Dear Agony Aunt,
It seems like everyone has ‘gotten over’ the pandemic and is gearing up to smash out papers, write grants, travel to conferences, or talk about their research on TV. But I feel like I haven’t recovered from the past two years of disruptions, and to me many of the disruptions are constant and ongoing! How do I find my feet when everyone else seems to have moved on?
Burnt Out.
Dear Burnt Out,
The first thing you should know is that you are absolutely not alone. Your feelings and fatigue are real and completely understandable. Everyone has experienced the isolation and anxiety of the pandemic in their own way, and some people (including those with caring responsibilities, those with chronic illness and/or disability, those living far away from friends and family, and/or those in insecure employment etc.) will be hit harder!
Secondly, let’s acknowledge that trying to push past the fatigue and working yourself to burnout stage is not good. We all need to deal with fatigue and mental health pressures in different ways. Knowing this, there are a couple of things that you might be able to do to alleviate some of the pressures you’re feeling right now:
Importantly, you don’t have to feel like you have to completely go back to ‘the way things were before’, if there were aspects of ‘the new normal’ that worked for you during the pandemic. Many institutions have become much more accepting of flexible working hours (and working at home) by providing means for employees to build more flexibility in their professional lives. If this helps you to cope with workload and work–life–family–self care balance, then it might be worth chatting with your employer or line manager on ways to make it work.
Lastly, if in the past couple years you haven’t published as many papers or written as many grants as you would like, there might have been other things that you have achieved that don’t fit the conventional mould of ‘success’. Perhaps you’ve mentored students through tough times to graduate, worked on committees that generated positive social impact, or supported research in a (perhaps less visible yet still critical) manner that allowed it to continue through all the disruptions. Don’t lose sight of all your achievements!
Above all, be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and we will get through this together.
Agony Aunt
PS: Below are a few resources that you might find useful:
If you are a manager/team leader wanting to support team members who are troubled by pandemic fatigue, here is some reading that you might find relevant:
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