Parliamentary Friends of Science: space science a hot topic

panelists solange, alan and andrea
Associate Professor Alan Duffy asks Solange Cunin (third from left) about the Cuberider program.

Space science and technology was on the political agenda following a Parliamentary Friends of Science breakfast held in Canberra in February.

The Academy collaborated with Science & Technology Australia to present two space science activites at Parliament House and Questacon. The morning event was hosted by the Parliamentary Friends of Science group, co-convened by the Hon Richard Marles MP and the Hon Karen Andrews MP.

Experts in space science and technology shared their work and unique perspectives on the sector in an effort to highlight Australia’s current contributions, and where future possibilities lie for space science in Australia.

Panellists included Director of UNSW Canberra Space Research, Professor Russell Boyce; UNSW Canberra Rector, Professor Michael Frater; CEO of space start-up Myriota, Alex Grant; co-founder of Cuberider, Solange Cunin; and International Space Station Flight Operations Engineer with the European Space Agency, Andrea Boyd. The panel was chaired by Professor Joan Leach, Director of the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness for Science.

Panelists Solange Cunin, A/Professor Alan Duffy and Andrea Boyd at the Questacon event
Panelists Solange Cunin, Associate Professor Alan Duffy
and Andrea Boyd at the Questacon event.

The event at Parliament House was followed by a public forum at Questacon, the National Science and Technology Centre. More than 100 members of the public joined the discussion on Australia’s future in space science, the benefits of a space agency, and the potential economic and scientific benefits of investing more in the sector.

The Academy and STA are grateful to those who attended these events, and to the inspiring panellists for sharing their insights with Australian decision makers at all levels.

Story courtesy of Science and Technology Australia.

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