Gigahertz Laser Frequency Combs

About Professor Ursula Keller

Professor Ursula Keller is the 2015 Frew Fellow and in addition to providing the Few Lecture at the 2015 Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy (AZCOP) in Adelaide the Frew Fellow is also invited to visit universities and research institutions in a number of Australian cities. As part of this visit Professor Keller has offered to undertake public lectures. Professor Ursula Keller is the Director of the National Center of Competence in Research for Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology (MUST) and heads the Ultrafast Laser Physics Research Group at ETH Zurich. She was a co-founder of two high-tech companies: Time-Bandwidth Products (acquired by JDSU in 2014) and GigaTera, a venture capital funded telecom company (acquired by Time-Bandwidth). Previously she was a Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories, and a visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley and the Lund Institute of Technologies. In 1992, she invented and demonstrated the first passively mode-locked diode-pumped solid-state laser and solved a 25-year-old challenge. Her research interests are exploring and pushing the frontiers in ultrafast science and technology, including attosecond science. She received her Physics Diplom from ET H Zurich and PhD in Applied Physics from Stanford University. In 2013, the Laser Institute of America gave Professor Keller the Arthur L. Schawlow Award, which recognizes individuals who have made distinguished contributions to applications of lasers in science, industry, or education and in 2015 she received the OSA Charles H. Townes Award and the Geoffey Frew Fellowship from the Australian Academy of Science to present the Frew lecture at the 2015 Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy (AZCOP) in Adelaide and to visit universities and research institutions in a number of Australian cities which this public lecture forms a part of.

About the lecture

A modelocked laser can support not only very short pulses but at the same time very precise frequency metrology for the most accurate clocks. These ultrafast – or ultra-short pulse – lasers are dramatically impacting many areas of photonics, from basic science to industrial manufacturing and biomedicine. The design and performance of the lasers behind these applications is critical for new discoveries, creating new applications and opening new market opportunities. Modelocked lasers produce a frequency comb for which the frequency spacing (i.e. the pulse repetition rate) has been stabilized in the 1980’s achieving close to quantum-noise limited performance with diode-pumped solid-state lasers. However the stabilization of the frequency comb offset (i.e. the carrier envelope offset (CEO) frequency) remained a challenge and only has become possible 1999. Since then the field of optical frequency combs has evolved very quickly, and current applications range from high- precision spectroscopy over frequency metrology to ultra-high-speed optical communication. Many of these applications  are  based  not  only  on  one,  but  on  two  frequency  combs  such as  dual-comb spectroscopy, asynchronous optical sampling, pump probe measurements and fiber Bragg grating sensing.

This talk will review our progress on gigahertz frequency combs based on modelocked semiconductor and solid-state lasers, stabilized by external silicon nitride wave guides or PCFs with an f-to-2f interferometer. Novel dual comb modelocked lasers are presented where an intracavity birefringent crystal in a MIXSEL is used for polarization-duplexing to obtain simultaneous emission of two modelocked beams from the same linear cavity sharing all components. Initially surprising was the observation that the cavity length adjustments to stabilize one polarization did not significantly affect the pulse repetition rate of the other.

Macquarie University – Building C5C,Central avenue New South Wales

Contact Information

2:00 PM April 12, 2016
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Add to Calendar 12/04/2016 2:00 PM 12/04/2016 2:00 PM Australia/Sydney Gigahertz Laser Frequency Combs

About Professor Ursula Keller

Professor Ursula Keller is the 2015 Frew Fellow and in addition to providing the Few Lecture at the 2015 Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy (AZCOP) in Adelaide the Frew Fellow is also invited to visit universities and research institutions in a number of Australian cities. As part of this visit Professor Keller has offered to undertake public lectures. Professor Ursula Keller is the Director of the National Center of Competence in Research for Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology (MUST) and heads the Ultrafast Laser Physics Research Group at ETH Zurich. She was a co-founder of two high-tech companies: Time-Bandwidth Products (acquired by JDSU in 2014) and GigaTera, a venture capital funded telecom company (acquired by Time-Bandwidth). Previously she was a Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories, and a visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley and the Lund Institute of Technologies. In 1992, she invented and demonstrated the first passively mode-locked diode-pumped solid-state laser and solved a 25-year-old challenge. Her research interests are exploring and pushing the frontiers in ultrafast science and technology, including attosecond science. She received her Physics Diplom from ET H Zurich and PhD in Applied Physics from Stanford University. In 2013, the Laser Institute of America gave Professor Keller the Arthur L. Schawlow Award, which recognizes individuals who have made distinguished contributions to applications of lasers in science, industry, or education and in 2015 she received the OSA Charles H. Townes Award and the Geoffey Frew Fellowship from the Australian Academy of Science to present the Frew lecture at the 2015 Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy (AZCOP) in Adelaide and to visit universities and research institutions in a number of Australian cities which this public lecture forms a part of.

About the lecture

A modelocked laser can support not only very short pulses but at the same time very precise frequency metrology for the most accurate clocks. These ultrafast – or ultra-short pulse – lasers are dramatically impacting many areas of photonics, from basic science to industrial manufacturing and biomedicine. The design and performance of the lasers behind these applications is critical for new discoveries, creating new applications and opening new market opportunities. Modelocked lasers produce a frequency comb for which the frequency spacing (i.e. the pulse repetition rate) has been stabilized in the 1980’s achieving close to quantum-noise limited performance with diode-pumped solid-state lasers. However the stabilization of the frequency comb offset (i.e. the carrier envelope offset (CEO) frequency) remained a challenge and only has become possible 1999. Since then the field of optical frequency combs has evolved very quickly, and current applications range from high- precision spectroscopy over frequency metrology to ultra-high-speed optical communication. Many of these applications  are  based  not  only  on  one,  but  on  two  frequency  combs  such as  dual-comb spectroscopy, asynchronous optical sampling, pump probe measurements and fiber Bragg grating sensing.

This talk will review our progress on gigahertz frequency combs based on modelocked semiconductor and solid-state lasers, stabilized by external silicon nitride wave guides or PCFs with an f-to-2f interferometer. Novel dual comb modelocked lasers are presented where an intracavity birefringent crystal in a MIXSEL is used for polarization-duplexing to obtain simultaneous emission of two modelocked beams from the same linear cavity sharing all components. Initially surprising was the observation that the cavity length adjustments to stabilize one polarization did not significantly affect the pulse repetition rate of the other.

Macquarie University – Building C5C,Central avenue New South Wales false DD/MM/YYYY

Contact Information

2:00 PM April 12, 2016

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