The Academy released its latest update on the state of climate science in February, warning about the risk of inaction.
The science of climate change: Questions and answers aims to dispel some of the myths and misinformation around climate change. It was written and reviewed by 17 of Australia’s leading experts in a range of climate-related sciences, including Fellows of the Academy. Professor Michael Raupach FAA FTSE, who sadly passed away a week before it was released, contributed to the update.
The publication examines nine key questions, including what the science says about options to address climate change.
There was extensive media coverage of the launch across many media outlets, including The Guardian, the ABC, The Conversation, Fairfax outlets and The Australian.
An opinion article by Professor Brian Schmidt AC FAA FRS featured in the Sydney Morning Herald and several other Fairfax publications.
The Academy produced its first science of climate change booklet in 2010. The new, fully revised and updated publication outlines the effects globally and in Australia of rising average temperatures and increased climate variability.
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