2016 speaker series

Bots, bacteria and booze: science of the everyday

Find out about the science of the everyday with the Academy’s 2016 bimonthly public speaker series at the Shine Dome, ‘Bots, bacteria and booze’. What goes into building a safe driverless car? Why does the same food taste different to different people? How can we combat some of the most tenacious bugs on the planet? And how is light being used to detect cancer and make great wine? Book your tickets now to discover the amazing discoveries and inventions shaping our daily lives—today and into the future. Book a series pass before February 2016 to see six lectures for the price of five. Fellows of the Academy are welcome to use their discount code.

The Academy is also planning a national series of talks, ‘The science of LIFE + DEATH’, to be held in various cities around Australia.

To enquire about opportunities to sponsor either series, please contact Mitchell Piercey, Events Manager, by email or on 02 6201 9462.

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