Australia and China team up to promote healthy ageing

July 22, 2012

Top scientists from China and Australia are meeting today at the Australian Academy ofScience to examine ways to use the human genome, stem cells and smart technologies toextend life and promote healthy ageing.

Researchers at the ninth annual Australia-China symposium will study ageing, and share thelatest advances in strategies to try to ensure that people live long lives in good health.

“Many people do not realise that during the past 50 years, not only has China become a worldeconomic power, but its population, especially in the cities, lives about as long as we do, andsuffers from the same burden of chronic disease associated with ageing,” said Professor BobWilliamson, symposium co-chair and Secretary for Science Policy at the Australian Academyof Science.

“It’s important to use our best scientific knowledge to help implement intervention strategies toreduce the burden of these diseases.

“This has become possible thanks to advances from the human genome project, which permitearly diagnosis of gene mutations such as those causing cancer, and the use of newtechniques based on stem cells, medical bionic ears and eyes, and nanotechnology.”

Professor Williamson welcomed the senior Chinese scientists, saying that sharing data at thesymposium would lead to a clearer understanding of how to promote healthy ageing.

“Even more importantly, meetings such as this kick-start collaborations between scientists inAustralia and China, and will help both countries to find new solutions to ensure healthyageing through science, technology and engineering,” he said.

“Australia and China together can lead our region in providing innovative responses to thischallenge, reducing the economic and social burden on families, communities and nations.”

The symposium will open today at 4pm at the Australian Academy of Science’s Shine Dome,in Gordon Street Canberra.

Running until Tuesday, it is organised by the Australian Academy of Science, the AustralianAcademy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences,with financial support from the Australian Government.

View the full program.

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