Program Proceedings Executive Summary
Effective minerals exploration has been central to previous and current Australian mining booms. Those mineral deposits that were easy to discover have been found and it has become increasingly difficult to find new, large, economically-viable ore deposits. To ensure Australia’s ongoing successes in mining requires identifying and resolving the key issues impeding effective minerals exploration in Australia.
The 2010 Think Tank on Searching the Deep Earth: The Future of Australian Resource Discovery and Utilisation, 19-20 August, was a valuable opportunity for Australia’s leading early and mid career researchers to identify and propose new approaches to Australian minerals exploration. Participants identified new approaches, technologies, data management systems, and policy innovations to facilitate the science necessary to deliver a better understanding of the deep earth and ultimately help to maintain mining productivity into the future.
On 11 January 2011 the Australian Academy of Science was grateful to have the Hon Martin Ferguson, Minister for Resources and Energy, launch the Proceedings of the 2010 Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank.
Minister Ferguson said at the launch, "It is by no means an overstatement to say that Searching the deep Earth: The future of Australian resource discovery and utilisation is at the heart of our nation’s continued prosperity".
Audio Day 1
Audio Day 2
Event Manager: Mitchell Piercey
Phone: (02) 6201 9462
Event Manager: Mitchell Piercey
Phone: (02) 6201 9462
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