Global academies to meet in Canberra

October 30, 2013

The Australian Academy of Science will host representatives from science academies around the world at the Shine Dome in Canberra this week for the IAP: the global network of science academies Executive Committee meeting.

The primary goal of the IAP is to use the world’s scientific academies to provide high-level advice on scientific related issues, to build scientific capacity among nations and to promote science collaboration among science academies and other scientific institutions. 

Foreign Secretary of the Australian Academy of Science, Professor Andrew Holmes, said it’s a great honour for the Academy to host the meeting.

“Members from the IAP Executive Committee are drawn from the world’s academies in the industrialised and developing world and exchange ideas about how they can work together to ensure science and evidence underpins decision making processes,” Professor Holmes said.

“It’s a privilege to be able to collaborate with global academies.

“Science is a global endeavour; it isn’t bound by international borders and I look forward to finding common ground in discussions about different approaches to research, education and sustainability.”

The IAP’s decision to hold its Executive Committee meeting in Canberra is a strong endorsement of the commitment of Australian scientists to international collaboration. 

One of the important topics on the agenda is discussing the goals outlined in a report by the United Nations, titled: A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development

The report acknowledges the important role science academies play in addressing the issues of poverty and sustainability.

IAP and its member academies believe that science, scientific knowledge and scientific progress are an essential part of human culture and are vital to advance human welfare and wellbeing.

During their visit to Canberra, delegates will attend the Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science awards ceremony and the official launch of the Australian Academy of Science’s cutting-edge new secondary school science education program, Science by Doing, and visit a local public primary school to see an in-class demonstration of the Academy’s primary science education program, Primary Connections: Linking science with Literacy.

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