Opportunities for scientists—March 2018

March 19, 2018

In addition to the Academy’s honorific awards and research grants, travelling fellowships, and research conference funding, the following opportunities are now open for applications and nominations.

See more external awards and prizes

APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE)

Nominations from Australian researchers for the APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE) 2018 are now open.

The theme for this year is ‘New Material Technologies’ and disciplines under this theme include materials and biomaterials science, polymer chemistry, chemical and mechanical engineering, solid-state physics, nanotechnology and other relevant fields. To be eligible, Australian researchers must be under 40 years of age by 31 December 2018 and be an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident living in Australia at time of application.

More information on ASPIRE

Nominations close 11 April 2018.

Falling Walls Lab Australia 2018

Applications from Australian researchers, postdocs and students, entrepreneurs, engineers and innovators from all areas to attend Falling Walls Lab Australia 2018 are now open.

20 contestants will be invited to participate in this challenge with each required to give a 3 minute presentation on their research work, business model, social idea or initiative based on the ‘which walls will fall next’ concept.

Candidates should be research active in any field of the natural sciences, including technology, engineering and medicine as well as social sciences and humanities.

More information on Falling Walls Lab Australia

Applications close 28 May 2018.

Visit to the National Institutes of Health in the USA by a junior scientist

The Academy invites applications from junior Australian scientists, who are no more than 30 at the time of application, to visit the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States of America during 2019 for between 6 and 13 weeks.

The successful applicant will receive a contribution towards the direct return air travel between Australia and the host institution up to a maximum of US$3,000 provided by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH). A once-off living allowance of up to a maximum of A$400 will be provided by the Adam J. Berry Memorial Fund (AJBMF). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) will provide a small daily stipend during the participant’s stay in America.

More information on the NIH visit

Applications close 12 June 2018.

Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science

Nominations sought for Australia’s national science and teaching awards, which carry a total pool of $750,000 in prize monies. Categories are:

  • Prime Ministers’ Prize for Science
  • Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation
  • Frank Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year
  • Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year
  • Prize for New Innovators
  • Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Primary Schools
  • Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools.

More information on the Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science

Applications close 26 March 2018

Australian Museum Eureka Prizes

Seventeen Australian Museum Eureka Prizes are awarded in the categories of:

  • research and innovation
  • leadership
  • science engagement
  • school science.

More information on the Australian Museum Eureka Prize

Applications close 4 May 2018.

Young Tall Poppy Science Awards

The Young Tall Poppy Science Awards recognises excellence in early career researches across all the sciences, alongside a passion and capacity to communicate science to the community. Nominations are for scientists under 35 years of age with between 2 and 10 years postdoctoral experience.

More information on the Young Tall Poppy Science Awards

Applications close 9 April 2018

2018 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize

TWAS, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) for the advancement of science in developing countries is inviting nominations for the 2018 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize. The prize gives international recognition to outstanding scientific achievements made by scientists living and working in developing countries.

In 2018 the prize will be given for outstanding achievements in engineering sciences. It carries a monetary award of US$100,000 provided by Lenovo.

More information on the TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize

Nominations close 16 April 2018.

KNAW Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award

The KNAW Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award is a biennial award intended for a researcher (or team of researchers) whose contribution to (translational) cancer research and compassionate cancer patient care is regarded as outstanding.

The Award consists of a cash prize of €100,000 and a bronze sculpture in the form of Professor Pinedo's hand.

The Academy is responsible for selecting the winner or winners.

More information on KNAW Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award

Nominations close 1 May 2018.

International Prize for Biology

The International Prize for Biology is awarded to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the advancement of research in fundamental biology. The research field for 2018 is palaeontology, with a prize of 10 million Yen.

More Information on the International Prize for Biology

Applications close 20 April 2018

Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science

The Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science is awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to green and sustainable chemistry—chemistry focused on the technological design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances. US$250,000

More information on the Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science

Closing date: 31 May 2018

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
