elected to the Academy in 1986."

      Section v - Row 3 - Tile 17

      Dedicated by: Emeritus Professor Jim S Williams

    • × Professor
      John Henry Carver

      "Professor John Henry Carver AM FAA FTSE (1926 – 2004). Experimental nuclear physics, photodisintegration, ultraviolet spectroscopy, atmospheric physics, space science. Visionary research leader and administrator, mentor and role model. Passionate supporter of research translation and national and international science. Elected to the Academy in 1986."

      Section v - Row 3 - Tile 17

      Dedicated by: Emeritus Professor John A Carver

    • × Professor
      John Chalmers

      "Professor John Chalmers AC FAA FAHMS FRACP. Professor of Medicine UNSW; Senior Director, The George Institute for Global Health; Emeritus Professor Flinders University and University of Sydney. Elected to the Academy in 1987."

      Section vi - Row 2 - Tile 22

      Dedicated by: Professor John Chalmers

      Clinical Trials Epidemiology Hypertension Medical Sciences
    • × Sir
      Thomas Cherry

      "Sir Thomas Cherry FAA FRS (1898 - 1966). Pollock Memorial Lecturer, University of Sydney (1948); Lyle Medallist, Australian National Research Council (1951); elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (1954). He received honorary degrees (DSc) from the Australian National University and University of Western Australia (1963), and became a Knight Bachelor (1965). Founding Fellow (1953). Dedicated by Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS."

      Section v - Row 1 - Tile 17

      Dedicated by: Professor Terry Speed

    • × Professor
      Steven Chown

      "Professor Steven Chown FAA - recognised as a pre-eminent authority on the biodiversity and conservation of Antarctic systems. regarded as a leader in science policy and conservation policy for the Antarctic Elected to the Academy 2021."

      Section xi - Row 3 - Tile 41

      Dedicated by: Professor Steven Chown

      Phylogeny Physiology Ecology Ecosystems Climate Change Biology Science Policy Antarctic Science Biodiversity Insects Environmental Biology Invasive Species Landscape ecology, conservation and biodiversity Conservation Science Global Ecology
    • × Professor
      Arthur Christopoulos

      "Professor Arthur Christopoulos FAA FAHMS. Professor of Analytical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University. Elected to the Australian Academy of Science in 2021."

      Section xiv - Row 2 - Tile 53

      Dedicated by: Professor Arthur Christopoulos

      Drug Discovery Drug Mechanisms Medical Sciences Mental Health Neuropharmacolgy Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacology
    • × Emeritus Professor
      Ian Chubb

      "Emeritus Professor Ian Chubb AC FAA FTSE. Neuroscience; science education; science policy; science strategy; international science; citizen science. Vice-Chancellor of the Australian National University (2001 - 2011), Chief Scientist of Australia (2011 - 2016). Elected to the Academy in 2017."

      Section vi - Row 2 - Tile 21

      Dedicated by: Professor Ian Chubb

      Medical Sciences Neuroscience Science Policy
    • × Dr
      Greg Clark

      "Dr Gregory Clark AC BSc(Hons 1st Class) PhD FAA FTSE FAPS. Renowned scientist, technologist and businessman with an outstanding career both in Australia and internationally across a spectrum of industries, from IT and communications to media, space and finance. Elected to the Academy in 2021."

      Section xvi - Row 2 - Tile 63

      Dedicated by: Dr Gregory Clark

      Applied Physics Astronomical Instrumentation Computer Science Condensed Matter Physics Dark Matter e-Research Electronics High Performance Computing ICT Material Science Nuclear Fusion Optical Communications Physics Physics Education Quantum Communication Quantum Computing Silicon and Germanium
    • × Professor
      Peter Colman

      "Professor Peter Colman AC FAA FTSE FRS. Outstanding contributions to our knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of antibodies and of virus antigens. Elected to the Academy in 1989."

      Section iii - Row 4 - Tile 8

      Dedicated by: Professor Peter Colman

      Medical Sciences Proteins Structural Biology X-ray Crystallography
    • × Dr
      Herbert Coombs

      "Dr Herbert C (Nugget) Coombs FAA FAHA FASSA (1906 - 1997). Elected to the Academy in 1969. A true Australian visionary. Dedicated by Professor Ian Chubb AC FAA FTSE."

      Section i - Row 3 - Tile 63

      Dedicated by: Professor Ian Chubb

    • × Professor
      Edmund Cornish

      "Professor Edmund Cornish FAA (1909 - 1973). Statistical theory and applications to agriculture, rainfall and temperature.  Elected to the Academy in 1954. Dedicated by Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS. "

      Section viii - Row 3 - Tile 29

      Dedicated by: Professor Terry Speed

    • × Professor
      Suzanne Cory

      "Professor Suzanne Cory AC FAA FRS. Elected to the Academy in 1986; President (2010 - 2014). Molecular biologist, Cancer researcher, Passionate advocate for science education, 4th Director of WEHI."

      Section iv - Row 1 - Tile 15

      Dedicated by: Professor Doug Hilton

      Medical Sciences Apoptosis Molecular Biology Genomics
    • × Professor
      Warrick Couch

      "Professor Warrick Couch FAA FRSNZ. Distinguished Professor in the Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology. Elected to the Academy in 2009. "

      Section xv - Row 2 - Tile 57

      Dedicated by: Professor Warrick Couch

      Astronomy Cosmology Galaxy Evolution Physics
    • × Professor
      Ian Cowan

      "Professor Ian Cowan FAA (29 May 1931 - 19 June 2017). Gas exchange in higher plants, plant physiology and ecology, history and art of natural history.  Elected to the Academy in 1984.  Dedicated by Professor Graham Farquhar AO FAA FRS.  "

      Section ix - Row 2 - Tile 34

      Dedicated by: Professor Graham Farquhar

    • × Dr
      John Maxwell Cowley

      "Dr John Maxwell Cowley FAA FRS  (1923 – 2004). International reputation for his pioneer work on high-resolution electron diffraction and structure analysis. Chairman of the Commission on Electron Diffraction of the International Union of Crystallography (1987 – 1990). Great scientist, friend and mentor.  Elected to the Academy in 1961."

      Section xv - Row 3 - Tile 57

      Dedicated by: Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society (AMMS)

    • × Professor
      David Craig

      "Professor David Parker Craig AO FAA FRS (1919 - 2015). Physical and Theoretical Chemistry.  Elected to the Academy in 1969. President (1990-1994). Dedicated by Professor Leo Radom AC FAA to a mentor, colleague and friend. "

      Section iv - Row 1 - Tile 16

      Dedicated by: Professor Leo Radom

    • × Professor
      David Craik

      "Professor David Craik FAA FRS. Laureate Professor, The University of Queensland. Peptide chemistry, toxins, structural biology and drug design. Elected to the Academy in 2013."

      Section viii - Row 4 - Tile 29

      Dedicated by: Professor David Craik

      Chemistry NMR Spectroscopy Peptides Structural Biology
    • × Professor
      Noel Cressie

      "Distinguished Professor Noel Cressie FRSN FAA. Data scientist transforming variability/uncertainty into probability/statistical inference; researching spatio-temporal, environmental, and Bayesian statistics; Fellow of Australian Academy of Science (2018) and Royal Society of NSW (2020)."

      Section v - Row 4 - Tile 16

      Dedicated by: Professor Noel Cressie

      Bayesian Statistics Empirical-Bayes Methods Environmental Informatics Geostatistics Hierarchical Statistical Modelling Informatics Mathematics Spatial Statistics Spatio-temporal Statistics Statistical Modelling Statistical Remote Sensing Statistics
    • × Professor
      Bob Crompton

      "Professor Robert (Bob) Crompton AM FAA (1926 - ). Pioneer in electron collisions in gases; meticulous experimental physicist; scattering cross-sections, diffusion and drift. Humble science leader, generous supporter of students and colleagues, wonderful mentor and friend, devoted husband and inspirational father. Elected to the Australian Academy of Science in 1979. Served on Council and FINCOM, Secretary of Physical Sciences (1984 – 1988)."

      Section v - Row 3 - Tile 18

      Dedicated by: Professor Jim S Williams

      Plasma Physics Physics Atomic Physics
    • × Dr
      Winifred Curtis

      "Dr Winfred Curtis AM, Tasmanian botanist, 1905-2005, "whose texts defined Tasmanian flora.” Dedicated by Professor Michael Barber FAA."

      Section i - Row 5 - Tile 3

      Dedicated by: Professor Michael Barber

    • × Dr
      Taisa Demediuk

      "Dedicated to Taisa Demediuk for services to Science in chemistry and in lime and for the adversity she overcome coming to CSIRO from Poland following from the Russian Empire collapse. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section viii - Row 5 - Tile 32

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • ×
      Liz Dennis

      "Dedicated to Elizabeth Salisbury Dennis AC FAA FTSE for services to Science in plant molecular biology, publishing 300 papers, one book and editor of two books and was made an Elected Fellow of ATSE and Australian Academy of Science and Fellow of the American Society for the Advancement of Science. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section viii - Row 5 - Tile 31

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Mr
      Robert Alfred Dewar

      "Robert Alfred Dewar, FTSE (1908-1981). Associate Research Manager, Exploratory Division, ICIANZ Central Research Laboratories, Ascot Vale, Victoria. Awarded Grimwade Prize in Industrial Chemistry, 1962 and 1968; H. G. Smith Memorial Medal, 1967 for contributions to Australian industrial chemistry."

      Section ii - Row 5 - Tile 9

      Dedicated by: Emeritus Professor Robert Leith Dewar

    • ×
      Chennupati Dharma Rao

      "Shri Chennupati Dharma Rao for his leadership, teaching and mentoring to rural students to pursue education as a pathway to a better quality of life. Dedicated by Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC FAA FREng FTSE"

      Section x - Row 5 - Tile 37

      Dedicated by: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

    • × Professor
      Chris Dickman

      "Internationally recognised for his ground-breaking ecological research to understand Australia’s unique terrestrial fauna and the processes that shape ecosystems, particularly in arid zones. His impact on ecology and conservation of Australia’s environment has been immense, both through his own research and by training and inspiring generations of ecologists and conservation managers "

      Section xi - Row 5 - Tile 42

      Dedicated by: The University of Sydney Ecology community

      Ecology Ecosystems Conservation Biology Biodiversity Evolution Invasive Species Marsupials Applied Ecology Deserts Drylands Arid Lands Environmental Management Behaviour Ecological Interactions Lizards Mammals Predator-prey Interactions Predators
    • × Professor
      Peter Doherty

      "Professor Peter Doherty AC FAA FAHMS FRS Nobel Laureate. Immunology. Elected to the Academy in 1983. Namesake and patron of the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity. Laureate Professor Peter Doherty shared the 1996 Nobel Medicine Prize with Swiss colleague Professor Rolf Zinkernagel AC FAA."

      Section ii - Row 1 - Tile 8

      Dedicated by: Professor Peter Doherty

      Medical Sciences Immunology Virology
    • × Professor
      George Dracoulis

      "Professor George Dracoulis FAA (1944 - 2014). Nuclear structure; nuclear spectroscopy; heavy ion reaction; nuclear energy. Elected to the Academy in 1997. Dedicated by Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS."

