Metamaterials: invisibility cloaks and bending light

About the talk

Magic 'mantles of invisibility' have appeared in folk stories through the ages, including a 900-year-old Welsh tale of King Arthur, and in Norse and German fairy tales. Now, new 'metamaterials' have brought invisibility cloaking out of the realm of fiction and into science fact.

It is well known that atoms and molecules define the properties of many substances found in nature. A new branch of physics-- nanophotonics—has opened a host of new possibilities, not only to mimic nature but to create whole new classes of nanostructured materials with unique properties not found in the natural world.

With these metamaterials we can achieve many effects previously only imagined in science fiction, including bending light in opposite ways and the creation of invisibility cloaking. Find out more about metamaterials, see some recent achievements of researchers in Australia and around the world, and get a glimpse of discoveries yet to be made.

About the speaker

Yuri S. Kivshar received his PhD degree in 1984 in Kharkov, Ukraine. From 1988 to 1993 he worked at different research centres in Spain, USA, and Germany, before moving to the Australian National University (ANU) where later he established the Nonlinear Physics Center and is an ANU Distinguished Professor. Research interests of Prof. Kivshar include nonlinear photonics, optical solitons, plasmonics, and metamaterials; he has authored and co-authored more than 900 research papers, many of which are highly cited. Yuri Kivshar is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, the American Physical Society, and the Institute of Physics (UK), and Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems. He has received many awards including the Lyle Medal of the Australian Academy of Science, the Boas Medal of the Australian Institute of Physics, the Lebedev Medal of the International Rozhdestvensky Society, and the State Prize of the Ukraine in Science and Technology.

Shine Dome,9 Gordon Street Australian Capital Territory

Contact Information

Event Manager: Mitchell Piercey
Phone: (02) 6201 9462

5:30 PM August 04, 2015
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Contact Information

Event Manager: Mitchell Piercey
Phone: (02) 6201 9462

5:30 PM August 04, 2015

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