Development of National Science Strategy a positive step forward

April 15, 2015

The Government’s announcement that it will develop a National Science Strategy is a major step forward for Australian science.

Following the second meeting of the Commonwealth Science Council, the Industry and Science Minister Ian Macfarlane has said the Government will pursue a national science strategy, including setting research priority areas, following further consultation with the science sector and industry.

The Academy’s Secretary for Science Policy, Professor Les Field said having a national strategy has the potential to be a game changer for Australian science.

“This is long over-due. We might finally have a defined whole of government strategy for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) that will guide the way we do science in this country in the future,” Professor Field said

“At the moment, science in Australia is made up of lots of different parts that aren’t always pulling in the same direction.

“A national strategy would also help tackle the problem of declining maths and science skills which we’ll need in a changing economy.”

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