Recommendations for Australia’s future population

December 03, 2012

Addressing questions of gender inequity, retirement, migration and diversity are among
recommendations made by a group of Australia’s top young scientists to inform the future of Australia’s population, in a publication to be launched in South Australia next week.

A range of recommendations to address productivity, diversity, health and wellbeing, urban planning and use of resources arose from the Australian Academy of Science’s annual Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank – during which more than 60 top young scientists and social scientists from around Australia and its near neighbours gathered for two days to consider population problems and solutions.

The Recommendations of Australia’s population: shaping a vision for our future will belaunched by South Australian Minister for Science and Information Economy, Tom Kenyon at 10 am on 6 December 2012 at the Science Exchange in Adelaide. Outcomes of former Theo Murphy Think Tanks, on topics including managing stressed ecosystems and new techniques for mineral resource exploration, have been used as a basis for policy development at federal and state levels.

Theo Murphy Think Tank Recommendations Launch Australia’s population: shaping a vision for our future

Media are welcome to attend and interview Think Tank participants including co-chair Dr Kristin Alford.

Event details
What: Theo Murphy Think Tank Recommendations Launch
Australia’s population: shaping a vision for our future
When: 10 am, Thursday 6 December 2012
Where: Royal Institution Australia, The Tower Room,The Science Exchange, 55 Exchange Place, Adelaide

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