      Section vii - Row 3 - Tile 25

      Dedicated by: Professor Terry Speed

    • × Professor
      William Edward Featherstone

      " William (Will) Featherstone is acknowledged for his contributions to the Australian Geodetic community and his lifelong dedication to education in geophysics. His mix of deep thought, self-deprecation and inventive story-telling were a rare combination and are profoundly missed by his friends, scientific colleagues and his family who are proud to dedicate this tile in his honour."

      Section x - Row 5 - Tile 40

      Dedicated by: Anonymous

    • × Professor
      Joanne Etheridge

      "Professor Joanne Etheridge BSc(Hons) PhD FAA - Developed new electron diffraction and microscopy techniques to measure the structure of materials at the atomic scale. Passionate mentor. Elected FAA 2019"

      Section vi - Row 4 - Tile 20

      Dedicated by: Professor Joanne Etheridge

      Nanomaterials Nanoparticles Condensed Matter Physics Physics Diffraction Electron Diffraction Electron Crystallography Electron Microscopy Electron Scattering
    • × Dr
      Lloyd Evans

      "" Dr Lloyd Thomas Evans AO FAA FRS. Flowering and crop physiologist (1927-2015). Elected to the Academy in 1971. President (1978-1982). Dedicated by his son Professor John R Evans FAA.""

      Section iv - Row 1 - Tile 14

      Dedicated by: Professor John R Evans

    • × Professor
      John Evans

      "Professor John Richard Evans FAA. Plant physiologist. Elected to the Academy in 2013. "

      Section iv - Row 3 - Tile 14

      Dedicated by: Professor John R Evans

      Plant Biology Plant Development Biology Crop Yields
    • ×
      Reginald N Farquhar

      "Dr Reginald Noel Farquhar Ed.D. (1921-1990) – Cornell doctorate after initially leaving school in 7th grade. Agricultural extension practice and theory. Introduced molybdenum to NW Tasmanian farms. Wonderful mentor."

      Section - Row 5 - Tile 1

      Dedicated by: Professor Graham Farquhar

    • × Professor
      Frank Fenner

      "Professor Frank Fenner AC CMG MBE MD Hon MD (Monash) Dr honoris causa (Liege) Hon DSc (Oxford Brookes ANU) DUniv (Adelaide) FAA FRS. Animal virology; environmental science; history of science. Elected to the Academy in 1954. Dedicated by Professor Brian Schmidt AC FAA FRS Nobel Laureate."

      Section viii - Row 2 - Tile 29

      Dedicated by: Professor Brian Schmidt

    • × Dr
      Alan Finkel

      "Dr Alan Finkel AC FAA FTSE FAHMS. Science policy; neuroscience; research commercialisation; science education. Elected to the Academy in 2016. Chief Scientist for Australia (2016 - 2020). In honour of the contribution of science to prosperity and clear thinking."

      Section iv - Row 4 - Tile 13

      Dedicated by: Dr Alan Finkel

      Neuroscience Research Commercialisation Science Education Science Policy
    • × Dr
      Jean Finnigan

      "Dr Jean Finnegan FAA has an international reputation for research in epigenetic regulation. Her major contributions include the cloning of the first plant DNA methyltransferase and the demonstration that DNA methylation is essential for normal plant development.  Elected FAA 2014"

      Section iii - Row 4 - Tile 9

      Dedicated by: Dr Jean Finnigan

      Biology Cloning Genomics Plant Biology
    • × Dr
      John Finnigan

      "Dr John Finnigan FAA. Atmospheric physicist with a special interest in earth system science. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere; ANU Research School of Biology. Elected to the Academy in 2007. Dedicated by Dr Brian Walker AO FAA FTSE"

      Section iv - Row 3 - Tile 11

      Dedicated by: Dr Brian Walker

      Climate Earth Sciences Atmospheric Physics Turbulance
    • × Professor
      Neville Fletcher

      "Professor Neville Fletcher AM FAA FTSE (1930 – 2017) Influential interdisciplinary scientist straddling broad fields of applied physics, acoustics, advanced materials, biophysics, cloud physics and the physics of musical instruments. Humble mentor, colleague and friend, inspirational father. Dedicated by Professor Jim S Williams AO FAA FTSE."

      Section xi - Row 2 - Tile 41

      Dedicated by: Professor Jim S Williams

    • × Dr
      Cathy Foley

      "Dr Catherine Foley AO PSM BSc (hons) Dip Ed PhD FAA FTSE FAIP FinstP. Solid-state physics and its applications, combining quantum physics, material science and research translation. Elected to the Academy in 2020. Falling Walls Australia Jury Chair (2021); Chief Scientist CSIRO (2018 - 2021); ninth Chief Scientist of Australia (2021- 2023). Anonymous donor."

      Section xiv - Row 2 - Tile 51

      Dedicated by: Adjunct Professor Anonymous Anonymous

      Applied Physics Engineering Material Science Quantum Sensing
    • × Dr
      George Robert Fraser

      "George Robert Fraser (1932-2020). Medical geneticist. In 1962 he described the condition later known as the Fraser syndrome - an autosomal recessive congenital disorder. George died of COVID-19 on 1 April 2020, a date that suited his tragicomic life. Dedicated by Dr Oliver Mayo FAA."

      Section - Row 4 - Tile 63

      Dedicated by: Dr Oliver Mayo

    • × Professor
      Julian Gale

      "Professor Julian Gale FAA. John Curtin Distinguished Professor of Computational Chemistry, Curtin University. Elected to the Academy in 2015."

      Section x - Row 3 - Tile 39

      Dedicated by: Professor Julian Gale

      Nanomaterials Computational Chemistry Chemistry
    • × Professor
      Jozef Gécz

      "Professor Jozef Gécz RNDr PhD FAA FAHMS FFSc(RCPA). Professor of Human Genetics, University of Adelaide. Elected to the Academy in 2017.  "

      Section xiii - Row 2 - Tile 50

      Dedicated by: Professor Jozef Gécz

      Mutations Medical Sciences Human Genetics Epilepsy Genomics Cerebral Palsy Functional Genomics Autism Disease Gene Identification Protocadherin mRNA decay mRNA Export Gene Expression X-chromosome Intellectual Disability Medical Genetics Neurodevelopmental Disorder Non-sense Mediated
    • × Professor
      Frank Gibson

      "Professor Frank Gibson AM FAA FRS (1923 - 2008). Elected to the Academy in 1971. In honour of his discovery and naming of chorismate, a central metabolite in aromatic amino acid synthesis. Dedicated by Professor Philip Kuchel AM FAA in appreciation of an ANU Vacation Scholarship and Project in 1969, and subsequent long term friendship."

      Section v - Row 2 - Tile 18

      Dedicated by: Professor Philip Kuchel

    • × Professor
      Andy Gleadow

      "Professor Andrew Gleadow AO PhD FAA FGSAust - Geochronology and thermochronology of the continental crust.  Elected to the Academy in 1999. Council member (2009 - 2012)."

      Section viii - Row 2 - Tile 28

      Dedicated by: Professor Andy Gleadow

      Continental Crust Earth Sciences Geochronology Geology
    • × Professor
      Bob Graham

      "Professor Robert (Bob) Graham AO FAA. Molecular cardiology, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute. Head, Molecular Cardiology Laboratory. Elected to the Academy in 2002."

      Section ii - Row 2 - Tile 5

      Dedicated by: Professor Robert(Bob) Graham

      Cardiovascular Disease Medical Sciences Heart Disease Hypertension
    • × Professor
      Jenny Graves

      "Professor Jennifer Ann Marshall Graves AC FAA. Genomics and evolution of sex, starring Australian animals. Elected to the Academy in 1999; Foreign Secretary (2006-2010); Secretary Education and Public Awareness (2010-2014)."

      Section x - Row 2 - Tile 36

      Dedicated by: Professor Jenny Graves

      Biology Animal Biology Mammalian Genetics Genomics
    • × Professor
      David Green

      "For his research on the composition and structure of the Earth's upper mantle and on the origin of basalt magmas. He was the first to combine the techniques of high-pressure experiments and electron microprobe analysis, and led pioneering research into the role of water and carbon in the mantle."

      Section xi - Row 5 - Tile 43

      Dedicated by: Professor Dorrit Jacob

      Petrology Earth Sciences Geochemistry Geology
    • × Professor
      David Green

      "For his research on the composition and structure of the Earth's upper mantle and on the origin of basalt magmas. He was the first to combine the techniques of high-pressure experiments and electron microprobe analysis, and led pioneering research into the role of water and carbon in the mantle."

      Section xi - Row 5 - Tile 43

      Dedicated by: Professor Stephen Foley

      Petrology Earth Sciences Geochemistry Geology
    • × Professor
      Kliti Grice

      "Professor Kliti Grice FAA FRACI CChem FGSEAG. Renowned organic geochemist and world-leading authority on molecular fossils, stable isotopes and extinctions. Elected to the Academy in 2018. Dedicated by Professor Wendy Hoy AO FAA."

      Section xiv - Row 3 - Tile 53

      Dedicated by: Professor Wendy Hoy

      Palaeontology Palaeoclimatology Ecology Climate Climate Change Earth Sciences Biochemistry Biodiversity Evolution Microbiology Geochemistry Biomarkers Compound Specific Isotopes Carotenoids Chemostratigraphy Early Life Algae Petroleum Geochemistry Geomedical Pigments Land Plants Organic Geochemistry Lipids Stable Isotopes
    • × Professor
      Anton Hales

      "Professor Anton Hales FAA (1911 - 2006) Anton Hales was one of the world's leading solid-earth geophysicists who made foundational contributions to understanding the seismic structure of The Australian continent. He was founding Director of the Research School of Earth Sciences at the Australian National University and is remembered through the annual Anton Hales Medal awarded by the Australian Academy of Science recognising research in the Earth sciences. Elected FAA 1976."

      Section - Row 5 - Tile 12

      Dedicated by: Seismologists at the Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU

    • × Professor
      Ruth Hall

      "Professor Ruth Hall OAM FAA - Microbiology; genetics of antibiotic resistance; mobile genetic elements – Elected FAA 2005.  Actively involved in Sectional Committee 13 Immunology and Microbiology 2017-20.  "

      Section iv - Row 3 - Tile 13

      Dedicated by: Professor Ruth Hall

      Medical Sciences Antibiotic Resistance Microbiology Genomics
    • × Professor
      Peter Hall

      "Professor Peter Gavin Hall AO FAA FRS CorrFRSE FASSA (20 November 1951 – 9 January 2016). Elected to the Academy in 1987. Statistics was his abiding passion. Generosity and kindness were his greatest gift. In loving memory - Jeannie Hall."

      Section vi - Row 3 - Tile 24

      Dedicated by: Mrs Jeannie Hall

    • × Professor
      Glenda Halliday

      "Professor Glenda Halliday BSc(Hons) PhD FAA FAHMS. Acclaimed internationally for her research on neurodegeneration, making major impacts on understanding disease progression, and her promotion of neuroscience, mentorship and contributions to research evaluation. Elected to the Academy in 2021."

