The Academy recently supported CONASTA, the annual science education conference of the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA). This year CONASTA69 was held in Canberra and hosted by the Science Educators’ Association of the Australian Capital Territory (SEAACT)
The conference theme, ‘Science Revealed’, was chosen to inspire educators to focus on the less obvious and most intriguing aspects of science, and how they contribute to the broader body of scientific knowledge that supports breakthrough technologies.
The conference featured keynote addresses from Academy Fellow and ANU Vice Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt, and Associate Professor Bradley Moggridge, a member of the Academy’s Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group.
The Academy also hosted the ASTA Award night and Stanhope Oration at the Shine Dome, where delegates gathered to listen to Academy Fellow and Australian Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley.
More than 200 delegates from across Australia attended CONASTA69, including primary and secondary school teachers as well as representatives from science education and science organisations. The Academy’s education team presented workshops on assessment and STEM education and ran an exhibition booth to talk with teachers about their needs and the challenges and opportunities of science education.
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