Academy award nomination deadline extended to 25 May

April 23, 2020

The Australian Academy of Science acknowledges the current pressures on researchers around the country. From increased workloads for those directly related to the development of COVID-19 vaccines or treatments, to interesting online teaching challenges and drastically altered caring responsibilities, much of science sector will have been affected by the pandemic in some way.

While these additional challenges are ongoing, now, as much as ever, it is important for us to recognise and applaud those who have made a difference within their field of research, and to support science through our various research, travel and conference grants. However, we understand that the 1 May award nomination deadline could be too soon for some to find the required time to complete the nomination process.

As such, the Academy honorific awards nomination deadline has been extended to 25 May 2020.

The deadline for research grants, travelling fellowships and conference funding is one week later, on 1 June 2020.

We hope that the extension of the deadline will reduce the time-pressure barrier enough for those currently unsure they have capacity to complete a nomination prior to the previous deadline. Due to the award selection process, it is extremely unlikely that we will be able to extend this deadline further.

We actively call on the entire science community to think about your network and encourage a colleague to nominate someone or even consider them for nomination.

Together, we will continue to support excellence in science and showcase Australia's scientific achievements.

The full list of available awards, grants, fellowships and funding can be found below, and further information on each award can be found at the Academy's Awards page.

View the awards page

Awards open:

Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences
Biological Science
Biomedical Science
Population and the Environment and Environmental science

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