Reboot STEMM

Imagine a STEMM sector where our careers are rewarded based on inclusive, fairer and productive outcomes. Join the conversation and contribute your ideas in this highly interactive event to reboot our sector.

The Australian Academy of Science is inviting early- and mid-career researchers (EMCRs) in Australia to join Reboot STEMM, a half-day virtual think tank to help reboot the sector, where we will co-design a strategy to lead us to a more inclusive and diverse way of defining, recognising and rewarding “success”.

The pre-event process and the online event will be highly interactive and focused on generating conversations and ideas for rebooting the sector.  This Australia-wide initiative is joining a global conversation about re-defining academic “success” and builds upon fantastic work that is happening around the world.

EMCRs  from all around Australia  have the opportunity to  contribute and have their say at Reboot STEMM  in the following two ways:

Agenda setting exercises:  you can participate in the online agenda setting exercises which will allow you to help set the agenda for the  online interactive event. This commitment will take 20 mins of your time.

Online interactive event: join us  at the live event on Tuesday 22 June from 11am-3pm AEST. During the event, our expert facilitators have designed a virtual conversation platform that will allow for a range of contribution styles. Whether you are someone who loves having your say, or you are someone who tends to sit back, listen, and let others do the talking (or somewhere in the middle!), our expert facilitators have designed an engagement framework that will help everyone to contribute. The online platform will remain open to allow you to add your afterthoughts in case there is anything you missed during the event.

Expressions of interest are being collected to help us ensure a diversity of voices and experiences are included in this conversation, however your demographics will not be linked to your contribution in this event.

Enabling participation is critical. Accessibility and caring support are available to facilitate your attendance. Please use the expression of interest form to let us know the type of support you require or get in touch at 

To participate in the agenda setting, the online event, or both, please complete the expression of interest form by 5.00 pm AEST Friday 28 May 2021.


The Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia)

The Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia) supports activities which provide tangible benefits to Australia’s early- and mid-career researcher (EMCR) community, with the overall goal of furthering scientific discovery. Activities are managed by the Australian Academy of Science and funds are made available by the generous support of the Royal Society through the Theo Murphy (Australia) Fund.



Contact Information

Laura Navarro


11:00 AM May 22 - 3:00 PM June 22, 2021
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Contact Information

Laura Navarro


11:00 AM May 22 - 3:00 PM June 22, 2021

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
