Brad Tucker

Brad Tucker is an Astrophysicist/Cosmologist.  He is currently a Research Fellow at the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Mt. Stromlo Observatory at the Australian National University, and in the Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley. 

Brad received Bachelor’s degrees in Physics, Philosophy, and Theology from the University of Notre Dame.  He then undertook a PhD at Mt. Stromlo Observatory at the Australian National University, working with Nobel Laureate Brian Schmidt.  He is currently working on projects trying to discover the true nature of Dark Energy, the mysterious substance causing the accelerating expansion of the Universe, which makes up 70% of the Universe.  He is the lead of the Kepler Space Telescope Key Program to understand why and how stars blow, and leading a project to create a network of ultraviolet space telescopes to be built in Canberra.

In addition to his research, Brad frequently gives talks to school groups and the general public about Astronomy and has semi-regular segments on various radio stations talking about Astronomy news and events.  

Expert review

The dark stuff of our universe

The dark stuff of our universe

A cometary encounter: Rosetta, Philae and 67P/C-G

A cometary encounter: Rosetta, Philae and 67P/C-G

Starry starry night: looking up at the Milky Way

Starry starry night: looking up at the Milky Way
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