Science back on the political agenda

May 15, 2015

The Australian Academy of Science today welcomed the Federal Opposition’s vision to boost Australia’s investment in research and development to 3% of GDP by the end of the next decade.

Opposition leader Bill Shorten’s statement follows the establishment of the Commonwealth Science Council and the Government’s plans to develop a national science strategy. Academy Secretary for Science Policy, Professor Les Field, said these all demonstrate that the importance of science is being recognised by politicians on all sides of politics.

“Even in times of economic difficulty, nations around the world are protecting their investment in science because they know that investing today will translate to becoming an economic powerhouse in the decades to come,” Professor Field said.

“In Australia, the mining boom is fading, and our future prosperity is no longer buried in ground, waiting to be dug up. It’s in science and technology, and Australia must be a contender in the race to develop and harness the power of new ideas.

“Research, development and innovation will underpin future growth, jobs and prosperity for Australia. Long-term challenges need to be addressed by long-term commitments,” Professor Field said.

In his Budget reply speech Mr Shorten committed a future Labor government to creating a new $500 million Smart Investment Fund, boosting existing teacher science skills and providing 25,000 teaching scholarships over 5 years to science and technology graduates. There was also a commitment to write off the HECS debt of 100,000 science, technology, engineering and maths students.

 “We know the jobs of tomorrow, right across the economy, will require science and maths skills,” Professor Field said.

“International research indicates that 75 per cent of the fastest growing occupations now require STEM skills and knowledge, and so it’s vital we make sure people have these skills so Australia can compete in the global economy.”

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