      Section vi - Row 4 - Tile 23

      Dedicated by: Professor Glenda Halliday

      Movement Disorders Neurodegenerative Disease Clinical Neurology Biology Dementia
    • × Professor
      Berthold Halpern

      "Professor Berthold Halpern FAA (1923 - 1980). Ingenious chemist, leading light, humanitarian and irrepressible spirit. Elected to the Australian Academy of Science in 1978. Dedicated in gratitude by Professor Roger Summons FAA FRS NAS."

      Section vi - Row 3 - Tile 22

      Dedicated by: Dr Roger Summons

    • × Dr
      Jean Haney-White

      "Dedicated to Jean Haney-White for services to science in establishing biological control methods for invasive cactus. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section vii - Row 5 - Tile 25

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Professor
      Edward Hannan

      "Professor Edward Hannan FAA FASSA (1921 - 1994). Mathematical statistics, especially Time Series Analysis and Fourier analysis of data. Elected to the Academy in 1970. Dedicated by Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS."

      Section vii - Row 3 - Tile 26

      Dedicated by: Professor Terry Speed

    • × Professor
      Richard Harvey

      "Professor Richard Harvey AM PhD FAA FAHMS FRS. Molecular cardiovascular developmental and stem cell biology. Elected to the Academy in 2007. To my family, and in appreciation of the work of the Australian Academy of Science in promoting science culture in its diverse forms in Australia."

      Section i - Row 3 - Tile 4

      Dedicated by: Professor Richard Harvey

      Cardiovascular Disease Medical Sciences Heart Disease Stem Cells
    • × Professor
      Dorothy Hill

      "Professor Dorothy Hill AC CBE FAA FRS (1907 - 1997). Elected to the Academy in 1956. First woman President of the Academy and pioneering Great Barrier Reef Researcher. Dedicated by Professor Maria Byrne FAA and Professor Helene Marsh AO FAA FTSE."

      Section iv - Row 1 - Tile 12

      Dedicated by: Professor Helene Marsh

    • × Professor
      Dorothy Hill

      "Professor Dorothy Hill AC CBE FAA FRS (1907 - 1997). Elected to the Academy in 1956. First woman President of the Academy and pioneering Great Barrier Reef Researcher. Dedicated by Professor Maria Byrne FAA and Professor Helene Marsh AO FAA FTSE."

      Section iv - Row 1 - Tile 12

      Dedicated by: Professor Maria Bryne

    • × Professor
      Dorothy Hill

      "Dorothy Hill, AC, CBE, FAA, FRS (1907 - 1997) was an Australian geologist and palaeontologist, the first female professor at an Australian university, and the first female president of the Australian Academy of Science.  An inspiration and mentor to generations of women in science. Elected FAA  1956."

      Section - Row 5 - Tile 5

      Dedicated by: Professor Kliti Grice

    • × Professor
      Paul Hodges

      "Paul Hodges PhD MedDr DSc BPhty(Hons) FAA FAHMS is a world leader in understanding pain and why people move differently in pain. Elected to the Academy in 2019. "

      Section v - Row 4 - Tile 22

      Dedicated by: Professor Paul Hodges

      Motor Control Muscle Function Neuroscience Respiration Medical Sciences Anatomy Brain Function Inflammation Electrophysiology Continence Men's Health Biomechanics Pain Neurobiology Rehabilitation Women's Health
    • ×
      Dorothy Hodgkin

      "Professor Dorothy Hodgkin OM FAA FRS Nobel Laureate (1910 – 1994). Corresponding Member. Chemistry, Crystallography. In 1955-57, she published the structure of vitamin B12, the vitamin deficient in pernicious anaemia and received the Nobel Prize in 1964 for this work.  Dedicated by Professor Robyn Owens FAA. Both women studied at Somerville College, Oxford."

      Section vi - Row 1 - Tile 21

      Dedicated by: Professor Robyn Owens

    • × Professor
      Mollie Holman

      "Professor Mollie Holman, B.Sc (Melb), D.Phil (Oxon), D.Sc(Monash) AO, FAA (1930-2010). Elected Fellow 1970. Professor of Physiology, Monash University 1963-1996. Internationally renowned cellular physiologist who pioneered study of the nervous control of smooth muscle. Dedicated by Robert Porter for her outstanding contributions to science and education."

      Section - Row 4 - Tile 32

      Dedicated by: Professor Robert Porter

    • × Professor
      Andrew Holmes

      "Professor Andrew Bruce Holmes AC ScD FAA FRS FTSE. Laureate Professor Emeritus, University of Melbourne. Elected to the Academy in 2006. President (2014-2018). "

      Section ii - Row 1 - Tile 6

      Dedicated by: Professor Andrew Holmes

      Organic Chemistry Polymer Chemistry Chemistry Electroactive Polymers
    • × Professor
      Adrian Horridge

      "Emeritus Professor Adrian Horridge FAA FRS has made fundamental discoveries in the study of vision in invertebrates. His highly imaginative ‘out of the box’ thinking has led to significant breakthroughs in our understanding of the principles of visual processing across many species, including humans. Moving from the UK to Australia in the late sixties, he was the first to establish this field of research in Australia and grow a department that attracted and stimulated researchers from all over the world, producing scientists that went on to be leaders in this field in many countries. Elected to the Academy in 1971."

      Section xii - Row 5 - Tile 45

      Dedicated by: Professor Mandyam Srinivsan FAA

      Neuroscience Biology Electrophysiology Vision Science
    • × Professor
      Wendy Hoy

      "Professor Wendy Hoy AO FAA FRACP. For chronic disease research and health service reform in disadvantaged populations. Elected to the Academy in 2015. Dedicated by Professor John Patrick FAA."

      Section iii - Row 4 - Tile 11

      Dedicated by: Professor John R Patrick

      Clinical Epidemiology Disadvantaged/High-Risk Populations Epidemiology Aboriginal Kidney Disease Kidney
    • × Professor
      John Jaeger

      "Professor John Jaeger FAA FRS (1907 - 1979). Distinguished for his contributions to applied mathematics and geophysics, and particularly for his studies of the problem of heat-flow in inhomogeneous media. Elected to the Academy in 1954."

      Section ii - Row 2 - Tile 8

      Dedicated by: Geophysicists from the Research School of Earth Sciences at ANU

    • × Professor
      Chennupati Jagadish

      "Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC FAA NAE(US) FTSE FNAI FNA FNAE FTWAS FEurASc FASc FNASc FAPAS. Distinguished Professor of Physics, Australian National University. Elected to the Australian Academy of Science in 2005"

      Section xiii - Row 1 - Tile 20

      Dedicated by: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

      Optoelectronics Photonics Nanotechnology Photovoltaics Physics
    • × Dr
      Shirley Jeffrey

      "Dedicated to Shirley Jeffrey for services to Science in Australian marine biology who researched biochemical separation techniques, specialising in micro-algal research; her discovery, isolation and purification of chlorophyll c allowed for the evaluation of oceanic microscopic plant biomass and photosynthesis. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section vi - Row 5 - Tile 22

      Dedicated by: Dr CSIRO

    • × Professor
      Brian Kennett

      "Professor Brian L N Kennett AO ScD FAA FRS. Seismologist. Emeritus Professor, Australian National University. Elected to the Academy in 1994."

      Section xvi - Row 3 - Tile 62

      Dedicated by: Professor Brian Kennett

      Seismology Earth Structure Earthquake Geology Earth Sciences Geology Geophysics
    • × Professor
      Tony Klein

      "Emeritus Professor Anthony (Tony) Klein AM FAA. (1935 - 2021) Experimental physics. Elected to the Academy in 1994. "

      Section i - Row 4 - Tile 2

      Dedicated by: Emeritus Professor Tony Klein

      Optics Physics Industrial Physics Instrumentation
    • × Professor
      Paul Korner

      "Professor Paul I Korner AO FAA (1925 - 2012). Physiologist and cardiologist. Elected to the Academy in 1974. Dedicated by Professor James A Angus AO FAA and Professor Bob Graham AO FAA."

      Section i - Row 2 - Tile 3

      Dedicated by: Professor Bob Graham

    • × Professor
      Paul Korner

      "Professor Paul Korner AO FAA (1925 - 2012). Physiologist and cardiologist. Elected FAA 1974. In appreciation for your support and encouragement as the supervisor for my BScMed (H1) at the University of Sydney and for my PhD at UNSW Sydney a few years later, and as a life-long friend thereafter. Dedicated by Professor John Chalmers FAA."

      Section i - Row 4 - Tile 1

      Dedicated by: Professor John Chalmers

    • × Professor
      Paul Korner

      "Professor Paul I Korner AO FAA (1925 - 2012). Physiologist and cardiologist. Elected to the Academy in 1974. Dedicated by Professor James A Angus AO FAA and Professor Bob Graham AO FAA."

      Section i - Row 2 - Tile 3

      Dedicated by: Professor James Angus

    • × Professor
      Kurt Lambeck

      "Professor Kurt Lambeck AC FAA FRS, Professor of Geophysics at the Research School of Earth Sciences at the Australian National University. Elected to the Academy in 1984. President (2006 - 2010). "

      Section ii - Row 1 - Tile 5

      Dedicated by: Professor Kurt Lambeck

      Palaeoclimatology Earth Sciences Geophysics Tectonics
    • × Professor
      Hans Lambers

      "Professor Johannes (Hans) Lambers PhD FAA FRNAAS. Australian plants and their interactions with phosphorus-limited ecosystems. Elected to the Academy in 2012."

      Section xiv - Row 2 - Tile 54

      Dedicated by: Professor Hans Lambers

      Pasture Nutrition Plant Nutrition Plant Biology Biology
    • × Professor
      Oliver Lancaster

      "Professor Oliver Lancaster AO FAA (1913 - 2001). Mathematical statistics; history of biology; bibliography. Elected to the Academy in 1961. Dedicated by Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS."

      Section viii - Row 3 - Tile 30

      Dedicated by: Professor Terry Speed

    • × Professor
      Kerry Landman

      "Professor Kerry Landman FAA. Applied mathematician. Professor Emeritus at the University of Melbourne. ANZIAM Medal 2014. Elected to Academy in 2019."

      Section xv - Row 2 - Tile 59

      Dedicated by: Professor Kerry Landman

      Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Partial Differential Equations Mathematics Applied Mathematics Modelling
    • ×
      Brian Lawn

      "Dr Brian Lawn FAA NAE (1938 - ). Pioneer in brittle fracture, fracture mechanics, indentation, biomechanics. Outstanding mentor, wonderful role model, colleague and friend. Elected Corresponding Member of the Australian Academy of Science in 2012. "

      Section v - Row 3 - Tile 19

      Dedicated by: Professor Jim S Williams

    • × Professor
      Kenneth Le Couteur

      "Professor Kenneth Le Couteur FAA (1920-2011). Head of the Theoretical Physics Department in the ANU. Elected to the Academy in 1960. Dedicated by Professor Rodney Baxter FAA FRS."

