Empowering regional research

Event website


Early- and mid-career researcher (EMCRs) in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) working for employers located in regional Australia face unique challenges that can affect their career development.

Opportunities to access professional development and networking with potential collaborators can be limited compared to the opportunities EMCRs in metropolitan areas can have access to. 

The Empowering Regional Research conference aims to provide EMCRs with an opportunity for professional development, focusing on building skill in key areas that are applicable to industry, academia and other areas, and transferable across different fields.

The event will be held on 12–13 February 2020 at the University of New England in Armidale, NSW.

Who should join?

EMCRs working in academic institutions or research organisations outside of major cities are invited to register.  EMCRs are defined as researchers who have received their PhD within the last 15 years (excluding any periods of career interruption).

The program of the conference might be most useful for early-career stage researchers, and PhD and masters students.

Why should you join?

The program for the conference is designed to empower attendees with the key skills required to build successful careers in academia, industry and/or government through professionally facilitated sessions.

Topics include:

  • Time management and prioritisation
  • Communicating Research to diverse audiences and stakeholders
  • Building a professional profile and online presence
  • Key leadership skills and strategic planning

Mobility grants

Through the Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia), the Australian Academy of Science is offering a number of mobility grants to support a diversity of EMCRs to attend the conference.

The mobility grants are designed to offset the expenses associated with attending for those participants who may not be able to attend without support, and/or people from traditionally underrepresented demographics.

The mobility grants can be used to cover costs associated with attendance to the event, such as caring responsibilities, travel, accommodation and other support required to facilitate your attendance.

To be considered for a mobility grant complete the application form by Monday 13 January 2020.

The Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia)

The Theo Murphy Initiative (Australia) supports activities which provide tangible benefits to Australia’s early- and mid-career researcher (EMCR) community, with the overall goal of furthering scientific discovery. Activities are managed by the Australian Academy of Science and funds are made available by the generous support of the Royal Society through the Theo Murphy (Australia) Fund.

University of New England, New South Wales

Contact Information

9:00 AM February 12 - 4:00 PM February 13, 2020
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Contact Information

9:00 AM February 12 - 4:00 PM February 13, 2020

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
