Science Academy: Satellite Policy secures Australia’s place in space

April 09, 2013

The Australian Academy of Science today welcomed the release of Australia’s Satellite Utilisation Policy as an important step in the nation’s journey into space.

Academy Secretary for Science Policy Professor Bob Williamson said the Policy, released today by Senator the Hon Kate Lundy, Minister Assisting for Industry and Innovation, was a great example of Government, science and industry working together to build an innovative Australia.

“The Academy warmly welcomes the Satellite Utilisation Policy, which provides a framework for Government, industry and the science and research communities to work together to ensure Australia’s access to space capabilities,” said Professor Williamson.
“Our nation is dependent on services delivered from space-based technologies for communications, weather forecasting, minerals prospecting, monitoring climate change and much more. Scientific research and innovation is crucial to Australia’s effort to achieve ongoing cost-effective access to these services.

“Advances help ensure that these space-based services keep pace with Australia’s evolving needs, and mitigate against the risk of vulnerability to the space environment. The Satellite Utilisation Policy acknowledges and attaches great importance to this.”

In its submission to the policy process, as well as its 2010-2019 Decadal Plan for Australian Space Science, the Academy’s National Committee for Space Science advocated for a long term, productive Australian presence in space using world-leading innovative space science and technology, strong education and outreach, and international collaborations.

National Committee for Space Science Chair Professor Russell Boyce said the Satellite Utilisation Policy builds on recent exciting growth in the space science and technology sector.

“This has been assisted by the highly successful Australian Space Research Program and by the establishment of the Space Policy Unit to administer that program and provide coordination across the sector,” he said.
“The space science community is committed to working with Government and industry in the coming months and years so that our national goals in space are realised.”

The Decadal Plan is available here.

The submission to the consultation on Australia’s Satellite Utilisation Policy is available here.

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