Health of Australian Science is essential: Australian Academy of Science

May 23, 2012

Australian Academy of Science President Professor Suzanne Cory today welcomed the Chief Scientist’s new report, Health of Australian Science, as an invaluable report with which to steer Australian science.

“This report is essential reading for anybody with an interest in securing Australia’s innovation and economic future,” Professor Cory said.

“As the report finds, there is much cause for optimism about the state of science in Australia although there are also vulnerabilities, particularly in the supply of graduates in physics, chemistry, maths, agricultural science and forestry.

“Urgent reform is needed in science education, commercial application and international collaboration, to ensure Australia remains competitive in the Asian Century.”

The report, launched today by Chief Scientist Professor Ian Chubb, found Australia has respectable international collaboration rates but noted that this appeared to be plateauing.

“This underlines the need for a new federally-led strategic international science program to complement and optimise our national investment in science,” Professor Cory said.

“As Professor Chubb noted today, collaboration is fundamentally important to Australia. We must continue to be a player rather than falling back to become a follower.”

Professor Cory commended the report’s focus on fostering and supporting quality science and maths education at all levels, as well as the recent Budget announcement of $54 million to support this.

“Education is key to securing the right skill sets Australia needs to grow a bright and economically robust future,” she said.

“Quality, proven science education programs, like the Academy’s secondary education program Science by Doing and primary program Primary Connections, contribute substantially to supporting teachers and providing all students with a strong grounding in science and mathematics.”

The following Australian Academy of Science office bearers are available for interview:

  • Professor Suzanne Cory, President
  • Professor Bob Williamson, Secretary for Science Policy
  • Professor Andrew Holmes, Foreign Secretary

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