The Academy’s Foreign Secretary, Professor Cheryl Praeger AM FAA, has been elected as a Member-at-Large of the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) for 2016–18. She has also accepted an invitation to Chair the AASSA Committee of Women in Science and Engineering (WISE). In this role, Professor Praeger was a plenary speaker at the AASSA – Science Council of Japan (SCJ) workshop on ‘the Role of Science for an Inclusive Society’, held in Tokyo in early March. Professor Praeger spoke on tackling gender inequality in STEM.
While in Tokyo, Professor Praeger met with senior officials at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The Academy has had a memorandum of understanding with JSPS since 1977 and both organisations have had bilateral exchange programs for researchers that have strengthened research collaborations between the two countries. Mr Paul Harris, Science and Education Counsellor at the Australian Embassy in Japan, also attended the meeting with JSPS.
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