Young scientists to brainstorm solutions for Murray-Darling Basin

September 27, 2015

About 60 of the country’s brightest early- and mid-career research scientists from a range of disciplines will gather in Brisbane this week to find new ways to help save one of the nation's most vulnerable ecosystems: the Murray-Darling Basin.

The Murray-Darling Basin is Australia's ‘food basket’ generating $15 billion/year in agricultural production, a third of which is produced by irrigation. The high level of water use has contributed to wide ranging environmental decline in the basin, which led to capping of water extractions. However, reductions in water use have had a huge social and economic impact on agriculture and farming.

Policy makers have been trying to find a balance between returning water to the rivers and the socio-economic impact on stakeholders.
The 2011 Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank, Stressed Ecosystems: Better decisions for Australia’s future, is being held in Brisbane on 29 and 30 September, to tackle some of the challenges facing Australia’s stressed ecosystems.

Their conclusions will be published on the Australian Academy of Science website and used for future policy development.

What: Stressed ecosystems: better decisions for Australia's future
2011 Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank
When: 29 – 30 September 2011
Where: Hotel Grand Chancellor, Brisbane

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