      Section xvi - Row 2 - Tile 62

      Dedicated by: Professor Rodney Baxter

    • × Emeritus Professor
      Adrian Lee

      "Emeritus Professor Adrian Lee FRSN was Professor of Microbiology at UNSW from 1990 to 2006. In his PhD at the Rockefeller University in 1968, he was the first person to culture Helicobacter (from mice).  His early work was an important contributor to Marshall and Warren’s Nobel Prize Winning isolation of Helicobacter pylori at Royal Perth Hospital in 1982. Dedicated by Professor Barry Marshall AC FRS FAA Nobel Laureate."

      Section v - Row 4 - Tile 30

      Dedicated by: Professor Barry Marshall

    • × Professor
      Eugenie Lumbers

      "Professor Eugenie Ruth Lumbers AM FAA DistFRSN (1941- ). Medical Sciences, physiology, pharmacology. Elected to the Academy in 2002. Dedicated by her husband William McDougall Forbes. "

      Section x - Row 3 - Tile 40

      Dedicated by: Professor McDougall Forbes

      Pharmacology Physiology Medical Sciences Hypertension Kidney Function Early Life Reproduction
    • × Professor
      Lawrie Lyons

      "Professor Lawrence Ernest Lyons FAA —physical chemist, organic semiconductors pioneer (1922-2010); my tutor and supervisor at Sydney University in the 1950s. Dedicated by Professor John W. White AO CMG FAA FRS "

      Section ix - Row 2 - Tile 35

      Dedicated by: Professor John White

    • × Dr
      Ian Mackay

      "Dr Ian Mackay AM MD FAA FRACP FRCPA FRCP (1922-2020). Autoimmunity and pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. Elected to the Academy in 1991. Dedicated by Professor Ian Frazer AC FAA FTSE FAHMS FRS."

      Section ii - Row 3 - Tile 8

      Dedicated by: Professor Ian Frazer

      Medical Sciences Autoimmune Disease Autoimmunity Immunology
    • × Dame
      Annie Jean Macnamara

      "Dedicated to Annie Jean Macnamara for services to Science for the treatment of poliomyelitis and orthopaedics. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section vi - Row 5 - Tile 24

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Professor
      John Mahony

      "Professor John Mahony FAA (1929 - 1992) Applied mathematics, singular perturbation theory. Elected to the Academy in 1974. Dedicated by Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS."

      Section vii - Row 3 - Tile 28

      Dedicated by: Professor Terry Speed

    • × Dr
      Kathleen Rachel Makinson

      "Dedicated to Kathleen Rachel Makinson for services to Science as the first woman at CSIRO to become a Chief Research Scientist (in the Division of Textile Physics) and as an authority on wool felting friction and shrink proofing. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section vii - Row 5 - Tile 28

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Dr
      Dick Manchester

      "Dr Richard Manchester FAA - Astrophysics; pulsars; supernova remnants; interstellar medium – Elected FAA 1989. Widely acknowledged as a world authority on pulsars, leading advocate of the development of a radio synthesis telescope in Australia.  "

      Section iv - Row 4 - Tile 15

      Dedicated by: Anonymous Anonymous

      Pulsars Physics Astronomy Supanova
    • × Professor
      Lew Mander

      "Professor Lewis Norman Mander AC FAA FRS (1939 - 2020). Organic chemistry, plant regulators. Elected to the Academy in 1983. Dedicated by Professor Leo Radom AC FAA to a colleague and friend."

      Section xv - Row 3 - Tile 59

      Dedicated by: Professor Leo Radom

      Organic Chemistry Plant Bioregulators Chemistry Synthesis
    • × Professor
      Helene Marsh

      "Professor Helene Marsh AO FAA FTSE. Emeritus Professor of Environmental Science, College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University. Elected to the Academy in 2015. "

      Section iv - Row 2 - Tile 16

      Dedicated by: Professor Helene Marsh

      Conservation Biology Marine Biology Marine Ecology
    • ×
      Theo John (Tim) Marshall

      "Theo John (Tim) Marshall AM. CSIRO Soils Physics (1937 - 1965). Developed the Marshall equation describing the movement of water in soil. Dedicated by Professor Jennifer Marshall Graves."

      Section x - Row 4 - Tile 37

      Dedicated by: Professor Jenny Graves

    • × Professor
      Barry Marshall

      "Barry Marshall AC Hon DSc (ANU) Hon MD (UWA) FAA FAHMS FRACP NAS FRS Nobel Laureate won the Nobel prize in Medicine and Physiology, with Dr JR Warren in 2005. They discovered the gastric bacterium Helicobacter pylori, the cause of gastritis, peptic ulceration and gastric cancer. Elected to the Academy in 1999."

      Section iii - Row 1 - Tile 9

      Dedicated by: Professor Barry Marshall

      Medical Sciences Helicobacter Pylori Microbiology Gastroenterology
    • × Dr
      Hedley Marston

      "Dedicated to Hedley Ralph Marston for services to Science in biochemistry and research into nuclear test fallouts. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section vi - Row 5 - Tile 21

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Professor
      Raymond Leslie Martin

      "Professor Raymond Leslie Martin AO FAA FTSE FRACI (1926 - 2020). Physical inorganic chemist. Elected to the Academy in 1971. Dedicated by his children Leon, Lisandra, Antony and Michael. An inspiring father, exceptional scientist and always a quiet achiever."

      Section vi - Row 3 - Tile 23

      Dedicated by: Associate Professor Lisa Martin

    • × Professor
      Jennifer Martin

      "Professor Jennifer L Martin AC FAA. Elected to the Academy in 2017. Internationally renowned protein crystallographer, and gender equity and diversity advocate. Dedicated to family, friends and colleagues who supported me in my journey, and to the Australian Academy of Science for promoting science, diversity and evidence-based decision-making."

      Section iv - Row 3 - Tile 15

      Dedicated by: Professor Jennifer L Martin

      Proteins Chemistry Biochemistry Immunology Enzymology Molecular Biology Structural Biology Fragment-based Screening Drug Discovery Structure-based Inhibitor Design Protein Structure-Function Relationships Protein Complexes Protein Structure Protein Crystallography
    • × Professor Sir
      Leslie Harold Martin

      "Professor Sir Leslie Harold Martin CBE FAA FRS (1900 - 1983). Nuclear physicist. Foundation Fellow of the Academy. Dedicated by his grandchildren: Leon, Lisandra, Antony and Michael. From humble beginnings, he was a pioneer and leader in Australian science and education."

      Section iv - Row 1 - Tile 13

      Dedicated by: Michael Martin

    • × Professor Sir
      Leslie Harold Martin

      "Professor Sir Leslie Harold Martin CBE FAA FRS (1900 - 1983). Nuclear physicist. Foundation Fellow of the Academy. Dedicated by his grandchildren: Leon, Lisandra, Antony and Michael. From humble beginnings, he was a pioneer and leader in Australian science and education."

      Section iv - Row 1 - Tile 13

      Dedicated by: Antony Martin

    • × Professor Sir
      Leslie Harold Martin

      "Professor Sir Leslie Harold Martin CBE FAA FRS (1900 - 1983). Nuclear physicist. Foundation Fellow of the Academy. Dedicated by his grandchildren: Leon, Lisandra, Antony and Michael. From humble beginnings, he was a pioneer and leader in Australian science and education."

      Section iv - Row 1 - Tile 13

      Dedicated by: Leon Martin

    • × Professor Sir
      Leslie Harold Martin

      "Professor Sir Leslie Harold Martin CBE FAA FRS (1900 - 1983). Nuclear physicist. Foundation Fellow of the Academy. Dedicated by his grandchildren: Leon, Lisandra, Antony and Michael. From humble beginnings, he was a pioneer and leader in Australian science and education."

      Section iv - Row 1 - Tile 13

      Dedicated by: Associate Professor Lisandra Martin

    • × Professor
      Boris Martinac

      "Professor Boris Martinac PhD FAA has elucidated fundamental mechanisms of ion channel-mediated mechanosensory transduction in living cells. He is one of the leading membrane biophysicists world-wide with an outstanding international and national reputation. Elected to the Academy in 2013."

      Section ii - Row 4 - Tile 4

      Dedicated by: Professor Boris Martinac

      Neuroscience Cell Membranes Physics Medical Sciences Bacteria Biophysics Membranes Ion Channels Mechanosensitive Ion Channels Membrane Proteins Electrophysiology Spectroscopy Protein Structure-Function Relationships Lipids
    • × Professor
      Raghunath Mashelkar

      "Professor Raghunath Mashelkar Padma Vibhushan FAA FRS NAS NAE FTSE. National Research Professor, National Innovation Foundation of India. Dedicated by Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC FAA FTSE."

      Section xii - Row 2 - Tile 46

      Dedicated by: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

    • × Professor
      Ian McCarthy

      "Professor Ian Ellery McCarthy FAA FAPS FAIP (1930-2005). Quantum physicist, enthusiastic collaborator and mentor. Elected to the Academy in 1982. Dedicated by Emeritus Professor Erich Weigold AM FAA FAPS FTSE FAIP."

      Section viii - Row 4 - Tile 29

      Dedicated by: Professor Erich Weigold

    • × Professor
      David McClelland

      "Professor David E McClelland FAA.  Distinguished Professor, The Australian National University, and Inaugural Director, ANU Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics. Elected to the Academy in 2019."

      Section iv - Row 3 - Tile 16

      Dedicated by: Professor David E McClelland

      Optics Quantum Optics Physics Instrumentation Gravitational Waves
    • × Dr
      Ken McCracken

      "Dr Ken McCracken AO DSc Hon DSc (Tas) FAA FTSE. Distinguished for his application of fundamental physics to technological developments in space exploration and geophysical exploration. Elected to the Academy in 1987. Dedicated by Dr Gregory Clark AC BSc(Hons 1st Class) PhD FAA FTSE FAPS."

      Section i - Row 2 - Tile 64

      Dedicated by: Dr Gregory Clark

      Cosmic Radiation Earth Sciences Mineral Exploration Remote Sensing
    • × Professor
      Angus David McEwan

      "Dr Angus David McEwan FAA FTSE (1937 – 2018). A pioneering researcher in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, and an inspirational leader of Australian oceanography.  Elected to the Academy in 1982.  Dedicated to a mentor, respected colleague and friend by Professor John Church FAA FTSE, Professor Trevor McDougall AC FRS FAA, and Dr Stephen Rintoul AO AAM FAA. "

      Section viii - Row 2 - Tile 32

      Dedicated by: Professor John Church

    • × Professor
      Angus David McEwan

      "Dr Angus David McEwan FAA FTSE (1937 – 2018). A pioneering researcher in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, and an inspirational leader of Australian oceanography.  Elected to the Academy in 1982.  Dedicated to a mentor, respected colleague and friend by Professor John Church FAA FTSE, Professor Trevor McDougall AC FRS FAA, and Dr Stephen Rintoul AO AAM FAA. "

      Section viii - Row 2 - Tile 32

      Dedicated by: Professor Stephen Rintoul

    • × Professor
      Angus David McEwan

      "Dr Angus David McEwan FAA FTSE (1937 – 2018). A pioneering researcher in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, and an inspirational leader of Australian oceanography.  Elected to the Academy in 1982.  Dedicated to a mentor, respected colleague and friend by Professor John Church FAA FTSE, Professor Trevor McDougall AC FRS FAA, and Dr Stephen Rintoul AO AAM FAA. "

      Section viii - Row 2 - Tile 32

      Dedicated by: Professor Trevor McDougall

    • × Professor
      Archie McIntyre

      "Professor Archibald Keverall McIntyre BSc (Hons I 1934) MBBS (Hons I and University Medal 1936) FAA (1913 - 2002). Neurophysiologist. Elected to the Academy in 1963. Dedicated by Professor Elspeth McLachlan DSc FAA."

