Research seminars in Malaysia foster collaboration

Australian experts continue to highlight Australia’s research expertise through a series of seminars organised by the Academy and the Office of the Counsellor (Education and Science) at the Australian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur. Supported by the Australian Department of Education and Training, the seminars encourage collaboration between leading Australian and Malaysian researchers.

The seminars encourage collaboration between leading Australian and Malaysian researchers.

Following a visit by Professor Hugh Possingham FAA in February, Dr Richard Thornton from the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC and Mr Martin Wehner from Geoscience Australia visited Malaysia in March. They gave joint presentations and engaged in discussions at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Johor, at the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu in Kuala Terengganu, and at the Razak School of Government in Putrajaya, in the area of disaster management—in particular floods. They also visited the National Disaster Management Centre, which has recently been formed under the Malaysian Prime Minister’s department.

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