Academy announces recipients of 2018 honorific awards
Academy announces recipients of 2018 honorific awards
November 17, 2017
The Australian Academy of Science's 2018 honorific awardees
Outstanding contributions to science have been recognised by the Australian Academy of Science today with 18 of Australia’s leading scientists and future superstars receiving prestigious 2018 honorific awards.
The scientists’ discoveries cross the breadth of science, from the threat posed by the melting ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, to solving the mysteries of the universe and interpreting how disruptions of brain connectivity can lead to mental illness.
Professor David Cooke from the University of Tasmania has been awarded one of the top honours, the Academy’s Haddon Forrester King Medal and Lecture. Others recognised among the Academy’s lifetime achievement awards include Professor Douglas MacFarlane from Monash University, awarded the 2018 David Craig Medal.
Mid-career researcher Dr Marie-Liesse Asselin-Labat, from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, has been awarded the 2018 Nancy Millis Medal for Women in Science. Associate Professor Tracy Ainsworth from James Cook University has been awarded the Dorothy Hill Medal. She is one of 10 early career researchers to be recognised in this year’s annual awards.