The EMCR Forum are excited to introduce Science Pathways Festival 2023: Reframing Success, running from 6–30 November.
This is the seventh edition of Australia’s premier biannual conference on professional development for early- and mid-career researchers (EMCRs).
The event brings together EMCRs from around the country, to discuss and learn skills for building diverse, equitable and resilient careers to continue to tackle society’s greatest challenges.
Science Pathways Festival 2023 also offers EMCRs the unique opportunity to network with leading scientific professionals from some of Australia’s top organisations in public and private enterprise.
Please register and help spread the word to the EMCRs and junior scientists you know.
Six high-profile scientists from across Asia and the Pacific have been appointed to guide the focus for priority programs developed by the newly established International Science Council (ISC) Regional Focal Point for Asia and the Pacific, which is hosted by the Academy.
The Advisory Council is co-chaired by Academy President Professor Chennupati Jagadish AC PresAA FREng FTSE and ISC Fellow Professor Karina Batthyány.
Subscribe to receive updates on the ISC Regional Focal Point for Asia and the Pacific.
At the beginning of the month, Future Earth Australia Program Manager Kate Nairn chaired a session at the largest international climate adaptation conference, Adaptation Futures, in Montreal, Canada.
The session was to establish “a globally relevant just adaption network,” calling together scholars, practitioners, and policymakers with a particular interest in justice. Jointly run by the co-chair of Future Earth’s A national strategy for just adaptation Professor Petra Tschakert, the session built on months of connection and sharing stories of how adaptation researchers can better support each other.
Adaptation Futures 2025 will be hosted in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The full-length recording of Origins: of the Universe, of Life, of Species, of Humanity is now available online. Academy Fellow Distinguished Professor Jenny Graves AC FAA and fellow chorister-poet Leigh Hay co-wrote the libretto that tells the creation story through science, and Melbourne-born composer Nicholas Buc composed the score. It was performed at the Melbourne Recital Centre on 18 July, during the International Genetics Congress, but is now freely available online for all to enjoy.
Find out more about coming opportunities for scientists:
Keep abreast of the Academy Fellowship in the Fellows update:
Honours and awards to Fellows
The Science Pathways biannual conference, hosted by the Australian Academy of Science's EMCR Forum, is back with a topical theme and a brand new, inclusive and sustainable format.
Delivered virtually, Science Pathways Festival 2023: Reframing Success will bring together the brightest minds and boldest thinkers from all corners of the country to unravel the secrets to a successful career in science. Over the entire month of November 2023, a range of workshops, panel discussions, and professional development sessions will leave you inspired and ready to conquer society's greatest challenges.
Date and time: 12.30pm AEDT Monday 6 November – 2.00pm AEDT Tuesday 28 November
Venue: Online
Cost: See website for ticket information
Join this national dialogue about how we can address national security concerns whilst enabling the benefits that open scientific collaboration offers Australia and the globe.
Symposium dinner
Date: Monday 13 November 2023
Time: 6.30pm – 10.00pm AEDT
Venue: National Gallery of Australia
Cost: $180.00 (inc. GST)
Date: Tuesday 14 November
Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm AEDT
Venue: The Shine Dome or online
Cost: In-person $180.00 (inc. GST) or online $50.00 (inc. GST)
Register to attend both the symposium and dinner for $300.00 (inc. GST).
Registrations are limited due to high demand and the capacity at both venues. Registration for in person attendance close on Friday 3 November, or before, if capacities are reached.
Registration for online participation closes on Friday 10 November.
Date: Thursday 2 November 2023
Time: 2.30pm – 4.30pm AEDT (2.30pm for lecture, 3.30pm for afternoon tea)
Venue: Ian Wark Lecture Theatre, CSIRO, Research Way, Clayton, VIC
Cost: Free
Registrations: Please register for this event. Closer to the event, CSIRO staff will be in contact to finalise the registration process and advise of access to the venue.
Since the Academy’s creation by Royal Charter in 1954, the first donations received by our Founders assisted towards the foundation of the Endowment Fund—allowing the Academy to establish its independence.
With further support from our Fellows, donors and friends, we have been able to develop and implement a breadth of programs and activities that are now sewn into the fabric of Australian science.
Today, we continue to uphold this legacy and donations play an important role in ensuring science informs decisions wherever they are made, the continuation of building capabilities, nurturing early- and mid-career researchers who are shaping the science sector, and contributing to national and international challenges.
To learn more about giving to the Academy visit our website or contact Kate Groves on (02) 6201 9460 or
We hope you will consider supporting the Academy and our vision for excellence in science.
The Honorary editor of the Academy newsletter is Professor Yuri Estrin FAA
© 2025 Australian Academy of Science