Group D - Ageing, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and end-of-life issues
This group will examine questions arising from population ageing and related end-of-life challenges for patients with dementia or other brain diseases. Above all else, this is an area at the intersection of research, clinical practice, ethics and public policy. Some of the questions for discussion include:
- How close are we to understanding the causes of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)? Should ApoE4 testing be available and supported?
- Is it realistic to attempt to find medication to treat (as opposed to prevent) AD and other neurological disorders associated almost entirely with the frail elderly? Where should research dollars be put?
- We do not (in general) make value judgments about whether "life is worth living" for young people who are handicapped or injured. Should we make such value judgments for the elderly?
- If we extend the average lifespan to 120 years, what does it mean for the quality of life? Should we have a voluntary euthanasia policy? If so, what criteria should be used? If the main justification is the social and personal cost of AD, why would the policy be voluntary?
- Professor Colin Masters
- Professor Julian Savulescu