EMCR Pathways issue 3

Issue 3

The Australian Early- and Mid-Career Researcher Forum of the Australian Academy of Science serves as the voice of the country's future scientific and research leaders. We currently reach over 3,300 individuals and are seeking to broaden and increase our engagement with Australian EMCRs to better represent their views, needs and vision to decision-makers within the government, Members of Parliament and key funding agencies.


Editor's welcome

It is my great pleasure to bring you the third issue of EMCR Pathways. This edition highlights current opportunities and challenges facing early- and mid-career researchers.

An important juncture for Australian science

As far as the Australian science scene is concerned, this has been a tough year. We are at a really important juncture for the future as far as setting the overarching policy framework that will impact on science and on the research sector moving forward.

Professor Mary O’Kane optimistic for young researchers

At a recent EMCR Forum engagement event, Professor Mary O’Kane argued that PhD graduates and post-doctoral researchers will need to look outside of the traditional university model if they are to develop successful and ongoing research careers.

Interview with Kate White, author of Keeping Women in Science

In this interview, conducted by Nikola Bowden and Maggie Hardy, Kate White discusses why she wrote Keeping Women in Science and provides advice and key messages from the book.

5 reasons why EMCRs should think about science communication

The EMCR Forum will soon hold its national meeting, Science Pathways 2015: Effective Science Communication for EMCRs. Ahead of this meeting, Associate Professor Joan Leach describes five reasons why EMCRs should engage in science communication.

Welcome to new EMCR Forum Executive members

In 2015 we welcomed Dr Adrian Carter, Dr Michael Crichton and Dr Roslyn Hickson to the EMCR Forum Executive.

Australian Postdoctoral Reference Survey—Extended

The second Australian Postdoctoral Reference Survey has now been extended to 1 June 2015. If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to answer the survey.

It does not help that some politicians and journalists assume the public is interested only in those aspects of science that promise immediate practical applications to technology or medicine.
Steven Weinberg, theoretical physicist, 1933-present.

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