Fenner Conference on the Environment: Urban Sustainability and Conservation

Conference Background

Cities are increasingly recognised for the critical role they play in global biodiversity conservation1.

Recent evidence indicates that 30% of Australia’s threatened plant and animal species live in urban areas, highlighting the urgent need for cities to be explicitly incorporated into national conservation policies and initiatives2. Cities are also major drivers underpinning global environmental challenges, such as the sustainable use of the earth’s resources3,4 and accelerated changes to the sensory environment (through artificial light at night, anthropogenic noise, chemical pollution and altered microclimates). Implementing appropriate and sustainable approaches to the development and management of urban environments is critical to our planet’s future. This conference represents a landmark opportunity to shape future urban development ensuring we continue to deliver world-class standards in sustainability, liveability and biodiversity that, perhaps most importantly, are resilient to future environmental changes.

Conference aims

  • To increase connectivity and collaboration between researchers, industry and policy makers concerned with the sustainability of urban environments with respect to management for biodiversity conservation;
  • To identify key areas where policy and/or research is currently lacking; and,
  • To develop an integrated strategy of research and policy for achieving truly sustainable and biodiverse cities in Australia and beyond.

Audience and Conference format

The audience will represent an even mix of researchers, industry partners and policy makers from the fields of urban sustainability and conservation. Please visit the Fenner Conference website for more information on the conference and details on how to register.

Environment Award background

With the generous support of the late Professor Frank Fenner FAA FRS and the late Mrs Bobbie Fenner, the Academy has established a series of environmental conferences on the environment and conservation issues in Australia and its environs. The purpose of these conferences is to bring together those with relevant scientific, administrative and policy expertise to consider current environmental and conservation problems in Australia, thereby contributing to the formation of policies that can alleviate some of these problems. 
More information on the Fenner Conference Environment Award scheme


1 McDonald et al. (2008) Biol Conserv. 141:1695-1703; 
2 Ives et al. (2016) Global Ecol. Biogeog 25:117-126; 
3 Elmqvist et al. (2013) HTTP://cbobook.org; 
4 Acuto & Parnell (2016) Science 352(6288):873; 
5 Australian Bureau of Statistics
The Shine Dome,15 Gordon Street Australian Capital Territory

Contact Information

Kaigi Conferencing and Events


T: 02 6198 3218

8:30 AM April 04 - 5:00 PM April 06, 2018
FOR Scientist
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Contact Information

Kaigi Conferencing and Events


T: 02 6198 3218

8:30 AM April 04 - 5:00 PM April 06, 2018

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
