Business leader and top researchers recognised with high science honour

May 25, 2015

The Australian Academy of Science today announced the election of 21 new Fellows for their outstanding contributions to science and scientific research.

The new Fellows have significantly advanced knowledge and developed new approaches to areas as diverse as the physics of stars, new techniques and treatments for tropical diseases, lupus, diabetes, cancer and kidney disease, advanced fuel cells made out of new materials, new ways to analyse genes, new plastics technology, and brain wiring. Business leader and nuclear physicist Dr Ziggy Switkowski has also been elected, for his advocacy for science and technology at the highest levels.

“Election to the Academy celebrates excellence and recognises contributions to science of the highest order,” said Academy Professor Andrew Holmes.

“Each of these research scientists has changed the way we think and made a significant and lasting contribution to his or her field.”

This year the Academy has elected a record number of Fellows from Queensland. There are eight new Fellows from the sunshine state, taking the total number of Queensland Fellows to 42.

The Academy now numbers a total of 503 Fellows and Corresponding Members, from across the breadth of the natural sciences.

New Fellows will be admitted to the Academy in a formal ceremony today in Canberra, and will make presentations about their work tomorrow at the Academy’s annual flagship event, Science at the Shine Dome.

The nine women and 12 men elected New Fellows in 2015 are:
Professor Martin Asplund FAA The Australian National University
Professor Peter Bartlett FAA Queensland University of Technology
Professor Christine Beveridge FAA The University of Queensland
Professor Jenefer Blackwell FAA Telethon Kids Institute
Professor Christine Charles FAA The Australian National University
Professor Susan Clark FAA Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Professor Maria Forsyth FAA Deakin University
Professor Julian Gale FAA Curtin University
Professor Edward Holmes FAA The University of Sydney
Professor Wendy Hoy AO FAA The University of Queensland
Professor William Laurance FAA James Cook University
Professor Geoffrey McLachlan FAA The University of Queensland
Professor Michael McLaughlin AM FAA FTSE The University of Adelaide
Professor Helene Marsh FAA FTSE James Cook University
Professor Linda Richards FAA The University of Queensland
Professor Malcolm Sambridge FAA The Australian National University
Professor Ian Small FAA The University of Western Australia
Dr Ziggy Switkowski AO FAA FTSE RMIT University
Professor San Thang FAA FTSE Monash University
Professor Carola Vinuesa FAA The Australian National University
Professor Michael Waters FAA The University of Queensland

Read more about each Fellow and what she or he was elected for.

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
