Review of Health and Medical Research welcomed

April 05, 2013

The Australian Academy of Science welcomes today’s release of the Strategic Review of Health and Medical Research - Better Health through Research by the Health Minister, Tanya Plibersek.

“The report recognises that Australia has one of the world's best performing health systems,” the Academy's Secretary for Science Policy, Professor Bob Williamson said.

“The health care received by Australians benefits from close links to some of the world's best medical research, carried out in Australian Hospitals, Universities and Medical Research Institutes. The report identifies the great potential for future healthcare gains if there are closer links between medical research and health service delivery.” Professor Williamson added.

The Strategic Review, prepared by an expert committee chaired by Australian of the Year Simon McKeon, recommends that Australia commits to spending between 3-4 per cent of the total federal, state and territory health expenditure on medical research.

“The Australian Academy of Science strongly supports this recommendation which would mean that key discoveries could be translated into better care for patients and better health for our community, as well as reinvigorating our medical and scientific workforce,” Professor Williamson said.

"The McKeon report proves once more the value of Australia's investment in medical research to the health of the nation. It makes a powerful case showing that the funding for research must be protected in the coming budget, and the recommendations of the report should become a bipartisan policy for the future.”

The Australian Academy of Science looks forward to detailed responses from all parties in the lead up to the 2013 election.

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