Academy welcomes reinstatement of Science to the Australian Cabinet

December 22, 2014

The Australian Academy of Science today welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement that Ian Macfarlane is now the Minister for Industry and Science.

Academy President Professor Andrew Holmes said he hopes the move will be more than simply a change in title.

“Having a Minister identifiably responsible for science is a very significant forward step for this Government we very much hope that this signifies that the Government is placing greater value on the importance of science and technology to all Australians,” Professor Holmes said.

“We take this shift in the Ministry as a signal that many important issues which have effectively remained dormant for the last 18 months, while we’ve had no Minster with science in their title, will now have the additional horsepower they need to bring them back on to the agenda.

“The Academy is pleased to continue working with Minister Macfarlane and the Government to ensure that science and technology is a major element in planning Australia’s future.”

Professor Holmes also welcomed the appointment of Karen Andrews as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry and Science.

“We hope that the appointment of Ms Andrews boosts the leadership for science within the Government, and we look forward to working with her.

“We also welcome the new Minister for Health, Sussan Ley. This is an exceptionally important portfolio for medical sciences, at a critical juncture for medical research with the imminent establishment of the Medical Research Future Fund.

“The MRFF has the potential to be the single most important initiative for health research in Australia and the Academy has confidence that Minister Ley will be able to shepherd it through the Senate and bring it to fruition.”

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