The Australian Academy of Science launches its Annual Giving Program

With the help of our earliest philanthropic benefactors, we built a home for the Academy.

Across the years since then, private gifts and bequests have provided enduring support which has enabled the Academy to recognise and grow Australia’s scientific excellence.

World-class education programs have been created and become ingrained in schools across Australia; outstanding scientific achievers have been rewarded and acknowledged for their contributions to the sum of human knowledge; engaging adult education has broken new ground and involved hundreds of thousands of Australians in conversations about science; generations of scientists have been given opportunities to travel in the pursuit of knowledge and collaborations that have changed the world as we know it.

Each time you make a gift through our appeal, you help the Academy make science a vital, viable and visible presence in Australia.

The Academy’ Annual Giving Program has now been launched and we invite you to join our distinguished group of donors, and help ensure a vibrant future for science in Australia.

Your gift will help us continue to nurture young minds and expand young scientists’ horizons, and build on the great legacy established by generations of Academy Fellows.

Make a secure online donation today and become one of a new generation of donors to science in Australia.

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
