Future science: reports on energy and accelerators to be launched

The Academy is launching reports on energy and accelerators in September

The Academy is launching two new reports on the future of science in Australia on 15 September:

  • Energy for Australia in the 21st century: the central role of electricity
  • Discovery machines: accelerators for science, technology, health and innovation

Chief Defence Scientist Dr Alex Zelinsky will speak at the launch, and the Chairs of the reports’ Expert Working Groups will provide an outline of the findings of each report and the vision for Australian energy and particle accelerator science into the future. The reports will be available on the Academy’s website after the launch.

The event will take place at the Academy's Shine Dome in Canberra from 3:00 to 4:30 pm. It is free and open to the public, and registration is encouraged.

Register to attend the Future science launch at the Academy 

Those interested in the issue of future energy and electricity but unable to attend the launch in Canberra might consider attending a separate event in Melbourne on 27–28 September being organised by the EU Centre at the University of Melbourne. 

More information on the Melbourne event

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