      Section x - Row 2 - Tile 39

      Dedicated by: Professor Elspeth McLachlan

    • × Professor
      Bruce McKellar

      "Professor Bruce McKellar AC FAA. Theoretical physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, atmospheric optics, quantum phases. Elected to the Academy in 1987; Vice President (2000 - 2004); Foreign Secretary (2004 - 2006)."

      Section vii - Row 2 - Tile 25

      Dedicated by: Professor Bruce McKellar

      Nuclear Physics Particle Physics Physics Atmospheric Physics High Energy Physics Theoretical Physics
    • × Professor
      Kerrie Mengersen

      "Professor Kerrie Mengersen BA (Hons) PhD FAA. Internationally recognised contributions to the field of Bayesian statistics. Elected to the Academy in 2018. Dedicated by Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS. "

      Section ix - Row 3 - Tile 34

      Dedicated by: Professor Terry Speed

      Applied Statistics Bayesian Statistics Biometrics Biostatistics Computational Statistics Environmetrics Mathematical Statistics Mathematics Statistics
    • × Dr
      James Michael

      "Professor James Henry (Jim) Michael FAA (1920 - 2001). Mathematics: analysis and partial differential equations. Elected to the Academy in 1973. Dedicated by Professor Neil Trudinger FAA."

      Section iii - Row 3 - Tile 12

      Dedicated by: Dr Neil Trudinger

    • × Professor
      Nancy Millis

      "Emeritus Professor Nancy Fannie Millis AC MBE FAA FTSE (1922 – 2012)  Elected 2004.  Australian microbiologist who introduced fermentation technologies to Australia, and created the first applied microbiology course taught in an Australian university. Dedicated by Jennifer L Martin AC FAA. "

      Section vii - Row 4 - Tile 27

      Dedicated by: Professor Jennifer L Martin

    • × Dr
      Graeme Moad

      "Dedicated to Graeme Moad for services to Science in radical chemistry and co-inventor of 38 patent families and authoring over 200 publications. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section viii - Row 5 - Tile 29

      Dedicated by: CSIRO CSIRO

    • × Professor
      Alex Moodie

      "Professor Alexander (Alec) Forbes Moodie FAA (1923 – 2018). A key figure in some of the major developments in electron diffraction and electron microscopy. Elected to the Academy in 1973. "

      Section vii - Row 4 - Tile 25

      Dedicated by: David Moodie

    • × Professor
      John Moore

      "Professor John Barratt Moore FAA FTSE (1941 - 2013). Electrical engineer. Elected to the Academy in 1994. Dedicated by colleague Professor Brian Anderson AC FAA FTSE FRS."

      Section iv - Row 2 - Tile 14

      Dedicated by: Professor Brian Anderson

    • × Professor
      Patrick Moran

      "Professor Patrick Alfred Pierce Moran FAA FRS (1917 - 1988). Mathematician, statistician and probabilist. Dedicated by Professor Louise Ryan FAA NAM."

      Section v - Row 2 - Tile 17

      Dedicated by: Professor Louise Ryan

    • × Professor
      B H (Bernhard) Neumann

      "Professor B H (Bernhard) Neumann AC FAA FRS (1909 - 2002). Group theory, universal algebra, geometry. Elected to the Academy in 1964. Dedicated by Professor Susanne von Caemmerer FAA FRS and Professor Cheryl Praeger AC FAA."

      Section vii - Row 2 - Tile 27

      Dedicated by: Professor Cheryl Praeger

    • × Professor
      Hanna Neumann

      "Professor Hanna Neumann FAA (1914 - 1971). Mathematics, group theory, geometry. Elected to the Academy in 1969. Dedicated by her niece Professor Susanne von Caemmerer FAA FRS."

      Section i - Row 3 - Tile 3

      Dedicated by: Professor Susanne von Caemmerer

    • × Professor
      B H (Bernhard) Neumann

      "Professor B H (Bernhard) Neumann AC FAA FRS (1909 - 2002). Group theory, universal algebra, geometry. Elected to the Academy in 1964. Dedicated by Professor Susanne von Caemmerer FAA FRS and Professor Cheryl Praeger AC FAA."

      Section vii - Row 2 - Tile 27

      Dedicated by: Professor Susanne von Caemmerer

    • × Dr
      Helen Alma Newton Turner

      "Dedicated to Helen Alma Newton Turner for services to Science in agriculture and sheep breeding research. Dedicated by CSIRO."

      Section vii - Row 5 - Tile 26

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Professor
      Laurie Nichol

      "Professor Laurie Nichol FAA (1935 – 2015). Elected to the Academy in 1981. In honour of his discovery of the concept of enzyme polymerization as a means of regulating catalytic activity, and deriving the requisite enzyme-kinetic theory. Dedicated by Professor Philip Kuchel AM FAA in appreciation of engaging PhD supervision, 1972-1975."

      Section v - Row 2 - Tile 19

      Dedicated by: Professor Philip Kuchel

    • × Sir
      Gus Nossal

      "Sir Gustav Joseph Victor Nossal AC CBE FAA FTSE FAHMS FRS. Former Director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (1965 - 1996) and Academy President (1994 - 1998). Doyen of immunology and inspirational scientific leader, whose contributions to science and world health are legendary. Dedicated by Professor Suzanne Cory FAA."

      Section ii - Row 1 - Tile 7

      Dedicated by: Professor Suzanne Cory

      Antibodies Immunology Medical Sciences Vaccines
    • × Sir
      Gus Nossal

      "Sir Gus Nossal AC CBE FAA FTSE FAHMS FRS wishes to applaud the great contribution which the Australian Academy of Science and its Fellows makes to the life of the nation."

      Section iii - Row 1 - Tile 10

      Dedicated by: Sir Gus Nossal

      Medical Sciences Antibodies Immunology Vaccines
    • × Professor
      Suzanne Yvette O'Reilly

      "Professor Suzanne Yvette O'Reilly AM FAA FGSAu FMSA FRSN DHC. Geoscientist. Elected to the Academy in 2002. Council Member (2015 - 2018), EXCOM Spokesperson for Equity and Diversity (2018 – 2022).  Distinguished Professor of Geology at Macquarie University, and Director of the GEMOC National Key Centre and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems. "

      Section iv - Row 2 - Tile 13

      Dedicated by: Professor Suzanne Yvette O'Reilly

      Petrology Earth Sciences Geology Tectonics
    • × Professor Sir
      Marcus Laurence Elwin (Mark) Oliphant

      "Professor Sir Marcus Laurence Elwin (Mark) Oliphant AC KBE FRS FAA FTSE (1901 - 2000). Founding Director of the Research School of Physical Sciences, Australian National University (1950 - 1963). Founding Fellow and first President of the Academy (1954 – 1957). Donated by Professor Tim Senden."

      Section iii - Row 1 - Tile 11

      Dedicated by: Professor Tim Sendon

    • × Professor
      Geoff Opat

      "Professor Geoffrey Ivan Opat AO FAA (1935 - 2002). Respected physicist, scholar, teacher and mentor. He spent much of his life in a labour of love, trying to understand a little more about the world."

      Section i - Row 3 - Tile 1

      Dedicated by: Andrea Zilberman (Opat)

    • × Professor
      Geoffrey Ivan Opat

      "Professor Geoffrey Ivan Opat AO FAA (1935 - 2002). Respected physicist, scholar, teacher and mentor. He spent much of his life in a labour of love, trying to understand a little more about the world."

      Section i - Row 3 - Tile 1

      Dedicated by: Professor Stephen Opat

    • × Professor
      Robyn Owens

      "Professor Robyn Owens BSc (Hons) MSc DPhil FAA FTSE FACS GAICD. Mathematics, robotics, computer vision. Elected Fellow of the Academy in 2020. Champions women in science and STEM. Dedicated by Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS."

      Section ix - Row 3 - Tile 35

      Dedicated by: Professor Terry Speed

      Computer Vision Science Policy University Rankings Research Quality Evaluations
    • × Professor
      Michael Parker

      "Professor Michael Parker FAA FAHMS. Protein crystallography and drug discovery. Director of the Bio21 Institute, University of Melbourne. Elected to the Academy in 2010."

      Section vi - Row 3 - Tile 21

      Dedicated by: Professor Michael Parker

      Proteins Medical Sciences Structural Biology X-ray Crystallography
    • × Dr
      John Passioura

      "Dr John Passioura FAA Environmental biology; water-limited agriculture. Elected to the Academy in 1994. Dedicated by Professor Wendy Hoy AO FAA."

      Section xiv - Row 3 - Tile 55

      Dedicated by: Professor Wendy Hoy

      Philosophy of Science Plant Biology Plant Physiology Drought Resistant Crops Biology Agricultural Science Water
    • × Professor
      Mervyn Paterson

      "Professor Mervyn Silas Paterson FAA (1925-2020): Elected FAA 1972 - a world leader in experimental rock deformation with application to structural geology and tectonics – through development of specialised equipment for mechanical testing under conditions of high pressure and temperature.  "

      Section viii - Row 3 - Tile 32

      Dedicated by: Professor Ian Jackson

      Rock Deformation Rock Mechanics Earth Sciences Geophysics
    • × Professor
      John Patrick

      "Professor John William Patrick FAA. Plant physiologist. Emeritus Professor, University of Newcastle. Elected to the Academy in 2017. Dedicated by Professor Wendy Hoy AO FAA."

      Section xiv - Row 3 - Tile 56

      Dedicated by: Professor Wendy Hoy

      Seed Biology Plant Cell Walls Biology Crop Yields Membrane Transport Cell Wall Labyrinth Assembly Fruit Set Fruit Filling Signalling Pathways Phloem Biology Seed Set Phloem Unloading Transfer Cell Biology Seed Filling
    • × Dr
      John Paul Wild

      "Dedicated to John Paul Wild, for services to radio physics, radio astronomy and interscan landing aircraft system. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section v - Row 5 - Tile 17

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Ms
      Ruby Payne-Scott

      "Ruby Violet Payne-Scott, BSc MSc DipEd (1912-1932) An Australian pioneer in radio physics and radio astronomy, and is believed to have been the first female radio astronomer. Dedicated by Professor Brian Schmidt AC FAA FRS Nobel Laureate"

      Section i - Row 5 - Tile 4

      Dedicated by: Professor Brian Schmidt

    • × Dr
      Jim Peacock

      "Dr Jim Peacock AC FAA FRS FTSE - Elected FAA 1976. President AAS 2002 - 2006 The Academy needs to provide positive and balanced representation of all scientists to the Government in all manners of National Science and it's funding."

