Australia-Indonesia Science Symposium

The Australian Academy of Science (AAS) and the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI), with the support of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI), are hosting the first Australia-Indonesia Science Symposium at the Shine Dome in Canberra. The Symposium aims to promote collaboration between the two countries in support of Australian and Indonesian scientific research and innovation.

The Symposium focuses on science that is of mutual interest to Australia and Indonesia. The themes for 2016 are health, marine science and climate change, and agriculture. A cross-cutting theme is the uses and transformative potential of ‘big data’ and other emerging technologies.

On Monday 28 November the public will have an opportunity to learn about research from leading Indonesian and Australian scientists. How are Australian and Indonesian researchers working together to eliminate dengue? What can we learn from each other about conserving marine and coastal environments? How are Indonesian and Australian scientists improving agricultural products and increasing farmers' incomes? How are new technologies shaping the economy, society and environment?

The second public event on Thursday 1 December will bring together members of the Australian and Indonesian scientific academies, early- and mid-career researchers, and government agencies, to explore opportunities for funding, discuss career pathways in science, and examine the challenges in linking science to policy in both countries.

For further information about the Symposium, including a detailed program and how to register, please visit

The Shine Dome,15 Gordon Street Australian Capital Territory

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8:30 AM November 28 - 5:30 PM December 01, 2016
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Add to Calendar 28/11/2016 8:30 AM 01/12/2016 5:30 PM Australia/Sydney Australia-Indonesia Science Symposium The Shine Dome,15 Gordon Street Australian Capital Territory false DD/MM/YYYY

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8:30 AM November 28 - 5:30 PM December 01, 2016

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
