Native plants outnumbered

August 07, 2012

Australia is known to have at least 27,500 introduced plant species, a total greater than the known number of native plant species, according to Dr Richard Groves from CSIRO Plant Industry.

About 10 per cent of all the introduced plant species go on to increase their populations naturally and about 400 plant species interfere with human well-being and are classed as weeds.

Invasive plants introduced either accidentally or deliberately as potential pasture plants or ornamentals now cost the Australian economy more than $3.5 billion annually.

In an Australian Academy of Science public lecture entitled management of invasive plants, Dr Groves will explore examples of plant species at different stages of invasion and their impact on the sustainability of both agricultural and natural systems as well as on human health.

He will examine biological control strategies for managing major weeds and the role of vigilant concerned citizens who start with their own gardens.

Today’s lecture is part of the Academy’s 2012 public lecture series on Caring for the Australian countryside: lessons from the past and present. The series examines sustainable communities, mining, agriculture, culture and environment in country Australia.

The lecture will be web streamed live from 6 pm at

Media are welcome to attend and record the lecture.

What: Caring for the Australian countryside series public lecture
Management of invasive plants
Dr Richard Groves
When: 6 pm, Tuesday 7 August 2012
Where: The Shine Dome, Gordon Street, Canberra

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