      Section - Row 1 - Tile 4

      Dedicated by: Dr Jim Peacock

      Plant Biology Biology Agricultural Science Biotechnology Genomics Gentetic Control
    • × Professor
      Anthony Perry

      "Professor Anthony E Perry FAA. Fluid mechanician (1937 - 2001). Elected to the Academy in 1985. Dedicated by Professor Ivan Marusic FAA."

      Section ii - Row 2 - Tile 7

      Dedicated by: Professor Ivan Marusic

    • × Professor
      Michael Pitman

      "Professor Michael Pitman OBE FAA (1933 – 2000) Distinguished for his research on ion channels in plants, for being a scientific leader at the Universities of Adelaide and Sydney and in the CSIRO, for his contributions to science education via the 'Web of Science’, for being Australia's Chief Scientist from 1992 to 1996 and for being a good friend and mentor. Elected FAA 1981."

      Section - Row 5 - Tile 11

      Dedicated by: Mrs Penny Doherty

    • × Professor
      Michael Pitman

      "Professor Michael Pitman OBE FAA (1933 – 2000) Distinguished for his research on ion channels in plants, for being a scientific leader at the Universities of Adelaide and Sydney and in the CSIRO, for his contributions to science education via the 'Web of Science’, for being Australia's Chief Scientist from 1992 to 1996 and for being a good friend and mentor. Elected FAA 1981."

      Section - Row 5 - Tile 11

      Dedicated by: Professor Peter Doherty

    • × Professor
      Edwin Pitman

      "Professor Edwin Pitman FAA (1897 - 1993). Statistical theory of estimation; tests of significance. Elected to the Academy in 1954. Dedicated by Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS."

      Section vii - Row 3 - Tile 27

      Dedicated by: Professor Terry Speed

    • × Sir
      John Pople

      "Professor Sir John A Pople KBE FAA FRS Nobel Laureate (1925-2004). Theoretical Chemistry. Elected Corresponding Member of the Academy in 1993. Dedicated by Professor Leo Radom AC FAA to a mentor, colleague and friend."

      Section v - Row 1 - Tile 19

      Dedicated by: Professor Leo Radom

    • × Professor
      Robert Porter

      "Emeritus Professor Robert Porter AC MA DM DSc FAA FRACP FRACMA. Neurophysiologist. Professor of Physiology, Monash University (1967 - 1979); Director, John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU (1980 - 1989); Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Monash (1989 - 1998); Planning Dean, JCU School of Medicine (1998 - 2000). Secretary Biological Sciences (1978 - 1982)."

      Section vi - Row 2 - Tile 20

      Dedicated by: Professor Robert Porter

      Brain Function Brain Structure Medical Sciences Neurophysiology Neuroscience
    • × Professor
      Ren Potts

      "Emeritus Professor Robert Porter AC MA DM DSc FAA FRACP FRACMA. Neurophysiologist. Professor of Physiology, Monash University (1967 - 1979); Director, John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU (1980 - 1989); Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Monash (1989 - 1998); Planning Dean, JCU School of Medicine (1998 - 2000). Secretary Biological Sciences (1978 - 1982)."

      Section ii - Row 3 - Tile 5

      Dedicated by: Dr Hugh Possingham

    • × Emeritus Professor
      Cheryl Praeger

      "Professor Cheryl E Praeger AC FAA, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, University of Western Australia. Elected to the Academy in 1996; Foreign Secretary (2014 - 2018); Thomas Ranken Lyle Medal (2013); inaugural Ruby Payne-Scott Medal (2021). Western Australian Science Hall of Fame inductee (2015), Prime Minister’s Prize for Science (2019)."

      Section vi - Row 2 - Tile 23

      Dedicated by: Professor Cheryl Praeger

      Pure Mathematics Mathematics Algebraic Combinatorics Group Theory
    • × Sir
      Robert Price

      "Dedicated to James Robert Price for services to Science in organic chemistry and for his appointment as Chairman in 1970-77. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section iv - Row 5 - Tile 16

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Dr
      Uwe Radok

      "Dr Uwe Radok (1916 - 2009) pioneered numerical weather prediction in Australia and consolidated Australia’s Antarctic glaciological research program. He was a mentor to many and a strong advocate of international scientific collaboration. Dedicated by Dr Ian Allison AO FAA."

      Section ii - Row 4 - Tile 6

      Dedicated by: Dr Ian Allison

    • × Professor
      Leo Radom

      "Professor Leo Radom AC FAA FRSN (1944- ). Computational Quantum Chemistry.  Emeritus Professor, University of Sydney. Elected to the Academy in 1988. "

      Section xvi - Row 3 - Tile 61

      Dedicated by: Professor Leo Radom

      Quantum Chemistry Computational Chemistry Chemistry Theoretical Chemistry
    • × Mr
      John Ralph

      "Mr John Ralph AC FAA FTSE. Former Chairman of the Australian Foundation for Science (from 1994). President of Business Council of Australia and member of the Prime Minister’s Science and Engineering Council. Dedicated to the promotion of higher education and research.  Elected to the Academy in 2004."

      Section x - Row 2 - Tile 38

      Dedicated by: Mr John Ralph

      Corporate Corporate Leadership Corporate Management
    • × Professor
      Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra

      "Professor Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra (CNR) Rao Bharata Ratna FAA FRS NAS. Linus Pauling Professor and Honorary President, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru.  Dedicated by Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC FAA FTSE."

      Section xii - Row 2 - Tile 47

      Dedicated by: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

    • × Professor
      Colin Raston

      "Professor Colin L Raston AO FAA has made seminal contributions to inorganic, organometallic, supramolecular and green chemistry, nanoscience, nanotechnology and flow chemistry. In 2015, he shared an Ig Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for inventing a chemical recipe to partially un-boil an egg". In 2016, Raston was made an Officer of the Order of Australia for his services to science. Elected to the Academy in 2018."

      Section x - Row 3 - Tile 38

      Dedicated by: Professor Colin Raston

      Nanotechnology Chemistry Supramolecular Chemistry Flow Chemistry Green Chemistry Chemical Synthesis Materials Processing Thin Film Microfluidics Nanoscience
    • × Professor
      Michael Raupach

      "Professor Michael Raupach FAA (1950 – 2015) . Micrometeorologist with brilliant insights into critical interactions between biosphere and atmosphere. A paragon of integrity, clarity of thought, modesty, and ever willing to help. Elected to the Academy in 2009. Dedicated by Dr John Passioura FAA."

      Section iv - Row 4 - Tile 14

      Dedicated by: Professor John Passioura

    • × Professor
      Roger Reddel

      "Professor Roger Reddel AO BSc(Med) MBBS PhD FAA FRACP FAHMS, Sir Lorimer Dods Professor and Director, Children's Medical Research Institute, University of Sydney. Elected to the Academy in 2010."

      Section xiv - Row 2 - Tile 56

      Dedicated by: Professor Roger Reddel

      Cancer Medicine Medical Sciences Molecular Oncology Genomics
    • × Professor
      Marilyn Renfree

      "Professor Marilyn Renfree AO FAA FRS – Elected FAA 1997 Vice President (2011-2015). Renfree has made a sustained and major contribution to reproductive physiology and sexual development of marsupials during the past several decades and is a world leader in marsupial placental physiology, genomic imprinting, comparative genomics and embryonic diapause."

      Section - Row 2 - Tile 30

      Dedicated by: Professor Marilyn Renfree

      Biology Animal Biology Mammalian Reproduction Marsupials Genomics
    • ×

      This tile is reserved


      Section - Row 5 - Tile 8

      Dedicated by: This tile is reserved

    • × Professor
      Linda Richards

      "Professor Linda Richards AO FAA FAHMS  : Fundamental mechanisms regulating the wiring of neuronal connections between the two hemispheres of the brain.  Elected FAA 2015.  "

      Section v - Row 4 - Tile 17

      Dedicated by: Professor Linda Richards

      MRI Neuroscience Biology Corpus Callosum Brain Development and Behaviour Brain Function Brain Structure Evolutionary Biology Mammalian Genetics Neurodevelopmental Disorder
    • × Professor
      Alfred Ringwood

      "Professor Alfred Edward (Ted) Ringwood FAA FTSE FRS (1930 - 1993). For his pioneering research in the chemistry and evolution of the Earth, and for his leadership role in the creation of the Research School of Earth Sciences at the Australian National University. Elected to the Academy in 1966. Dedicated by Professor Kurt Lambeck FAA."

      Section ix - Row 2 - Tile 33

      Dedicated by: Professor Kurt Lambeck

    • × Dr
      Steve Rintoul

      "Dr Stephen Rintoul AO AAM FAA. Physical oceanographer and climate scientist with a passion for the Southern Ocean. Elected to the Academy in 2006.  Council (2016 – 2019); CSIRO Fellow. "

      Section ii - Row 2 - Tile 6

      Dedicated by: Dr Stephen Rintoul

      Oceanography Southern Oceans Climate Earth Sciences
    • × Professor Sir
      Albert Cherbury David Rivett

      "Dedicated to Professor Albert Cherbury David Rivett. CSIRO Chairman in 1946-1950 and later appointed to CSIRO’s Advisory Council from 1950. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section iv - Row 5 - Tile 13

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Dr
      Ezio Rizzardo

      "Dedicated to Ezio Rizzardo for services to Science polymerization, the co-inventor of the RAFT process and as a CSIRO Fellow. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section viii - Row 5 - Tile 30

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

      Raft Polymerisation Polymer Chemistry Chemistry Free Radicals
    • × Professor
      Andrew Roberts

      "Professor Andrew Warwick Roberts AM FAA FAHMS. Cancer Biology; haematology. Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation (2019). Elected to the Academy in 2020."

      Section iii - Row 3 - Tile 10

      Dedicated by: Professor Andrew Roberts

      Cancer Biology Drug Mechanisms Medical Sciences Apoptosis Blood Cells Haematology
    • × Sir
      Rutherford Robertson

      "Professor Sir Rutherford Ness (Bob) Robertson AC CMG FAA FRS NAS (1913 – 2001). Elected to the Academy 1954; President (1970 – 1974). One of Australia’s most influential and respected scientists distinguished for his research on plant cell membranes and as an early architect of the Australian Research Council. Dedicated to a close family friend, role model and mentor for Michael Pitman OBE FAA by Maureen Pitman and by Barry Osmond FAA FRS ML."

      Section vi - Row 1 - Tile 22

      Dedicated by: Professor Barry Osmond

    • × Professor
      Alison Rodger

      "Professor Alison Rodger FAA FRSC (1959 -). Biophysical chemist. Elected to the Academy in 2021. Dedicated to Mark Rodger, her family, friends, and collaborators."

      Section xii - Row 3 - Tile 46

      Dedicated by: Professor Alison Rodger

      Self Assemby Quantum Chemistry Chemistry Biophysical Chemistry Biophysics Membrane Proteins Spectroscopy Theoretical Chemistry DNA Protein-protein Interactions Protein Complexes Protein
    • × Professor
      Ian Ross

      "Professor Ian Gordon Ross AO FAA (1926-2006). Chemist and visionary university leader. Elected to the Academy in 1973. A life-long mentor to many. Dedicated by Professor Bob Gilbert FAA."

