New guidelines for gender equity in science

March 08, 2013

The Early and Mid Career Researcher Forum (the Forum) of the Australian Academy of Science today published working guidelines to ensure that women and men have equal opportunities to pursue a successful career in science.

Endorsed by the Council of the Academy, Gender equity: current issues, best practice and new ideas describes current issues and presents 15 practical initiatives to ensure gender equity at work, including:

  • Flexible work hours
  • Provision of parenting rooms
  • Initiatives to support and promote the inclusion of women at national and international conferences and meetings
  • Active mentoring for women scientists
  • Female representation on committees

Designed to be used by universities, research institutes and laboratories across Australia, it also proposes suggestions provided by women currently working in research at an early- or mid-career stage.

“It is highly appropriate that the Forum is releasing this guidance on International Women’s Day,” Academy President, Professor Suzanne Cory said.

“The implementation of these suggestions would help to ensure women can thrive in careers in science. We hope they will be implemented in every Australian research organisation to enable women to achieve success in the competitive research workplace.

"Some of the suggestions, such as ensuring meetings are held during family-friendly hours, will not cost money but make a big difference.”

Forum Chair Dr Maggie Evans-Galea said the document is intended to be a handbook in all Australian research organisations.

“The Forum wants to see current best practices become ‘the norm’ across all research organisations,” Dr Evans-Galea said.

The document is available at

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