Academy welcomes Asian Century focus on international science collaboration

October 29, 2012

The Australian Academy of Science today welcomed the Australia in the Asian Century White Paper’s recognition that international scientific collaborations are crucial to Australia’s relevance internationally.

“The White Paper is consistent with the position taken by the Academy in its 2011 paper, Australian science in a changing world: innovation requires global engagement, which calls for strategic national co-ordination to complement and optimise the taxpayer’s investment in science and innovation,” said Academy President, Professor Suzanne Cory.

“Government, industry and the research sector must work to make the most of the collaborations begun and benefits gained through the very productive 10-year International Scientific Linkages program, which terminated in 2011.

“We now need a new program that will encourage the best Asian scientists to Australia for their PhDs and post-doctoral research and allow our scientists to work and collaborate in Asia.

“We have a closing window of opportunity and must make the most of it,” she said.

“The Government has already made a very important and significant commitment to research collaborations with India and China. Australia would benefit immensely if the Government built on this by reaching out to other nations identified in the White Paper.

The White Paper states that partnerships with international science communities are crucial to supporting Australia’s ability to access new ideas and to build our future competitiveness.

The White Paper recognises that Australia needs to strengthen its partnerships in our region, to link with Asia’s growth as a global science and innovation hub.

“The Australia in the Asian Century White Paper informs a vision for Australia’s engagement in the Asian Century,” Professor Cory said.

“We urge Government to take this opportunity to position Australia internationally for a bright future.”

View the Australian science in a changing world: innovation requires global engagement report.

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