      Section iv - Row 4 - Tile 12

      Dedicated by: Professor Bob Gilbert

    • × Professor
      Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop

      "Professor Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop AO FAA. Physics; laser physics; quantum physics; quantum optics. Elected to the Academy in 2016. Dedicated by Professor Wendy Hoy AO FAA."

      Section xiv - Row 3 - Tile 54

      Dedicated by: Professor Wendy Hoy

      Quantum Optics Quantum Physics Physics Laser Physics
    • × Professor
      Louise Ryan

      "Professor Louise Ryan FAA NAM. Internationally recognised in statistical methods in environmental and public health research. Known for her leadership ability and passion for developing young scientists. Elected to the Academy in 2012. Dedicated by Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS."

      Section ix - Row 3 - Tile 33

      Dedicated by: Professor Terry Speed

      Mathematics Biostatistics Informatics Statistics Mathematical Statistics
    • × Professor
      Elaine Sadler

      "Professor Elaine Sadler AO PhD FAA. Galaxy evolution; high energy astrophysics. Elected to the Academy in 2010.  Council Member (2016 - 2018).  EXCOM / Council (2018 - 2022) Foreign Secretary. "

      Section xi - Row 2 - Tile 42

      Dedicated by: Professor Elaine Sadler

      Physics Astronomy High Energy Astrophysics Galaxy Evolution
    • × Professor
      Lois Salamonsen

      "Professor Lois Salamonsen PhD FRANZCOG(hon) FAA. Distinguished Scientist, Hudson Institute of Medical Research and Monash University; Distinguished Fellow, Society for Study of Reproduction (USA); Fellow, Society for Reproductive Biology (Australasia). Elected to the Academy in 2017."

      Section xv - Row 2 - Tile 58

      Dedicated by: Professor Lois Salamonsen

      Medical Sciences Contraception Fertility Extracellular Vesicles Endometrial Repair Endometriosis Early Pregnancy Female Reproductive Tract Embryo Implantation Endometrial Receptivity Endometrial Remodelling Infertility Reproduction Women's Health IVF Menstruation
    • ×
      Chaganti Sambi Reddy

      "Shri Chaganti Sambi Reddy for his outstanding teaching and mentoring of generations of students and for his generosity and kindness. Dedicated by Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC FAA FREng FTSE"

      Section ix - Row 5 - Tile 36

      Dedicated by: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

    • × Emeritus Professor
      John Sandeman

      "Professor John Ronald Sandeman. A creative pioneer of laser spectroscopy. He contributed to space science, optics and gravitational wave detection. As a visionary physicist he attracted and supported new talent, leading on to build productive teams for research and training across Australia. Dedicated by Emeritus Professor Hans Bachor AM FAA"

      Section x - Row 5 - Tile 39

      Dedicated by: Emeritus Professor Hans Bachor

      Astrophysics Laser Physics Physics
    • × Professor
      Alan Sargeson

      "Professor Alan Sargeson FAA FRS (1930 - 2008). Pioneer of cage chemistry and mentor to many young chemists. Elected to the Academy in 1976. Dedicated by Professor Debra Bernhardt FAA."

      Section x - Row 3 - Tile 36

      Dedicated by: Professor Debra Bernhardt

    • × Professor
      Brian Schmidt

      "Professor Brian Schmidt AC PhD Hon DSc (Macquarie University, University of Arizona, Universidad de Chile, University of Queensland) FAA FRS DistFRSN NAS Nobel Laureate. Cosmology; physics of supernovae and gamma ray bursts; Dark Energy. Elected to the Academy in 2008."

      Section i - Row 1 - Tile 3

      Dedicated by: Professor Brian Schmidt

      Planetary Science Physics Earth Sciences Cosmology Dark Energy Astronomy
    • × Professor
      Susan Scott

      "Distinguished Professor Susan Marjorie Scott FAA FEurASc FAPS FInstP FAIP FAustMS. Distinguished Professor of Theoretical Physics, ANU. Mathematical physics, general relativity, cosmology, gravitational waves. Member of the team that discovered gravitational waves in 2015. Prime Minister’s Prize for Science 2020, international Dirac Medal for Theoretical Physics (UNSW) 2020. First gravitational wave scientist elected to the Australian Academy of Science in 2016."

      Section v - Row 3 - Tile 20

      Dedicated by: Professor Susan Scott

      Relativity Physics Cosmology Astronomy Astrophysics Gravitational Physics
    • × Professor
      Frances Separovic

      "Professor Frances Separovic AO FAA. Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Melbourne. First woman elected as a chemist to the Academy in 2012.  "

      Section ii - Row 4 - Tile 7

      Dedicated by: Professor Frances Separovic

      NMR Spectroscopy Physical Chemistry Chemistry Biophysical Chemistry
    • × Professor
      John Shine

      "Professor John Shine AC FAA FAHMS(Hon) FRS. Molecular biologist. Elected to the Academy in 1994; President (2018 - 2022)."

      Section i - Row 1 - Tile 1

      Dedicated by: Professor John Shine

      Neurobiology Medical Sciences Genomics Stem Cells
    • × Professor
      Roger Short

      "Professor Roger Short AM FAA FRS FRCOG FRCVS FRCP (1930 – 1921). Elected FAA 1984 Vice President 1990 and 1991 and Council 1988-1991. Short made world leading contributions to understanding the control of reproduction in domestic, laboratory and wild animals, patented the use of melatonin for jet lag and investigated human reproduction with particular emphasis on lactational control of fertility and the ways in which this could be exploited in developing countries to check population growth"

      Section - Row 2 - Tile 31

      Dedicated by: Professor Marilyn Renfree

      Reproductive Biology Biology Animal Biology
    • × Professor
      Ralph Slatyer

      "Professor Ralph Slatyer AC FAA FTSE FRS (1929 - 2012). Plant physiologist, ecologist, Architect of the Co-operative Research Centres program. Elected to the Academy in 1967. Dedicated by Professor John Shine AC FAA FRS."

      Section iii - Row 2 - Tile 9

      Dedicated by: Professor John Shine

    • × Emeritus Professor
      Ian Sloan

      "Professor Ian Hugh Sloan AO FAA FRSN Hon Dr Univ (UNSW). Computational mathematics and theoretical physics. Elected to the Academy in 1993. Council (1995 - 1998); Thomas Ranken Lyle Medal 2001. President International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2003 - 2007), President Royal Society of NSW (2018 - 2021)."

      Section xiii - Row 3 - Tile 50

      Dedicated by: Professor Ian Sloan

      Numerical Analysis Numerical Integration Computational Analysis Mathematics
    • × Professor
      Scott Sloan

      "Professor Scott William Sloan AO FAA FTSE FRS FREng (1954 - 2019). Numerical analyst and geotechnical engineer. Dedicated by Professor John Carter AM FAA FTSE and Professor Mark Randolph AO FAA FTSE FRS FREng."

      Section xvi - Row 2 - Tile 61

      Dedicated by: Professor John Carter

    • × Professor
      Scott Sloan

      "Professor Scott William Sloan AO FAA FTSE FRS FREng (1954 - 2019). Numerical analyst and geotechnical engineer. Dedicated by Professor John Carter AM FAA FTSE and Professor Mark Randolph AO FAA FTSE FRS FREng."

      Section xvi - Row 2 - Tile 61

      Dedicated by: Professor Mark Randolph

    • × Professor
      Sally Smith

      "Professor Sally Smith FAA (1941 - 2019) was a world leader in the study of symbioses between plants and soil fungi that allow plants to grow in soils low in nutrients. Her work has been very relevant to both plant ecology and agricultural productivity."

      Section i - Row 5 - Tile 6

      Dedicated by: Emeritus Professor Frank Andrew Smith

      Biology Plant Biology Plant Roots Symbiotic Fungi
    • × Professor
      David Solomon

      "Dedicated to David Solomon for services to Science in Polymer Chemistry and in assisting in the transfer of the technology related to Australia’s paper bank notes to plastic banknotes."

      Section v - Row 5 - Tile 18

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

      Physical Chemistry Polymerisation Polymers Chemistry
    • × Professor
      Terry Speed

      "Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS. Known for his contributions to the analysis of variance and bioinformatics and in particular the analysis of microarray data. Advocate for the advancement of women in the mathematical sciences. Elected Fellow of the Academy in 2001. Dedicated by Professors Louise Ryan, Robyn Owens and Kerrie Mengersen."

      Section v - Row 4 - Tile 18

      Dedicated by: Professor Robyn Owens

      Bioinformatics Biostatistics Mathematics Statistics
    • × Professor
      Terry Speed

      "Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS. Known for his contributions to the analysis of variance and bioinformatics and in particular the analysis of microarray data. Advocate for the advancement of women in the mathematical sciences. Elected Fellow of the Academy in 2001. Dedicated by Professors Louise Ryan, Robyn Owens and Kerrie Mengersen."

      Section v - Row 4 - Tile 18

      Dedicated by: Professor Kerrie Mengersen

      Bioinformatics Biostatistics Mathematics Statistics
    • × Professor
      Terry Speed

      "Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS. Known for his contributions to the analysis of variance and bioinformatics and in particular the analysis of microarray data. Advocate for the advancement of women in the mathematical sciences. Elected Fellow of the Academy in 2001. Dedicated by Professors Louise Ryan, Robyn Owens and Kerrie Mengersen."

      Section v - Row 4 - Tile 18

      Dedicated by: Professor Louise Ryan

      Bioinformatics Biostatistics Mathematics Statistics
    • × Professor
      John H Spence

      "Professor John Spence ForMemRS FAA (1946 – 2021) distinguished for his pioneering innovations in imaging and diffraction from electron sources to X-ray lasers, making ground-breaking discoveries in materials science and biology.  Dedicated by his long-time colleagues at CFEL DESY"

      Section xv - Row 3 - Tile 60

      Dedicated by: Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY

    • × Professor
      John Sprent

      "Professor John FA Sprent CBE FAA (1915 - 2010). Parasitologist, specialist on the life histories and evolution of ascaridoid nematodes. Elected to the Australian Academy of Science in 1964. Dedicated by his son Professor Jonathan Sprent FAA FRS."

      Section i - Row 3 - Tile 2

      Dedicated by: Professor Jonathon Sprent

    • × Professor
      Tam Sridhar

      "Professor Tamarapu (Tam) Sridhar PhD AO FAA FIEAust FIEChemE (UK) FTSE. Chemical Engineering. Distinguished career as an academic engineer, and is an outstanding scholar with an international reputation in the area of polymers. Elected to the Academy in 2002. "

      Section v - Row 4 - Tile 19

      Dedicated by: Professor Tam Sridhar

      Polymers Chemical Engineering Engineering
    • ×
      Valluru Srinivasa Rao

      "Shri Valluru Srinivasa Rao for his outstanding and inspirational teaching and mentoring of generations of students, and for his generosity and kindness. Dedicated by Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC FAA FREng FTSE"

      Section ix - Row 5 - Tile 35

      Dedicated by: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

    • × Dr
      William Howard Steel

      "Dr William Howard Steel (Beattie), (1920-2004). Physicist – Optics. International expert in image diffraction theory, interferometry and optical design. First chairman of the Australian Optical Society and served as president of the International Commission for Optics. Awarded the 1985 Mees Medal of the Optical Society of America, to a person 'who exemplifies the thought that optics transcends all boundaries —interdisciplinary and international alike.'  Mentor and inspiration."

