World leader in tectonics to speak at Academy’s Shine Dome

November 21, 2011

Professor John Dewey, a distinguished geologist at the forefront of tectonics during the last 50 years, will speak at the Australian Academy of Science today as part of his tour of Australia.

Professor Dewey’s work on the evolution of mountain belts has shown how they relate to collisions between tectonic plates at the Earth's surface. He has made major contributions to understanding both the detailed nature and the timing of such collisions.

Professor Dewey will sign the Academy’s Charter Book today as a newly elected 2011 Corresponding Fellow, for his significant contributions to Australian geology.

He will then deliver a free public lecture, From continental drift via plate tectonics to a new paradigm, at 6pm.

His lecture will explore the history of mainstream geology, especially tectonics, through some of the main figures, their ideas and research, concluding with an in-depth look at his own work.

Media are welcome to attend and record the lecture. Professor Dewey is available for interviews today. To arrange, please contact Mona Akbari (below).

What: Public lecture: From continental drift via plate tectonics to a new paradigm
When: 6.00 pm, Monday 21 November 2011
Where: The Shine Dome, Gordon Street, Canberra
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