National school mathematics program gathers momentum

Development and implementation of the Academy’s national school project, reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry, is gathering pace with more than 200 expressions of interest received for its Leading reSolve Champions Program.

The aim of the Champions program is to promote the teaching of mathematics in years Foundation to 10 that is engaging, stimulating and challenging for all students.

Selected teachers and other educators will undertake a free professional learning program (online and face-to-face) that will provide thorough knowledge of project resources and approaches. Champions will promote the use of classroom lessons and professional learning modules with colleagues, helping to strengthen the teaching and learning of mathematics in schools and beyond.

In other news, a successful road show promoting reSolve was conducted at schools throughout Tasmania. The road show events were very well attended and there was a lot of positive interest shown in the project, with many teachers registering their intention to trial reSolve resources.

More news about the project

One teacher turned the Prime Dice activity into a game show during the Tasmanian roadshow.

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