      Section - Row 5 - Tile 2

      Dedicated by: Professor Rachel Webster

    • × Professor
      Roger Tanner

      "Emeritus Professor Roger Tanner FAA FRS FTSE. Mechanical Engineering; rheology. Elected to the Academy in 1979; Royal Society of London Fellow; ATSE Fellow."

      Section i - Row 4 - Tile 3

      Dedicated by: Emeritus Professor Roger Tanner

      Rheolgy Polymer Processing Engineering Mechanical Engineering
    • × Professor
      Dacheng Tao

      "Professor Dacheng Tao FAA. Fundamental research contributions to learning succinct, robust, and effective representations for data sampled from high dimensional or high order spaces, and collected from multiple tasks or sources. Elected to the Academy in 2018"

      Section xii - Row 2 - Tile 44

      Dedicated by: Professor Dacheng Tao

      Computer Vision ICT Accoustics Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Deep Learning Data Science Video Surveillance Image Processing
    • × Professor
      San Thang

      "Professor San Hoa Thang AC FAA FTSE. Co-inventor of RAFT polymerisation. Professor of Chemistry, Monash University. Elected to the Academy in 2015."

      Section xi - Row 3 - Tile 42

      Dedicated by: Professor San Hoa Thang

      RAFT Polymer Chemistry Chemistry Living Radical Polymerisation
    • × Sir
      Ernest Titterton

      "Sir Ernest Titterton CMG Kt KT FAA (1916 - 1990). Distinguished for his contributions to nuclear physics and atomic energy. Elected to the Academy in 1954. Vice-President - Physical Sciences (1964 - 1966). Dedicated by Dr Gregory Clark AC BSc(Hons 1st Class) PhD FAA FTSE FAPS."

      Section x - Row 3 - Tile 37

      Dedicated by: Dr Gregory Clark

    • × Professor
      Ernie Tuck

      "Professor Ernest Oliver (Ernie) Tuck FAA FTSE FAustMS, applied mathematician  (1939-2009). Elected FAA 1988, FTSE 1995, Lyle and ANZIAM Medals 1999. Brilliant scientist, inspiring teacher. "

      Section xvi - Row 2 - Tile 60

      Dedicated by: Professor Kerry Landman

    • ×
      Susan Tyerman

      "Ms Susan Tyerman; microbiologist and IT academic, and to all partners and family members who support the careers of scientists. Dedicated by her husband Professor Stephen D. Tyerman FAA."

      Section vi - Row 4 - Tile 24

      Dedicated by: Professor Steve Tyerman

    • × Professor
      Carola Vinuesa

      "Professor Carola Vinuesa. A Professor of Immunology and Medical Doctor. For outstanding scientific achievement, exemplary and inspirational leadership and integrity. Elected to the Academy in 2015. Dedicated by Anna-Maria Arabia"

      Section xiii - Row 2 - Tile 49

      Dedicated by: Anna-Maria Arabia

      Clinical Translation Medical Sciences Biology Autoimmunity Immunology
    • × Professor
      Susanne von Caemmerer

      "Professor Susanne von Caemmerer FAA FRS Mitg Leopoldina. Plant Biologist. Elected to the Academy in 2006."

      Section vii - Row 2 - Tile 26

      Dedicated by: Professor Susanne von Caemmerer

      Photosynthesis Plant Biology Plant Physiology Carbon Dioxide Biology Biochemistry
    • × Professor
      Alan Walker

      "Professor Alan Walker FAA (1929 - 2013) His pioneering electrophysiological methods, combined with use of radioactive tracers and considerable skills in mathematical modelling, led to major advances in understanding a wide range of solute transport processes in plants"

      Section ii - Row 5 - Tile 7

      Dedicated by: Professor Frank (Andrew) Smith

    • × Sir
      Alan Walsh

      "Dedicated to Alan Walsh for services to Science in atomic absorption method of chemical analysis, which revolutionized quantitative analysis in the 1950s and 1960s. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section v - Row 5 - Tile 20

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Professor
      Xu-Jia Wang

      "Professor Xu-Jai Wang FAA . Wang is a leading international researcher in non-linear partial differential equations and applications, mainly to geometry and optimal transportation. Elected FAA 2009"

      Section - Row 3 - Tile 47

      Dedicated by: Professor Xu-Jai Wang

      Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Pure Mathematics Mathematics Differential Geometry
    • × Dr
      Douglas Waterhouse

      "Dedicated to Douglas Waterhouse for services to Science in entomology, education and community services and as Chief of CSIRO’s Division of Entomology for 21 years. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section v - Row 5 - Tile 19

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

    • × Professor
      Charles Watson-Munro

      "Professor Charles Norman Watson-Munro OBE FAA (1915 - 1991). Elected to the Academy in 1968. Dedicated by Professor Max Brennan AO FAA, to a mentor, colleague and friend."

      Section xii - Row 3 - Tile 45

      Dedicated by: Professor Max Brennan

    • × Professor
      Rachel Webster

      "Professor Rachel Webster AO FAA. Astrophysicist and international leader in the field of gravitational lensing.  Elected 2018.  Initiated and guided Australian participation in experiments to detect the first stars in the Universe, building a new low frequency radio telescope as a precursor to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).   "

      Section xiv - Row 2 - Tile 55

      Dedicated by: Professor Rachel Webster

      Physics Cosmology Astrophysics Epoch of Reionisation Gravitational Lensing Near-field Cosmology Quasar Astrophysics
    • × Professor
      Erich Weigold

      "Professor Erich Weigold AM FAA FTSE FAPS FAIP. Emeritus Professor of Physics, Australian National University. Dedicated by Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC FAA FTSE."

      Section xii - Row 2 - Tile 48

      Dedicated by: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

      Quantum Mechanics Chemical Physics Condensed Matter Physics Physics
    • × Professor
      Jim Whelan

      "Professor James Whelan PhD (University College Dublin) DSc (Hon Stockholm University) FAA. Plant Mitochondrial biogenesis and signalling. Elected to the Academy in 2019.  "

      Section xii - Row 3 - Tile 48

      Dedicated by: Professor Jim Whelan

      Nonlinear Optics Phenomics RNA Regulation Seed Biology Plant Nutrition Plant Biology Plant Cell Biology Plant Physiology Cell Biology Biology Crop Science Bioenergetics Botany Mitochondrial Function Molecular Biology Genomics mRNA decay RNA Sequencing Gene Expression Plant Molecular Genetics Transcriptomics Retrograde Signaling
    • × Professor
      Michael White

      "Professor Michael White FAA FRS (1910 - 1983). Distinguished for his contributions to cytology, particularly of insects. Elected to the Academy in 1955. Dedicated by Professor Terry Speed FAA FRS. "

      Section viii - Row 3 - Tile 31

      Dedicated by: Professor Terry Speed

    • × Dr
      Max Whitten

      "Dr Maxwell Whitten AM FAA. Sustainable agriculture; plant and animal protection; small-scale farming in Asia; biodiversity; science policy and management.  Elected to the Academy in 1993. First Chairman of the Honeybee Research and Development Council; Chairman, Wheen Bee Foundation. "

      Section xiii - Row 3 - Tile 51

      Dedicated by: Dr Maxwell Whitten

      Biology Science Policy Insects Entymology
    • × Professor
      James L Whitton

      "Professor James Whitton for his contributions to physics in particular ion beam physics and metal alloys, as well as mentoring generations of students and post-doctoral fellows. Dedicated by Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC FAA FREng FTSE"

      Section xi - Row 5 - Tile 41

      Dedicated by: Professor Chennupati Jagadish

    • × Professor
      Noel Charles William Beadle

      "Dedicated to Noel Charles William Beadle (1914 – 1998). A botanist and soil conservationist who, as Foundation Professor of Botany (1954) University of New England (UNE), pioneered the ecophysiology of Australian vegetation (Beadle NCW 1981 The Vegetation of Australia ISBN 3-437-3o313-9). He is remembered by the NCW Beadle Herbarium at UNE and this tile is dedicated by Barry Osmond FAA, FRS, ML for the Prof’s introduction to saltbush in 1961."

      Section ix - Row 5 - Tile 33

      Dedicated by: Barry Osmond

    • × Sir
      Frederick William George White

      "Dedicated to Frederick William George White for services to Science during and after the Second World War, including wool textile research and as Chairman, CSIRO from 1959-1970. Dedicated by CSIRO 2022."

      Section iv - Row 5 - Tile 15

      Dedicated by: CSIRO

      Wool and Hair Production
    • × Emeritus Professor
      Jim Williams

      "Professor James (Jim) Stanislaus Williams AO FAA FTSE (1948 – ). Interdisciplinary scientist and engineer across the fields of semiconductor physics; applied physics; materials science and engineering; nanotechnology. Elected to the Australian Academy of Science in 2003. Served on Council and Secretary Physical Sciences (2013 – 2020)."

      Section x - Row 2 - Tile 40

      Dedicated by: Professor Jim S Williams

      Optoelectronics Photonics Nanomaterials Semiconductors Silicon and Germanium Condensed Matter Physics Physics Applied Physics High Pressure Physics Material Science Materials Surfaces Silicon Photonics Materials Characterisation Materials Processing Nanoscience
    • × Professor
      Jim Williams

      "Professor James (Jim) Williams PhD DSc (ANU, UWA) FAA FIP FAIP FAPS DipEd CM. Atomic, molecular and surface physics. Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Western Australia. Elected to the Academy in 1998."

      Section x - Row 2 - Tile 37

      Dedicated by: Professor James (Jim) Williams

      Physics Atomic Physics Molecular Physics
    • × Professor
      Bryan Williams

      "Professor Bryan Williams PhD FAA Royal Society Te Apārangi, Hon Fellow. Internationally recognized for his work on innate immunity, and mechanisms of interferon action. The 1990 recipient of the prestigious Milstein Award. The International Society for Interferon Research recognised Professor Williams for his contributions to advancing interferon research for the treatment of human diseases. Elected to the Academy in 2013."

      Section iii - Row 4 - Tile 10

      Dedicated by: Professor Bryan Williams

      Cancer Medical Sciences Immunology Interferon
    • × Professor
      Bob Williamson

      "Professor Bob Williamson AO FAA FAHMS(Hon) FRS. Distinguished internationally for his significant contributions to human molecular genetics. He has a major interest in ethics as applied to human genetics, and in science policy. Elected to the Academy in 2001. "

      Section ii - Row 4 - Tile 6

      Dedicated by: Professor Bob Williamson

      Medical Sciences Science Policy Dementia Biotechnology Human Genetics Gene Therapy Genomics
    • × Professor
      Joe Wiskich

      "Professor JT Wiskich FAA. Plant respiration; photorespiration; bioenergetics. Elected to the Academy in 1994. Dedicated by Professor David Day FAA."

      Section iv - Row 2 - Tile 15

      Dedicated by: Professor David Day

      Biology Botany Plant Biology Respiration

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
