The Australian Academy of Science Public Speaker Series for 2023 is ‘Looking back, moving forward: Indigenous knowledges informing our modern world.’
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are the oldest continuous cultures on Earth. The wealth of knowledges gathered over 65,000 years has growing and continued relevance to modern scientific discoveries.
Hear how the intersection of Indigenous knowledges is informing our understanding of topics including climate change, agriculture and astronomy.
Join Indigenous knowledge holders, researchers, innovators and industry experts to explore the power of combined ideas in 2023!
The dates for the six events are:
Tickets for individual events are available via each of the above event pages. Both in-person in Canberra ($15) and online (free) tickets are available for all events.
Professor Tom Calma AO FAA FASSA, University of Sydney and University of Canberra
Dr Jordan Pitt, University of Adelaide
Vanessa Sewell, University of New England
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