National QueersInScience network

Application deadline has been extended until 25 August

Submit an expression of interest

QueersInScience and the Australian Academy of Science are inviting people who identify as LGBTQIA+ and work in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) fields to submit an expression of interest to join the steering committee of the national QueersInScience network.

The national QueersInScience network is a new initiative that will build on the achievements of QueersInScience, a Melbourne-based association that advocates for and champions inclusion of LGBTQIA+ individuals working in STEMM organisations in Victoria.

Who should get involved?

Individuals who are passionate about advocating for the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people within STEMM organisations in their state or territory and across Australia are encouraged to submit an expression of interest to become a state champion. Together, the state champions will form the steering committee and work to define the direction and goals for the national QueersInScience network before it launches.

This is your chance to shape the goals and aims of the network right from the beginning and create a national QueersInScience network that is diverse, representative and meaningful for members of the LGBTQIA+ community working in STEMM.

As part of the steering committee, the state champions will drive activities in their state and contribute to increase the sense of community and belonging for individuals in STEMM by creating engagement opportunities in each state and territory. LGBTQIA+ individuals who are comfortable organising these types of opportunities are strongly encouraged to get involved.

The steering committee will aim to reflect diversity of the LGBTQIA+ STEMM community in Australia and will be composed of a diverse group of voices with different experiences, different backgrounds and working in different disciplines. We encourage all individuals working in STEMM organisations who identify as LGBTQIA+ to apply for the opportunity to become a state champion. We particularly encourage expressions of interests from and aim to appoint members who meet any of the following:

  • identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • work outside the university sector
  • reside and/or work in a non-metropolitan area,

The national QueersInScience network will be primarily aimed at LGBTQIA+ scientists and professionals in STEMM fields, including students. Non-scientist LGBTQIA+ individuals within STEMM organisations, such as administrative and support staff, are also encouraged to apply.

How can you get involved as a state champion?

The first step is to submit an expression on interest by Sunday 18 August 2019.
We recommend you download the application template to preview the questions.

The Process

  • 5 July – 25 August: Expressions of interest open to join as a state champion
  • Early September: State champions are selected and notified
  • Late-September: First meeting for QueersInScience Steering Committee is held       


Individuals currently working in STEMM organisations are encouraged to apply.

Early-and mid-career researchers must be a member of the EMCR Forum to apply. It is free to be a member and you can sign up as part of your application if you are not currently a member.

To apply you must complete the expression of interest form by Sunday 18 August 2019.

Applications will be assessed against the following criteria and will take into account your experience relative to opportunity:

  • ability to make a meaningful contribution to the steering committee
  • experience in advocacy roles (experience in other LGBTQIA+ advocacy organisations is desired, but not essential).
  • equity, diversity and inclusion principles.

If you require any further information about the application process, please contact Laura Navarro on 02 6201 9488 or via email 

State and territory events and activities

If you'd like to know when events related to the national QueersInScience network are being held, please join the EMCR Forum to receive email updates, or check out the QueersInScience website

The Theo Murphy (Australia) Initiative

The growth of QueersInScience has been made possible through funding from the Theo Murphy (Australia) Initiative.

The Theo Murphy (Australia) Initiative supports activities that provide tangible benefits to Australia’s early- and mid-career researcher (EMCR) community, with the overall goal of furthering scientific discovery in Australia. Activities are managed by the Australian Academy of Science and funds are made available by the generous support of the Royal Society through the Theo Murphy (Australia) Fund.


Contact Information

Laura Navarro

Contact number: 02 6201 9488 


12:00 PM August 18, 2019
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Contact Information

Laura Navarro

Contact number: 02 6201 9488 


12:00 PM August 18, 2019

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
