Science at The Shine Dome 2011

Science at The Shine Dome

Population has, for many years, been the “elephant in the room” when we try to offer a scientific analysis of issues such as the future patterns and needs of Australian agriculture, environmental stress and health care. This symposium brings together speakers from many disciplines: demography, agriculture, water, health and our unique Australian environment, all of whom have serious scientific credentials in some aspect relating to interaction between their research and population. We will have opening and closing talks by two Chief Scientists: Bob May (formerly President of the Royal Society) from the UK and Peter Gluckman from New Zealand. The purpose of the symposium is to provide a scientific basis on which the Academy can rely when asked for our views on the rate of population growth that Australia can afford in terms of impact on the physical, biological and social environments, and to point towards areas that require further research.

Shine Dome,9 Gordon Street Australian Capital Territory

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10:45 AM May 04, 2011
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10:45 AM May 04, 2011

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